Super Coach

Chapter 187 - Hypothetical patient [Fourth more, ask for monthly ticket]

When Yang Cheng was in Pinetina, with the coaching staff, and arranged the training ground for the morning training class, Moratti and Cheti also arrived at the training base.

Today is the first day of the team’s assembly. In addition to meeting the players, they also need to support Yang Cheng.

This was mentioned by Chetty and Moratti in private. After all, several stars in the team such as Ronaldo, Baggio and others have been highly valued by Moratti, making them very high in the team. “If not Moratti came out to calm down? I’m afraid Yang Cheng will have more troubles.

For the support of the high-level, of course Yang Cheng has nothing to say, and he directly agreed.

By 6:30, the players arrived in Pinetina by car one after another. Some of the players who joined the team at the beginning of the hotel were fan taxis arranged by the club. After all, they were all new to life. Unfamiliar.

This is also one of the things Yang Cheng previously told Chetty. In the future, the club will also recruit some staff who specialize in serving the lives of players, take care of the players ’daily lives, and solve some of their off-court reasons such as residences and children ’s schools. Things, so that players can feel at ease playing and training on the court.

There are obviously many players who are not used to getting up so early. Training three times a day is indeed quite hard for many people. For example, Ronaldo is still yawning when getting off the car, as if he did n’t sleep well last night.

Seeing Moratti and Chetty standing on the training ground, the players who walked in from the parking lot suddenly became very careful one by one, and rushed into the locker room one by one. Only Ronaldo, Baggio and others did not forget to follow. Moratti greeted.

But Father Mo today looked very serious, but nodded slightly.

This move suddenly made the players aware of everything, especially when they saw the young head coach in the middle of the training field staring at them with a bad look on their face, their heart fell straight down.

Well, the happy days are over!

I met for the first time on the first day, and since I was assigned to the dressing room rules before, Yang Cheng could breathe a sigh of relief, and no one was late.

After all, Yu Wei of the Great Cleansing is still there, and the outside world and the team are still constantly guessing. Who will be the next one?

Looking at the players in front of the row that should be fairly neat, many of them are the first time he met, but they are not too strange, because he has heard of their names in his previous life, and since this time It’s not unusual to see their photos.

“Introduce myself, my name is Yang Cheng, 27 years old, China!” Speaking of his nationality, Yang Cheng shouted deliberately, “From today on, I am your head coach, I hope we can work well with me I am confident that I can lead Inter Milan out of the quagmire to glory! “

Moratti, Chetty, Nedved, Fanny and Lucio were the first to applaud, then the players also applauded, and the atmosphere on the training ground was not bad.

“I am a person who always talks about principles. I like to be frank and straightforward, so I will say things first in the first place, no matter if you have seen the [Guidelines for Changing Rooms], if you read it, it ’s best to keep in mind, if you do n’t read it , It ’s best to take a look at the noon break, of course, if you have lost it, you can come to me! “

Yang Cheng smiled very badly. Obviously, asking him for another [Guide to the Dressing Room] would definitely not be too good.

“I have written the team ’s preparations and the requirements for the locker room in the code, and the penalties for violations are clearly written. I believe all of you should be able to understand and understand my requirements. If you understand, you can ask me. No one asks, and I think you understand. “

After a pause, “If someone violates it, I’m sorry, I will punish it on purpose!”

A lot of people at the scene suddenly took a breath of air, but this was cruel.

Ronaldo and others suddenly looked at Moratti. Obviously they could only rely on Moratti at this time.

Yang Cheng also noticed the eyes of many players. Knowing that Moratti had troubled before, he certainly did not intervene a little, so he deliberately came over and motioned for Mr. Chairman to say a few words.

Moratti stepped forward and looked at his favorite Ronaldo and Baggio? Looking at Yang Cheng again, the palm of his hand is fleshy and the back of his hand is fleshy, but he knows well that he should make a choice at this time.

“Mr. Yang Cheng is a very capable head coach. In the three seasons he led Kaiserslautern, he has won countless championships and made brilliant achievements. I believe you all have heard of By the way, I agree with him. If a team wants to build combat effectiveness, it must have rules. Therefore, what he said is what I want to say! “

After a pause, Moratti gained momentum, “I will now officially tell you that from today on, in the field of Inter Milan, Mr. Yang Cheng will gain the most power, even if he can decide whether a player can “Stay on the team” includes anyone! “

With a loud voice, Moratti made the previous agreement with Yang Cheng, and at the same time made the players present in an uproar. The last paragraph was clearly aimed at Ronaldo and others.

After talking about the main points, Moratti encouraged the players a few words, and then took Chetti away.

Yang Cheng sent Moratti away, and immediately announced that the team had all gone to the restaurant to eat. Everyone had a 30-minute meal time, then rested for 30 minutes, and began training on time at 8 o’clock.

