Super Evolution Base Island

Chapter 183 - Upgrade changes

Yu Xiaohu didn’t know how long he slept. It seemed to be just a moment, but it also seemed to be a long time.

When he woke up again, he found that the tentacles of the creatures surrounding him had retracted, and that he was lying flat on a strange place.

When comfortable squirm came from behind, Yu Xiaohu sat up slowly.

He saw himself sitting on a spacious platform surface, which at first glance looked like a tongue of a creature, very soft, and still squirming slightly.

他 When he looked at himself, he could not help but widen his eyes.

I saw him covered with a very thin mucous membrane all over his body. There was still some dark, slightly purple material on the mucous membrane, and there was even a stench coming out, making people want to vomit.

I really couldn’t stand this stench, and Yu Xiaohu couldn’t help looking for the reason why this happened, and immediately walked down from the soft platform like the big tongue.

However, after he landed, he simply felt that his body was very light and comfortable, and he was full of spirit and vitality, that is, the thinking of the mind, and he was very agile and clear. This was never experienced before. The feeling of passing is very wonderful.

In particular, he found that his head seemed to be a few centimeters higher than usual. Although it was not obvious, he could feel it. The muscles on his body were more explosive, and his visual, auditory, and olfactory senses had improved significantly.

Even the younger brother has changed significantly throughout his body, which makes Yu Xiaohu somewhat contented.

But thinking that the smelly mucous membrane was still sticking to his body, Yu Xiaohu saw that there was a facility like a biological cultivation chamber in this space, and there seemed to be something like a sprinkler in it.

So I walked over and went into the training room to see if I could get some water to wash my body.

But only after he reached out his hand. The spray-head-like object suddenly stretched out and sucked the door of the cultivation chamber, which closed the cultivation chamber quickly.

At this moment, under Yu Xiaohu’s feet, a clear and transparent liquid slowly began to overflow, gradually covering the calf, and then spreading to the chest. After eventually submerging Yu Xiaohu’s entire person, the entire culture chamber was filled with this liquid.

After Yu Xiaohu was submerged by this liquid, he quickly held his nose, but soon a tentacle tube would be stretched out in the cultivation chamber, and it would slowly attach to Yu Xiaohu’s nose. The quiet breath ran down the tip of the nose, and I couldn’t help but take a breath.

Suddenly, I felt that the whole person seemed to be floating, very comfortable. After the breath circulated in the lungs of his body, he made his lungs want to groan with him, and made him feel good.

However, while experiencing this wonderful feeling, Yu Xiaohu noticed that there was an extremely young microorganism in the liquid, which would attach to his body surface and constantly swallow those black substances and mucous membranes.

It only took about five minutes, when the impurities and mucous membranes on his body were swallowed up by that microorganism, the liquid in the entire culture chamber slowly began to drain.

Until after exhaustion. One of the lights in the cultivation chamber lit up, and the door of the biological chamber opened automatically.

After Yu Xiaohu came out. I just feel refreshed, and the stench is gone, and even a special fragrance is emitted from my body.

He was still thinking about the upgrade of the base island. Yu Xiaohu searched in this space, and he saw a switch next to the creeping tongue.


以后 When he pressed the switch, the big tongue slowly retracted. Immediately afterwards, Yu Xiaohu saw his commander’s seat pop out.

But the difference is that this commander’s seat has become a bit larger, just like a large bed, with dozens of biological tentacles above it, and more buttons with touch functions.

Via the button information of the touch function. Only then did Yu Xiaohu understand that the space he was in was a newly created rest and maintenance cabin for the commander in the main control core cabin. In the future, if Yu Xiaohu is sick or injured, or is in a sub-health state, he can enter this space. Rehabilitation.

The reason why the stench and mucous membranes appeared on his body is that during the evolution and upgrade of the base island, an optimized function issued by the biological mechanism has caused some harmful substances in the cells in his body to be excreted from the body. Caused.

In other words, in the process of upgrading the base island, the commander Yu Xiaohu also enjoyed a special process of life gene conditioning and strengthening, which will make him healthier, stronger and more energetic, and his life will be longer than The average human is much longer.

他 When he sat on the commander’s seat, the seat would slowly rise, until a skylight-like opening was opened above his head, and Yu Xiaohu returned to the familiar command core cabin again.

