Super Evolution Base Island

Chapter 134 - Invitrogen and Peter

?? ||->-> Chapter 134 and Peter

Some time ago, after the well-known bioscientist of China published in the “Biology World” about the re-decomposition of molecular cells due to their proton code and related experimental theory of super protonase, this new theory of evolution-derived biology was soon in The world has caused a strong response.

It was only then that this theory only caused a sensation in the global biological world.

随后 Then, after biologists from many countries around the world continued to research and explore this theory, after their experimental deduction, this theory was quickly passed the demonstration of scientific theory feasibility.

In particular, the super protonase technology in that experimental theory, after obtaining the theoretical demonstration of world-authorized scientists and being recognized as having the feasibility of investing in the transformation of technological achievements, has made this technology rapidly available in major biomedicines around the world. , And the field of life and genetic science has caused a huge sensation.

Among them, the world’s major well-known biological companies are most concerned about.

Because of the certification of every great theoretical experiment, this will mean the advancement of cutting-edge technology. In this era of global economy, whoever has mastered this new cutting-edge technology will be able to master the future.

However, through investigations of the Huaxia South Island Research Institute, major biological companies in the world have discovered that Huaxia, a South Island experimental research, has long started experimental cooperation with a private enterprise in the process of theoretically verifying this technology.

And the key super protonase achievement transformation technology in this theory was the first to be mastered by a founder of a private enterprise, and also one of the founders of that well-known theory. The technological achievements were transformed and a biological beverage product with amazing functions was produced.

At first, these biological companies heard that the other party actually used the world’s top biotechnology to produce those popular beverages. When they did not know how to take advantage of this technology, they almost didn’t laugh at their teeth. It felt that this company was too naive, which was completely useless. , Do not understand the cutting-edge technology to maximize profit conversion and utilization.

However, with the development of this new type of bio-drink in China, it has become popular. After establishing a good reputation and hot sales performance at a surprising speed, this has made all the major biological companies in the world who are paying attention to this base island technology company very curious.

They want to know what magical functions the bio-drink produced by this base island technology company transformed with such powerful cutting-edge biotechnology.

I am so. The major biological companies have purchased the products produced by the base island company through various channels, so that the company’s scientific research personnel can conduct experimental analysis on this beverage.

通过 After the experimental analysis, the major biological companies quickly got the results.

The analysis report pointed out that the base island company developed and produced biological beverages. Although the proportion of the microprotonase crystal melting solution is added, the effect brought by this cutting-edge technology transformation is very powerful and magical.

This magical super protonase crystal melting solution can not only improve the body’s cellular immune function, but also stimulate the regeneration of probiotic flora in the human body, which has a very good promotion effect on human health, and can also prevent some viral microorganisms and diseases Influence, and his experience function and taste are very good.

But if this technology is applied in the field of biomedicine, it will be able to play an extremely critical role.

What is unexpected is that this base island company is so stupid that it just uses this technology to transform applications to produce those cheap bio-functional drinks. It is simply naive and futile, and it really makes those foreign scientific researchers feel awkward and unfortunate, and those biomedical companies despise and sneer.

Alas, the birth of a stupid and naive adversary is not exactly what the top executives of the world’s famous biological companies would like to see?

Therefore, as one of the world’s top ten biological companies, they took the lead and sent Peter Nok, the company’s technical director in charge of technical work, to Huaxia and contacted the base island company, intending to spend heavily. Acquired this super protonase technology.

Uh …

As the world’s top biological company. In the field of molecular biology and cell biology, the company has perfect scientific research results and product lines of related scientific and technological transformation.

The following brands (such as the world’s first brand in the field of serum), nucleic acid purification, protein purification … and provide comprehensive technical services. Has unparalleled technical advantages.

At the same time, the company has gradually grown in recent years, successfully acquired, and other well-known companies, the product coverage is more extensive.

Brands include: dynal (magnetic beads for cell separation and purification, cell stimulation, protein research, nucleic acid research, and microbiology); zyed (pathology, cancer and cell biological products. General immunochemical reagents) (primer synthesis and sequencing);

(Dna purification products and other nucleic acids); (protein microarray technology) (contract service agency hypothesis testing, providing biopharmaceutical development and production services for global biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies);

(Rna interference technology) (providing fluorescent technology for molecular classification for biological research and drug development); (ultra-sensitive signal generation and detection tools and methods)

Verpanvera (biochemistry, cell testing, and protein collection) (bioinformatics software) (molecular biology and cell culture reagents)

(Electrophoresis complete attachment system) (Provide cdna clones for genetic drug development and research) (Prefabricated electrophoresis gel) … etc. These cutting-edge biotechnology brands have extremely strong scientific research and technological strength.