After the ventilation last night, the details of the training class have been adjusted to a certain extent, which has increased the familiarity and practice of the defense system, but many things have not changed.

Because it was the first training class after the training, and Chris ’s body data was also collected, Yang Cheng did n’t come up with a surprise. Instead, he arranged gym training and let each player All cooperate with Chris’s real picking room team to collect player data.

Although it is only equipment training, the 90-minute content is still very rich, including some training items such as stretching and strength. Within 90 minutes, Chris also got a part of the physical examination data of the players, and then Yang Cheng arranged for them to take a rest, and the actual room team further collected the data.

At 11 o’clock, the team conducted the second training class, which is mainly based on high-intensity physical reserve training. Under the hot sun, Yang Cheng’s physical reserve training trained all the players who have just returned from vacation. Can’t find North? One by one couldn’t get up on the ground, crying sadly in his heart.

After the two training sessions in the morning, the team had a group meal at 1:30 minutes, then entered the lunch break and free time, and then at 6:00 in the evening. Minutes for technical and tactical exercises of the team.

Like all the teams that Yang Cheng has coached before, when the players saw the first piece of regular turf divided into many different areas? They all feel very different, especially in the following, when they heard Paul and Bayer of the coaching staff arrange their respective training programs, they all looked very uncomfortable.

It can be said that the training sessions on the first day are only familiar with the price range.

In the next few days, Yang Cheng has continued to follow this training method, and the players have gradually supported Yang Cheng’s training method. After all, when he first arrived and received the support of the club’s senior management, no one dares to question for the time being. Yang Cheng.

But this does not mean that they all recognize Yang Cheng in their hearts.

After a full day of training, the players were exhausted one by one and returned to the locker room.

After many teammates left after taking a shower, Baggio stepped out of the gym panting and walked into the locker room.

The whole person was sitting on a soft chair in the locker room, and his face covered with sweat was sliding down his cheeks, and his expression looked very hard.

“So demanding of yourself from the beginning?” Bergomi walked in from the outside and smiled when he saw Baggio.

He is already used to this kind of training by Baggio, because he is also the same, they are all very young, and their bodies can’t compete with the young people, so they can only fill in various defects by training to ensure themselves. status. “That new bunch of guys are still practicing!” Baggio shook his head towards the gym next door and said enviously.

The strength of the newly joined players should be pretty good. Fanny has already proved himself in Kaiserslautern ’s latest chapter of the martial universe,, and so is Nedved. Lucio is a strong player. A terrifying guy, Baggio saw his body with great envy.

“It is estimated that he should be able to play the main role in the new season!” Baggio was a little strange in his heart.

Belgomi knew he was talking about Fanny because the two of them were direct competitors and nodded? “Maybe!” Why not bring love to Serie A personally without hitting the main force Yang Cheng?

With Fanny playing the main role, it means that Baggio, Ronaldo, Recoba, Ventura and Zamorano are going to compete for another position. Everyone can see? Ronaldo is today’s first striker, it is impossible to miss, and Baggio can only substitute, or …

Now there is a lot of talk outside, saying that Yang Cheng’s butcher’s knife will fall on Baggio.

“Don’t think so much, hard training and competition are serious. You also read the code. He said in it, regardless of fame, regardless of age and nationality, it depends on the state of the competition and winning.” Bergome The sentence is also cheering for himself, he is also a big boss, but he still wants to compete for the main force.

“Am I okay?” Baggio smiled bitterly.

Belgomi didn’t know how to answer him, he sighed, collected his things, changed his clothes, and when he was going out, he suddenly remembered something, “Oh? By the way, Robert, he asked me to tell you to go. His office. “

“What is it?” Baggio was startled.

Bergomi felt a little sad for the Serie A veteran and shook his head. “I don’t know. Good luck. Xzsj8. Luck”

In a word, Baggio’s heart fell like an ice cellar.

Does he really want to sell me?

After the glory of Florentza and Juventus, in recent years, with the increase of age, Baggio has more and more injuries, until the 97/98 season, his season in Bologna Only then did he perform well again, and he was taken to Meazza Stadium by Inter Milan, whom he had loved since childhood.

In the first season of joining Inter Milan, Baggio also had an excellent performance, but in fact, he still has a lot of injuries, and he is almost 33 at the age of 32, even if other professional players reach this year, they should be almost Going back, let alone his [imaginary patient].

That was a nickname given to him outside to show his fragility. They even teased that Baggio’s muscles are paper? The ligament can’t be recognized by the silk, otherwise it will break and break!

“It’s time to come, sooner or later!” Baggio’s heart is full of sorrow and injustice.

He thanked God for giving him incomparable talent for football? But he also complained to God, why should he continue to bring him all kinds of disasters and injuries, can’t he be allowed to play and play like normal people?

Baggio was a strong strategist, all his thoughts just flashed in his mind, he changed his clothes and went directly to Yang Cheng’s office.

