Super Evolution Base Island

Chapter 290 - Behind the inheritance code

“Whether I know it or not, but please don’t treat me as a fool. Many things in this world, if you look it up carefully, you have clues!”

After Yu Xiaohu noticed the change in Miyazaki’s look, he was more sure that his guess should be 70% right.

Miyazaki asked only one word and stopped talking, but fell silent.

Yu Xiaohu didn’t speak anymore, silently watching Miyazaki’s helpless expression change.

“Tiger, everything has been moved to the car. When should we leave?”

Just then, the voice of the grandfather came from outside.

Yu Xiaohu came to the door and said, “Then you take a break first, and we will leave in ten minutes!”

In the end, Miyazaki broke the silence first and said, “Do you really want to move away?”

Yu Xiaohu said, “If you don’t want to explain, I don’t think you can make me change my mind!”

Miyazaki was silent again.

It only took about seven or eight minutes to pass, and Yu Xiaohu didn’t mean to speak when he saw Miyazaki, and he didn’t have the patience to wait for her to explain, but said, “Goodbye!”

After speaking, Yu Xiaohu turned and walked towards the door.

“Don’t go!”

Suddenly Miyazaki called him again, and then she came over and hugged Yu Xiaohu’s waist tightly, whispering: “Can you stay with me for a while?”

She knew that perhaps this was the last such close contact and communication between them. When she told those secrets, she would not be able to live in this world again.

Feel the strength of her as she hugs herself. And her trembling body, Yu Xiaohu could not help but stunned.

With his head on his back, Miyazaki slowly said, “Do you believe in love at first sight?”

Yu Xiaohu froze. I don’t know how to answer.

He suddenly thought that when he saw Yang Suxun for the first time, he would be excited, he would be worried about the other party, and his mind was full of the other party. He had many illusions when he was together.

Even though Yang Suxun killed his fantasy in the bud later, he didn’t even give him a chance to confess, but until now. There is still a beautiful shadow in his mind that is unforgettable, and it should be considered love at first sight.

But think of it here. Suddenly realizing that Miyazaki asked him such a question, Yu Xiaohu suddenly thought of the intense emotion that Miyazaki blasted out last night when he was in danger, and the unbearable behavior she made now. Foreshadowing she was asking if he believed the true meaning of love at first sight.

Can’t do it. This woman fell in love with herself at first sight?

However, if it is related to her special identity, this fact will make it difficult for Yu Xiaohu to believe whether what she said is a true emotional expression or to deceive him.

Perhaps in the past, Yu Xiaohu heard such words when she didn’t know her identity. Perhaps he would be complacent. You see, the charm of the buddy has finally been discovered, and there will be beautiful girls who fall in love with the brother at first sight.

But now …

Yu Xiaohu didn’t speak. Silence again.

Miyazaki knew he was skeptical of the authenticity of this emotional expression, and she no longer cares about it, but said to herself: “When I first saw it. I admire and like the bright sunshine on you. He and I used to The shadow that exists in the fantasy is very similar, I don’t know what it feels like, and I will be tempted.

Later, in the course of contact, I found that the shadow will show your silhouette more and more clearly. I really fell in love with him, and I couldn’t even explain why. I always attribute it to the fact that this may have been doomed in previous lives, which is ridiculous.

At that time, I did n’t really have the code and identity of Longyin. I always wanted to live a peaceful life. I wanted to find a man I like to have a love relationship, even if it ’s very short, like fireworks, I would like to, because Since I was young, I have longed for these things that ordinary people have experienced.

But since I was born, I was destined to be different from ordinary people. My mother is an agent. The code of Dragon Seal belongs to her originally, but she fell in love with an enemy that should not be loved, the opposing positions of both sides, and her. Loyalty to the organization and her love can not be both, she must sacrifice herself to preserve her loyalty and love.

I was trained by my mother since I was a child. I do n’t know why my mother treated me so harshly. Until I was ten, my mother entrusted me to a trusted friend to train me, and she But to leave.

I cried and asked where she was going, she did n’t tell me, she just told me, I will know when I grow up, she wants me to inherit the code of ‘Dragon Seal’, she does not want this code to be a shame for grandpa, I I do not understand why this code inherited three generations.

But it wasn’t until the first time that I was allowed to perform tasks by the master. When I learned something, I gradually understood why my mother did it. Dragon Seal is a very special code. It is an ancient organization that existed before it was divided. One of the most important inheritances has been inherited from nine generations. My mother didn’t want to let the inheritance of this code be severed, so she would train me, hoping to let me inherit it.