However, the core of the command core has also changed now. Its volume is almost double that of the original one. It has added a lot of facilities that Yu Xiaohu has never seen before. It is very advanced, and we do n’t know the specific functions yet.

I did n’t bother about it either. After pressing a button to start the main control light curtain and calling the assistant from the commander ’s seat, Yu Xiaohu soon sent out a prompt: “Commander, the base island is upgraded. , Is currently dormant, do you want to turn on work mode? “


After I nodded, a light curtain popped out in front of me.

Immediately after that, the virtual projection of the big-eyed beauty assistant also slowly walked out of the light curtain and came to Yu Xiaohu’s side and introduced: “Sir, the base island has been upgraded in the first stage, and the functions of various module facilities have been enhanced. The control unit module has entered the working mode. Are all the modules turned on to work? “

Yu Yuhu very much looks forward to this upgrade change, and said: “Open immediately, and additionally list the newly added functional facilities separately, I want to check!”

“OK, please wait …”

About three minutes later, Yu Xiaohu can see from the information on the main control projection light screen that when the function modules are turned on, the value of the total energy index does not decrease much, and the fluctuation is very small.

After all the modules started to work, Yu Xiaohu immediately called up the energy consumption data. It was found that after this upgrade, the overall energy consumption of the base island was reduced again.

In addition, after Yu Xiaohu was already familiar with each module, this time he upgraded to the first stage, and representatively called out the acquisition module and took a look.

I saw that after the acquisition of the base module in this base island, no large acquisition tentacles and robot arms were added one after another. Only the function of the module has been further intelligently optimized and expanded, which will be more powerful and the collection efficiency will be greatly improved.

This is also the case for other modules. They have undergone substantial functional expansion on the original base. After the internal space of the entire base island has been expanded and filled with many functional facilities, it appears to be more substantial and no longer the original It looked so barren and empty.

对于 As for the external situation of the base island, Yu Xiaohu also looked at it.

On the whole, the external environment of the base island has not changed much. It turned out to be a scorpion-shaped whole, but it still does, but many subtle changes have taken place. After the expansion of the armed defense system and weapon system, multiple armed plates have been added.

After a brief understanding of the expansion of the major functional modules, the virtual reality looks higher at this time, and the more realistic big-eyed beauty assistant lists the newly added functional facilities modules after the upgrade.

在 Some of these new functional facilities modules have been reserved in previous stages. Some cannot be opened because the conditions are not met, and some are officially activated through an upgrade.

Yu Yuhu saw the robot manufacturing module at first glance. This has been there before, but because the conditions are not met, there has been no way to activate it.

But now, after the upgrade of the base island, the basic technological requirements have been met, and the robot manufacturing module is now officially activated.

In addition, there is a new technology center. After he inherited the black technology system left by the base island, he also integrated the earth technology and became more intelligent.

这次 After this upgrade, through the technology center, the more powerful two-star technology will also be officially unlocked.

But these two-star technology. By comparison with earth technology, it can be said that it has completely surpassed earth technology for several centuries and is completely unsuitable for application to earth technology. In the future, the focus will also be applied to base islands to serve themselves.

Now, although the science and technology center is activated, but it has not been officially opened yet, Yu Xiaohu has issued an order to allow the assistant to open this new facility.

After a while, when the science and technology center was opened, the information feedback on the main control light curtain showed that Yu Xiaohu saw that this important facility module quickly covered the entire base island after it was turned on. The technology tree structure is included and updated automatically.

Because all the previous applications on the base island were one-star technology, and this upgrade opened the technology center and unlocked two-star technology. Naturally, the technology information of the original application function modules also needs to be updated ~ ~ However, this update process, although it is only updating the information content in the main control core of each module, but this is also an extremely large project. The overall coverage of the information content of the two-star technology is at least 26 hours.

Of course, this is only covered by scientific and technological information.

For an original machine or function block, if he wants to realize the efficacy of Two-Star Technology, he still needs to upgrade it. This is also a very complicated work, which takes longer and has a larger amount of engineering.

If it is done like a model one robot with a batch of modified creatures, the time consumed will be calculated in ten years.

But fortunately, the robot manufacturing module is now open, which is also a module that Yu Xiaohu is looking forward to.

From then on, Yu Xiaohu will be able to solve the serious shortage of auxiliary work and labor on the base island by manufacturing a large number of robots, and it will be a smooth road for the future development of the base island. (To be continued …)

Uh …

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