Knock … knock

“Come in!” Yang Cheng’s voice came from inside.

Baggio opened the door and walked in. At first glance, he found Yang Cheng sitting behind the pile of scratch papers in the office.

As soon as the latter saw Baggio, he laughed immediately, which made Baggio’s vigilance of his young head coach a bit pitiful.

“Sit here!” Yang Cheng pointed to the seat in front of his desk, and then checked the scratch paper in front of him, all of which were all tactical drafts on the football field, which made Baggio feel admired. His diligence.

Although young, Cheng certainly did not come easily!

“Robert, I came to you today, mainly because I want to talk to you. There is one thing I hope to hear from you!” Yang Cheng did not have any rumors of a strong head coach who was difficult to get along with. In view of the majesty of the previous training ground, at this moment, he is like a good friend chatting.

Baggio knew that the topic was coming and nodded.

“Now there are a lot of rumors in the outside world, and most of them are about you. How do you feel about yourself?”

Baggio looked at the head coach who was younger than himself in front of him. He was a bit distraught. He was deeper than Yang Cheng in terms of seniority. He was better than Yang Cheng in terms of influence. But now Yang Cheng is in control of his life and death Going to stay, it made him very frustrated, and even a little angry.

“If you make a decision, I will respect it, and I will notify my agent to contact other teams for me !!” Baggio was also a very arrogant person and said immediately.

Yang Cheng stared at Baggio in front of him, saw the fire in his heart, and smiled slightly. “Did you decide to admit defeat?”

“What do you mean?” Baggio froze for a moment, not understanding.

“Everyone outside said that you are old and covered with injuries, you will definitely be sent away by me, because your strength is not worthy of the current Inter Milan, I came to you, I just want to ask you, do you think Do you still have the strength to stay on the team! “When it came to the end, Yang Cheng increased his tone.

“If you think there is, then I will immediately clarify all the rumors in the outside world, and ensure that you have the same competitive opportunity as everyone”, but if not, I will feel very sorry, because the Baggio in my mind is dead ! Baggio, who dared to fight against fate, was gone! “

Baggio has experienced many teams, many coaches, and has a lot of knowledge. Naturally, he can hear Yang Cheng’s expectations and the desire in his heart. It is from the heart, not fake.

“Why?” Baggio did not answer, but looked at Yang Cheng.

“Because I am your fan!” Yang Cheng said with a frank smile.

His past life liked Baggio very much, not only because of his skills, but also because of his grief.

One was injured at the age of 18 because of a serious injury to his right leg. He was forced to perform an operation, cut his muscle leg with a knife, drilled and tightened the muscle key in the bone, and stitched it with 220 stitches. Like a deformed child, pain all day and night, heartache.

Baggio even cried at the time, Yuan begging his mother, “Mom, if you love me, kill me? Because I can’t hold it anymore!”

However, when everyone felt he could not play again, he returned to the football field, set foot on the green field again, and kicked the pinnacle of professional players with his half leg, because he was not convinced , He dared to challenge fate.

Has Yang Cheng seen Baggio’s autobiography? There are some words in it that are very touching, especially the one in [Tianmen] is very profound.

“The more angry he is, the harder he is to crush me, the more I clenched my teeth, the higher I will fly. He wants to destroy me? But he failed to do it!”

This sentence highlights Baggio’s unyielding will to fight. Even Saki said that Baggio has an unstoppable faith!

“When I decided to take charge of Inter Milan, I told myself in my heart that Robert, Baggio, will be reborn in my hands, he can play better football than ever before his career. , He can show incomparable football skills, he will be better than anyone at any time! “

“I’m very confident about this. I even spent a long time reading through your medical records and invited a lot of experts in this field to work out this training plan for you!” Yang Cheng raised his hand The plan was put in front of Baggio.

Baggio looked at the coach in front of him lightly this year. He was a little excited because no one had said such a thing to him for a long, long time, even in Florence, in Juventus and Milan Everyone will just say, Baggio? You can’t do it!

“Your favorite team is Inter Milan, and my favorite player is you. I really think we are a perfect match? I always believe that as long as the two of us join forces, we will be able to lead Inter Milan out of the quagmire to glory. What do you think?”

Baggio thought for a while and stood up slowly. “When Yang Cheng Cup doubted what he wanted to do, he suddenly smiled slightly, charming and relaxed, and at the same time filled with a confident smile.

“You are right, everyone wants to watch me lose, I will not lose, I want to win!”

Yang Cheng laughed, and reached out his hand, “Then wish us cooperation to steal fast!”

“Good luck. Xzsj8. Lucky!” Baggio looked at Yang Cheng very complicatedly.

Inter Milan is too deep. It is really not easy for a new coach to convince everyone in the locker room.

However, judging from Yang Cheng’s performance today, Baggio is really optimistic about his future!

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