Super Coach

Chapter 73 - The meaning of table 1

In the next period of time, Yang Cheng always revolved around the plan he designated before the game.

In the 27th round, Kaiserslautern defeated Red and White Essen at home 3-0, and Fanny scored again.

In the 28th round, Kaiserslautern scored twice with Marshall’s score, defeating S Cologne 2-0 at home.

In the 29th round, Kaiserslautern welcomed the old friend Oldenburg, this time Kaiserslautern did his best to play, with the double score of Denilson and Dessler, and the hat of Barack The play, as well as Fanny’s goal, defeated Oldenburg 8-0 at home and scored the game with the biggest lead in the Bundesliga this season.

After winning the game, Yang Cheng immediately announced the next day of the game, and regrouped on May 12 to prepare for the European Winners Cup final in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

Although the team was on holiday, Yang Cheng began to get heavier and heavier as the competition approached.

Barcelona beat Real Madrid 1-0 at home and shortened the points gap between the two teams. For Kaiserslautern, he did not know whether it was good news or bad news.

It ’s just that Yang Cheng could n’t laugh when he heard the news, because Barcelona ’s state of the game was also adjusted well. Obviously Bobby Robson was not willing to give up the Winners ’Cup. For him, the league The champions are competing, and the finals of the two major cups, the Winners Cup and the Kings Cup, cannot be abandoned.

It is foreseeable that in the final, Barcelona will definitely do their best!

Paul? Bayer was arranged by Yang Cheng to go to Rotterdam, Tim Hank and Schmidt worked out the team’s physical condition before the final (The latest chapter of Martial Universe, Mullenstein And Moniz are busy making training plans after the team arrives in the Netherlands, both of which are targeted training.

Everything is proceeding according to the plan that Yang Cheng arranged before, but as the soul of the team, Yang Cheng did not feel relaxed at all. His heart always seemed to be pressed by a huge stone and was blocked!

Over the past few days, people have started calling Yang Cheng one after another, all wishing him some rhetoric in the final.

Brazil ’s Tere Santana personally called Yang Cheng. He used his personal experience to tell Yang Cheng that when he first led the team to this critical final, he was also very nervous and heavy. He thought The most important thing for Yang Cheng at this time is to make himself as easy as possible.

“Only by maintaining an easy and agile mind can we cope with the ever-changing game changes in the finals!” Tera Santana sincerely persuaded on the phone.

Yang Cheng also knows that this old friend is for his own good, but he can’t take it easy.

He is not yet 26 years old. If he can really lead Kaiserslautern to the top of the European Winners ‘Cup, then he will become the Winners’ Cup, and even the youngest head coach and champion in the history of major European Cups.

Although the Champions League has not been determined yet, there is no suspense in it. Yang Cheng has started to set his record as the youngest coach to win the championship in the German League, but this is a season and a game. Obtained, under deep accumulation, Kaiserslautern is at home again, Yang Cheng does not have much pressure.

But the Winners Cup is different. The opponent is extremely powerful Barcelona. A team of Yang Cheng has heard of it countless times in his previous life. He has born a super giant of top stars. Facing such an opponent, I believe that it is not just Yang Cheng, any one. The person in his position must be as nervous and heavy as he is.

Today’s situation (the latest chapter of Martial Universe is different from that of the Super Cup against Dortmund, because at that time Yang Cheng could be said to be fighting against the water, he was barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes, so he dare to fight and dare to fight However, today Yang Cheng bears the expectations of everyone on the team, not only the team, but even Europe as a whole, and even the world, focusing his eyes on him.

When Yang Cheng was sitting alone outside the balcony of the apartment and watching the sunset, he suddenly wanted to find someone to chat with.

At this moment, the phone rang miraculously.

“Yang Cheng, it took so long to listen to the phone!” Sienna’s lively voice came from the phone.

Yang Cheng can imagine Sienna on the phone at this time must be laughing. Her smile is very beautiful and charming. Yang Cheng can imagine it by closing her eyes.

“Why didn’t you speak?” Sienna didn’t hear Yang Cheng’s response, a little strange.

“What should I say?” Yang Cheng asked with a wry smile.

Sienna giggled, “It seems that your mood is really not very good, but it is normal, you are encountering Bobby Robson and Barcelona, ​​the psychological pressure is normal!”

Yang Cheng is funny, but he can see that this little girl must have known this game, otherwise, with her football qualities, she will definitely not understand Bobby Robson and Barcelona, ​​she knows Ronaldo and Figo, the others may not know.

“But …” Sienna didn’t know Yang Cheng’s cranky thoughts, “I’m still very optimistic about you, hello, but I’m going to go to the Netherlands to watch your game in person, even if the air tickets and tickets are booked, you can get Come on! “

Hearing the excitement from the little girl in the microphone, Yang Cheng smiled bitterly, but did not let Sienna hear it, but nodded: “Relax, I don’t want to lose!”

