Super Evolution Base Island

Chapter 284 - Meet Miyazaki again

Around six in the evening, Kure. “The apex novel,

After Yu Xiaohu came to the neighborhood of Nanjing District, he asked the robot bodyguard to slow down the car intentionally, and then asked the robot assistant to scan the surrounding environment.

After the car entered Nanjing District, Yu Xiaohu and his mother got out of the car, and they just happened to run into the grandfather who was going to buy spices.

My grandfather didn’t expect her daughter to come with her grandson, but she seemed very happy.

Yu Xiaohu asked the bodyguard to buy the seasoning. After he accompanied the grandfather into the unit building, the robot assistant scanned and detected again.

After entering the house, Yu Xiaohu smelled a scent of rice. My mother changed her shoes and hurried to the kitchen to help her grandmother cook.

Grandpa brought fruit snacks and brewed tea, but she was very kind to the robot assistant who followed Yu Xiaohu into the house.

However, Yu Xiaohu sat for a while and gave his assistant a secret look and gave instructions. The assistant said he went out and walked out of the door. After the bodyguard bought the seasoning and returned, he kept guarding the door.

But until the meals were put on the table, when eating, my grandfather personally went to ask the bodyguard and assistant to come over for dinner, but was rejected.

Grandpa asked Yu Xiaohu to call, but Yu Xiaohu said that this was the code of bodyguards, and that his assistants would n’t come over to eat together. The family had no choice but to start eating.

After eating, my mother helped to wash the dishes. Yu Xiaohu suggested that the bodyguards and robot assistants shielded the secret surveillance installed around the house. After the mother finished as soon as possible, she pulled her grandparents into the living room and sat down and said: Well, grandpa, I have something important to discuss with you! “

“Shit boy, can’t say it fast, you’ve hanged my appetite all the way!” Cried the mother.

Yu Xiaohu saw her grandfather and grandma smiling and said, “Grandpa. I want you to move to the South Island and live with my mother!”

After listening to this, my mother narrowed her eyes and looked very happy. She immediately echoed: “Well, Xiaohu’s proposal is good, Dad. Mom, you can move in, I have said a lot of times, now Xiaohu’s His identity is different, and he became the richest man has been exposed, we are very worried about your safety … “

After hearing this, her grandmother hesitated, and said, “But we haven’t had any problems living here for many years, and then there is that jade …”

Grandpa knows what Grandma is worried about. But he also reads newspapers and news recently, and knows that his grandson has been exposed as the richest man in the world. By the way: “Aqin, Yuelian and Xiaohu are also thinking about it. After all, Xiaohu is our grandson, his identity and wealth Being exposed will inevitably cause a lot of trouble, and you should also feel it. Recently our grandfather, those people look at us differently than before. Just you say that jade thing … “

But Grandpa hadn’t finished, Yu Xiaohu said, “Well, I said something, don’t be angry. The half of the crane jade I hid in my house was replaced by a fake one … … “

After hearing this, Grandpa and Grandma looked very surprised.

Mom’s face sank. Angrily replied: “Xiao Hu, how dare you dead child grow bigger and bigger, why don’t you discuss it with us!”

After being surprised, I quickly calmed down, and said, “We sometimes take out the crane jade to see it. Actually, we haven’t seen the clue. Since it is imitation, where did you hide the tiger, Is it safe? “

When Yu Xiaohu saw his grandmother being able to understand, he felt a little relieved and said, “Well, rest assured, that jade is hidden by me in an absolutely safe place. No one in this world can easily steal it except me. In addition, we Yu’s Yulongzhi is the same. The one I lost last time was also a fake one that my grandfather and I negotiated … “

“So it is!”