Petronok, as the company’s technical director, has a strong theoretical knowledge and technical experiment level, and also has a certain reputation in the biological world, so he also has his own pride.

Peternock has received hundreds of millions of dollars in financial support during his visit to South China Island. He is very confident that he can persuade Huaxia, a small base island technology company, to transfer technology to them through technical aspects and business expansion. If this is a biopharmaceutical company, they may have the interest to buy this company together, but the beverage company …

After all, for the company, the base island company of Huaxia South Island is too small. The annual net profit of product sales is not even 100 million U.S. dollars. Compared with the sales of billions and tens of billions of such a giant company, it is simply different.

So, there is a huge amount of money. As well as the backing of strength, Petronock came to the base island company with a secretary interpreter sent by a Huaxia branch company with confidence and met the company’s general manager.

However, after Peternock successfully met the general manager of the company, he only spoke, and only introduced the company’s background and strong scientific and technological strength. He had not mentioned the idea of ​​acquiring the technology of the base island company. As a result, Xiang Shaoyu seemed to know what he was doing and directly refused to continue the process of talking with him, making the negotiations between the two parties unsuccessful.

Petronok has not said the terms of the acquisition. He felt that the other party should think about it after listening to the conditions he gave.

However, after he only mentioned the topic of acquisition with 300 million US dollars, Xiang Shaoyu only told him to stop Peter’s mouth in one sentence. He has no right to make decisions for the base island company on any technical matters.

彼得 When Peter asked who could make this important decision, Xiang Shaoyu just told him that he was two directors of the company, and then he was about to drop off customers.

But Xiang Shaoyu didn’t expect that Yu Xiaohu returned to the company when he issued the order of chasing customers. Peter told Peter the translation after he heard it.

As for this item Shaoyu has no right to decide on any technical matters of the company, it needs the approval of the company’s board members. Peter was a little disappointed.

I did not expect that he was very lucky, and even a director of this company came to the company. He also saved him from visiting in private, so he asked Xiang Shaoyu to introduce him.

However, when Peter asked Xiang Shaoyu to take him to see the principal of the board of directors of this small company, Peter saw the senior leadership of this company turned out to be such a young boy.

No wonder you can use cutting-edge technology to produce any kind of biological drink. This is simply a game played by children. How can such a young teenager have any mature and long-term strategic vision.

After a little contempt in my heart, Peter Knock felt that it would be better to negotiate with such a young man.

After encountering him, Peter gave the boy a little enthusiasm with a little enthusiasm, and immediately clarified the intention. The woman around him immediately translated.

After explaining the translation, Peter saw the boy laughing and thought the other party was very interested. Then he crackled again and said how powerful the company is. If the base island company ’s super protonase technology is acquired, the two sides will be quite equal. With the in-depth cooperation launched, the base island company can also rely on the company’s strong background strength to further develop and grow, and obtain more profits. At the same time, the company can also provide a strong guarantee for the development of the base island company.

While the female translator talked about this spittingly, she was also translating simultaneously.

After Peter talked a lot ~ ~ but saw that this boy still didn’t have much response, so he asked Yu Xiaohu’s opinion.

And Yu Xiaohu maintained a minimum of respect for Peter. He asked Wu Xiaoxian at the front desk to pour a cup of tea for the two, and asked them to sit down, still maintaining that kind of smile, saying, “Mr. Mutual said this. Many, I also believe that the company has strong scientific and technological strength, so I don’t know how much the company intends to use to acquire this world-leading biotechnology? “

After Xiang Shaoyu heard it, he looked very surprised. He wanted to speak, but after seeing Yu Xiaohu’s smile, he immediately understood the smile, and he didn’t speak, and kept a weird smile.

After listening to the translator, Peter saw that both sides were laughing, and he seemed quite content with himself, thinking that the other party had already moved, and put up three fingers, saying: “We intend to use 300 million meters of gold to reach this acquisition business!”

“300 million meters of gold, a lot of money!” Yu Xiaohu said with a smile.

这个 However, at this time, the translator who was a female assistant of Huaxia people heard the strong irony contained in Yu Xiaohu’s sentence. (To be continued.)

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