This is the truth, except that he does not want to lose, and he is a bit worried that he will not win!

“That’s about the same. This is my first time to watch the game live. Although the world is not optimistic about you, although I think Ronaldo and Figo are also very good and handsome, but who makes me partner with you I support you!”

Yang Cheng was grateful for a while. Sienna made this phone call at this time, undoubtedly to cheer herself up. Obviously, she also saw some reports from the outside world and supported Barcelona all the time.

Hanging up Sienna’s phone, Yang Cheng just walked to the gate, and the phone rang again.

“Yang Cheng!” Heidi Klum’s gentle voice came from the microphone.

“Heidi!” Yang Cheng answered with a smile.

Heidi apparently hesitated over the microphone, obviously not knowing what to say, “When will you go to the Netherlands?”


“Oh, I will arrive in the afternoon on the day of the game, but I have asked someone to book the tickets in advance!”

“Oh, thank you!” Yang Cheng didn’t know what to say.

“In short, hello.xzsj8. Come on, no matter what the result of the game is, you are the best in my heart!” After he finished, Heidi hurriedly hung up the phone.

Yang Cheng on the phone side looked at the receiver with a beeping busy tone and shook his head bitterly. “What day is it today? How do you call each one to comfort yourself?”

After hanging up the phone, Yang Cheng sat on the balcony for a while, and finally went out to walk around.

Kaiserslautern fans can be found everywhere on the streets of Altbach, they are already accustomed to seeing the coaches of the teams they support on the streets, although there are occasionally one or two young girls running up He asked for signatures and group photos, but more of them just greeted far away and encouraged Yang Cheng.

Touching Barcelona in the final, even many Kaiserslautern fans are not optimistic about themselves, let alone outsiders!

“Hey, Mr. Yang Cheng!”

Yang Cheng turned around and found a direction from where he came, and a very familiar person chased from behind.

“Are you?” Yang Cheng didn’t recognize it for a moment.

The man stood breathlessly in front of Yang Cheng, pointing to the front, “I am Isola Bella’s waiter, do you remember?”

Yang Cheng thought for a moment, then immediately thought, nodded and said: “Remember, you have something to do with me?”

“Our boss asked me to invite you to sit in Isola Bella. I knew your address from Andres, but when they went, they said you were out, so I just chased them out and looked around. I met it here. “

Tony Vickino wants to see me?

Yang Cheng’s mind suddenly appeared in his mind. He hasn’t been to Isola Bella for a long time, and there is no place to go now. Since it is an invitation, go for a walk.

As Isola Bella’s waiters came to the door of this Italian restaurant, Yang Cheng discovered that the exterior decoration of this Isola Bella had changed.

What turned out to be black and white paint is now red, and even a team logo of Kaiserslautern is painted on the outer wall. It is very conspicuous and can be seen by passing through the street.

“When did you renovate?” Yang Cheng asked strangely.

The waiter laughed and said, “It’s been a month, but you recently led the team running around. You rarely come here for dinner and you don’t know it. The players know it.”

Yang Cheng secretly embarrassed. Recently, he has been from the apartment to the stadium, two points and one line, and rarely goes to other places. Shopping is not his favorite, so I do n’t know about the renovation of Isola Bella.

“It seems that your boss has changed his mind and betrayed the Zebra Legion!” Yang Cheng laughed and pushed open the door of Isola Bella and walked in first.

When he first entered the door, Yang Cheng guarded a little bit, fearing that Tony Vickino would suddenly yell from the counter beside the door as he did for the first time, but unexpectedly, after entering, he found that the back of the counter was empty. There is no half figure at all.

“Even Juventus’ flag was withdrawn, it seems that he is determined to switch to Kaiserslautern!”

At this moment, Tony Vickino stepped out of it and said head-on, “Are you talking about me?”

“Hi, Tony!” Yang Cheng stepped forward with a smile.

Tony Vicino apparently blamed Yang Cheng for laughing at what he had done, deliberately glared, and then took Yang Cheng’s hand, “Come, I will introduce you to someone!”

Turning into the main hall of the restaurant, you can see that there are many guests in the restaurant, including Bremer, Lutz, Kosch, and even Melzer, etc., and they are all around that one. On the table.

When the players saw Tony coming in with Yang Cheng, they stood up one by one, “Ah, boss, you finally came!”

Yang Cheng first noticed the players, but soon he was attracted by the players, who sat on the No. 1 table and looked at his bald old man with his leisure time. His hair almost disappeared, but His eyebrows are white and long, obviously he is not too young.

But from his face, he could not see the traces of a little bit of time, and Fang Zheng’s face could not see the wrinkles at all. The eyes were slightly sunken and covered by the drooping eyebrows, but his face was very ruddy. Very spirited.

When he saw Yang Cheng, there was a trace of applause at the corner of his mouth, and then he beckoned towards him, beckoning him to sit in the past, but after this series of actions, he suddenly coughed intensely.