Grandpa heard this, but he was relieved and said, “Lao Yu, this guy is really confidential and hasn’t mentioned this matter to me, which has kept me worried, but I will leave it to you to keep it. If we are safe, it will save us a lot of worry … “

Zhang Yuelian was also very surprised. The original Yulongzhi lost by Yu’s family was also fake. I didn’t expect this kid to hide it from her, but she couldn’t help but glance at her son, but she didn’t have renewed energy. They are all important to the Yu and Zhang families. Since safety is guaranteed, she doesn’t have to worry about that much anymore.

So thinking of it like this, Zhang Yuelian said, “Dad, mom, you have been keeping that thing for most of your life. Now it’s safer to give it to Xiaohu for safekeeping, so don’t worry about it in the future!”

Grandpa and Grandma nodded.

Zhang Yuelian decided to hit the iron while she was hot, and then she said, “Dad, mom, since you do n’t need to worry about Heyu anymore, Xiaohu is now the richest man in the world. Countless eyes are staring at him, and he is probably also staring at our family members. Some rich family members have been kidnapped for extortion. It is inevitable that some bad people will do something bad to you. In order not to worry Xiaohu and us, you should move in and live with me. In addition, your younger brother will let them hurry back to the country It ’s not reassuring abroad … “

Fairness: “I mentioned to your brother about letting him return to China. The couple seemed to have the same thoughts. They still asked about Xiaohu from time to time, but they were afraid to talk to Xiaohu when they didn’t have a suitable job after returning. … “

Yu Xiaohu interrupted: “It’s all one family, what can’t open the mouth. If my aunt and mother-in-law return to China, they can arrange for them to work at the Shenhu Group. It happens that I am short of staff in Xiangjiang, and I ca n’t communicate with South Asia. For those who are dealing with each other, Grandpa turns around and tells Uncle. In addition, I set up a few houses on the side of Xiangjiang. They can live there after they come back. It is also convenient for cousins ​​and cousins ​​to go to school! “

“So, that’s fine!”

Grandpa and grandpa have always missed their grandson and granddaughter very much, but they are too far away from each other to see them for a long time, so they devote all their love and care to their grandchildren. Now that the grandchildren have arranged this, they can often see their grandchildren. The opinion was agreed.

After things were so agreed, Yu Xiaohu also let go of something. The family also talked about the uncle’s family coming from Baodao to visit relatives. The mother decided to resign. This matter can let her worry about arrangements.

Yu Xiaohu was still thinking about the monitoring, and when his mother and grandfather discussed the matter of moving, they went out to the parking lot.

But when he was about to get on the car, at this time a red beetle came over and stopped. Yu Xiaohu saw that it was Miyazaki’s car, but was a bit surprised, so he stopped. He did not see this beautiful porcelain doll for a while. Same woman.

After Miyazaki got off the train, she was still so charming and **** ~ ~ At first glance, she looked like a loli junior high school student, but her face was slightly pale.

After seeing Yu Xiaohu, she was stunned for a while, and then she smiled and said hello: “Yu Xiaohu, I haven’t seen you in a while!”

Yu Xiaohu has a keen hearing, and when he hears this familiar doll sound, he seems to be carrying some strange hoarseness and tiredness. Then he walks over and says, “I haven’t seen you for a while. What have you been doing recently? Look at yours. Doesn’t his face look good? “

However, when speaking, Yu Xiaohu’s sharp sense of smell made him smell a slight **** smell. At the same time, his sharp eyes also found that there was a slight blood stain on the corner of Miyazaki’s body that was inadvertently exposed. You are hurt?”

Miyazaki was indeed injured. She had returned to this place to recuperate, but when she met Yu Xiaohu, she could only pretend to be disguised, but unexpectedly Yu Xiaohu noticed it.

In particular, after listening to Yu Xiaohu’s words, Miyazaki’s complexion changed, and what she was trying to say seemed to have suddenly touched the injury, and then she took a step and her body was a trance.

Upon seeing this, Yu Xiaohu immediately reached out to support Miyazaki and wanted to support her, but Miyazaki collapsed in Yu Xiaohu’s arms. (To be continued …)

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