Later, I investigated that the mother had gone to that person, and she wanted to kill that person, but the person put her in jail and tortured him for a year tortured some secrets related to the inheritance of Long Yin. At first he approached his mother to For this purpose, after the mother finally found that the feelings and everything she paid were scams, she despaired and committed suicide.

At that time, I wanted to avenge my mother, but I never found a chance, because I still have the mission that my mother left me. I must inherit the code of Dragon Seal, but the organization has not given recognition, but it has been hiding in the snow. I, so I went to college and fulfilled my dream of campus life.

But in the campus life, I didn’t meet the guy who made me feel good. The boys always harassed me. The girls all alienated me because of my looks and voice. I hated me. The only good friend I knew at that time was Fu Xiaoyu.

Before I graduated, the master sent me several tasks for me to complete. I had to end my school life in advance. After those tasks were completed, the master said that I could rest for a while, so I lived a single life around the South Island. , But also because the men are always harassing, I had to change my home constantly, until I met you when I moved here, when I found the fantasy shadow, my already cooled heart suddenly moved Now, I am in love with you, but when all this has not officially started, the master found me and took me to Qinglong, officially inherited the code of Dragon Seal … “

After listening to these narratives, Yu Xiaohu didn’t know what to say.

Although the story narrated by Miyazaki seems to have many secrets and difficulties, he still does not understand why Miyazaki is preventing grandfather from moving, which seems to be related to her living here.

So Yu Xiaohu said, “Is the inheritance code of Dragon Seal related to something in my grandmother’s family?”

Miyazaki was surprised, she couldn’t think of how far Yu Xiaohu could guess.

But now that they are frank, there is nothing else to say, she nodded and said: “In fact, your grandmother’s family is actually the guardian of the dragon’s seal of the organization, but they are the physical guards and the dragon seals are the **** guards.

The so-called material protection is that although they have guarded the tiger crane for jade for more than ten generations, they do not know the secrets contained in it deeper. Only God keeps knowing these and monitors and guards this pair of jade in the dark. Exile in the hands of evil forces.

Just among the guardians, there have been several traitors, so in this world, besides Qinglong and Xueming, there is also a huge organization named ‘Heaven’, which aims at the pursuit of longevity.

However, among the three major organizations, the red ink tiger jade was lost along with the sunken ship long ago. Only Qinglong knew the secret that the crane jade among the tiger crane jade finally fell into the hands of your grandmother’s family. To prevent the whereabouts of this crane and jade from being found out by Xueming and the kingdom of heaven, the organization sent a dragon seal to keep this secret, and use all means to cut off the blood and heaven and investigate the clues will not fall on your grandmother. Once you let two The organization knows the news that He Yu is in the hands of your grandmother. In order to get He Yu, they will do whatever they can … “

Yu Xiaohu frowned: “Since Tiger Jade can no longer be retrieved after being lost for many years, the secret contained in it will have no value, even if they get half a crane jade, but what does it have to do with us moving? ? “

Miyazaki said: “For those secrets, even if there is only a half piece of crane jade, as long as some clues can be traced from this half piece of crane jade, the two major organizations will not give up. From the special inheritance code of Dragon Seal, And the name “Gong”, can’t you think of it? As a guardian, there will be something that will be guarded by countless dragons. Even if we do n’t know if that thing still exists, but still Protect all the secrets related to it from those evil forces ~ ~ This is the mission of Longyin! “

Speaking of this, Miyazaki again said, “When your grandma lived in this house, my grandfather secretly made some protective settings when they moved in. Later, my mother reinforced those settings and added We are guarded by three generations. It is impossible for those agents to break through and explore any secret in the house.

In addition, your grandmother ’s family was persecuted by the Nichido and Miguchi people. That ’s because the Nichido and Miguchi people also have members of the kingdom of heaven and blood, and many of the incidents have been interfered by Qinglong. Otherwise, your grandma ’s family It is impossible to survive to this day, and in order to further distract the attention of these organizations, your grandmother ’s brother ran away from Treasure Island, and your grandmother stayed in the Mainland to marry someone. Even if the children are separated, the main purpose is to protect these secret clues. Not acquired by those evil organizations! “

After listening to these words, Yu Xiaosi thought: “It is worth using generations to protect something that may have long ceased to exist, and to keep the secrets related to it from being known by other forces. Combined with the last name of the palace, the court , Dragon Seal, Seal of Seal, Dragon is the ancient symbol of the totem of the world, is it related to the Seal of Seal used by the Emperor … “

After speaking of this, Yu Xiaohu suddenly thought of something, his face suddenly changed, his eyes stared straight at Miyazaki, and his voice trembled a little, saying: “Traditional jade seal!” (To be continued)

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