An old German woman sitting next to him immediately patted his back gently, so that the old man was not too excited or anything.

Yang Cheng suddenly thought of something, especially when he saw the almost pilgrimage of Bremer and others, he suddenly understood that there can be only one person like them, that is one of the fathers of the three major German frameworks , The first legendary superstar and great leader in German history, the greatest star in the history of Kaiserslautern, Fritz Walter!

He suddenly had an impulse, because although the old man in front of him was in front of him, but behind him, it was the spiritual symbol of the whole Germany, but all that was created was only because of a ball game, because of that A miracle in Bern that can never be reproduced!

“When … they said that Tony had renovated the store, I … want to see you!” Fritz Walter spoke slowly, his voice a little soft, and obviously his health was always bad.

“Sit!” Fritz Walter pointed to the seat opposite him.

Yang Cheng froze for a moment. Table 1 has an extraordinary significance for Kaiserslautern. Even the club chairman Frederick did not dare to take a seat here. Can Yang Cheng?

“I let you sit, you sit!” Fritz Walter insisted stubbornly.

Looking at the old lady beside him, Mrs. Walter nodded immediately.

Yang Cheng slowly came to Fritz Walter and sat down under the attention of Bremer and Melzer.

The old man seemed to be looking at a rare treasure. He stared at Yang Cheng with a smile, then nodded unceasingly. No one knew what he was thinking or what he wanted to do.

“Can I talk to him alone?” In this sentence, the old man asked his wife.

Mrs. Walter was a little worried about her husband ’s health. In recent years, she has forbidden her husband to go to the court to watch the ball, just because of his body ’s inability to withstand the excitement of the game. Slaughter took a look and said that he wanted to see the young man who brought Kaiserslautern into the Bundesliga again.

In the end, Mrs. Walter couldn’t help her husband’s persistence, and she smiled and nodded at him contemptuously, and then signaled that Bremer and the others had also dispersed, and let Yang Cheng and Fritz Walter sit in front of the window 1 No. table location.

“It’s getting older, and my body is getting worse day by day!” Fritz Walter said with a sigh.

Yang Cheng was silent. He could understand this old man ’s mood. No one was willing to accept the reality of his old age, especially a hero like him who had achieved great glory and is still praised and praised by countless people. It is no acceptance of their own aging, which for them is more uncomfortable than death.

“I heard them just now that you have been under tremendous pressure recently. You are worried that this game will lose, right?”

Yang Cheng looked at this wise old man and nodded.

The old man suddenly chuckled, “You are like me at this point, always trying hard not to disappoint those who trust you, so he does not hesitate to carry layers of baggage on himself.”

Yang Cheng did not know whether this was praise or criticism, so he continued to remain silent.

“I still remember that the night before we were going to play against Hungary, I was so nervous that I couldn’t sleep. I was lying on the bed, and I couldn’t sleep because of tossing and turning. I kept thinking, what if I lose tomorrow? Tomorrow my performance is too bad, what should I do? In case …… “

The old man chuckled his hand with a smile, as if to wipe out these worries in his mouth, “Too much in case, but our head coach at the time, my most respected Sepp Hellberg told me another reason.”

“The spirit of football is not just a reaction to a person, a team, or even the spirit and morality behind a society. Football is not just a sport, because most football fans will not participate in the championship, But they can win the championship because of the team they support. “

“This is a kind of spiritual transmission!” The old man said that it seemed too anxious. He quickly took a few breaths before recovering.

“Football brings me a lot of things, money, power, status … But after so many years of understanding, I began to understand that football brings me not only these, but also some colorful games and enjoyment, These games have the joy of success and victory, but also the twists and turns, mistakes, regrets and regrets of failure. “

“Football is not only about victory and defeat, because football really touches people, and truly connects countless fans around the world. It goes forward and enters this field one after another. The one who fell in love with this sport is not because of the outcome of the game, otherwise, they will Playing basketball, falling in love with other sports, not football! “

“Football really touches the heart is a spirit, a spirit that directly reflects the football people, this spirit determines whether you are a strong or a weak, also determines whether you are a winner or a loser ! “

Yang Cheng listened to Fritz Walter’s words silently, and he was suddenly moved because he heard the intention of Fritz Walter’s words, because the so-called strong might not be the real strong. , The weak are not necessarily the real weak, so is the victory or defeat!

“It is also the spirit of football that determines that some people know that they will lose, but they still bravely walked into the court; some people know that they are going to be beaten, but they still stick their heads out of nowhere. Go out, so in the world of football, the losers of many games are actually greater than the winners! “

Fritz Walter came here, and suddenly he laughed, his face showing a nostalgia for the past.

“Did you know? Whenever I can’t help but think back to the past, when I think of a game praised by countless people, I am the most excited, the most contented, and the proudest, not because we finally got that game The victory of the game reversed the powerful Hungary. “

“It’s me, as the captain of West Germany, I called on all our players to bravely enter the stadium of the final and face the powerful Hungary without fear!”

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