Super Evolution Base Island

Chapter 341 - Behind 2 letters

Secretary Jiang’s face was not very good, naturally for the contents of the envelope on the table.

And what made him unexpected was that what his prodigal son had sent him would be an indecent photo of that **** thing, and evidence of bribery of the incompetent thing.

After seeing these things, Secretary Jiang was preparing to ask the secretary to investigate the matter. Unexpectedly, Yu Xiaohu called and said that he had something important to talk to him, and also related to Zhou Yucun.

As soon as Secretary Jiang heard something from Yu Xiaohu, he simply asked, and it was really important to listen to it, so he invited Yu Xiaohu and asked the secretary to let Zhou Yu save.

When Zhou Yushou came in, Secretary Jiang saw that he had greeted him and saw that the envelope on the table’s face changed drastically. “Lao Zhou, did you also receive such an envelope?”

Zhou Yucun pulled out the envelope and put it on the table. He did not avoid Yu Xiaohu, and said, “Secretary, please take a look. If I guess correctly, it should be after my nephew and your son were trapped. , The ultimate goal should be for us! “

Secretary Jiang did not take it out. Since Zhou Yucun also took out such an envelope, it shows that the contents are similar.

He didn’t say anything more about this issue. Secretary Jiang turned his face to Yu Xiaohu and said, “Yu Dong, let me talk about your business first?”

Yu Xiaohu said, “Secretary Jiang doesn’t have to be so polite, just call me Xiaoyu. In fact, what I said here is indeed related to the letter you received. Please forgive me, someone will give your family a cover. To get these things out, the same interest group should be behind it.

In addition to the political interests of this interest group, the economic benefits brought by me and my company will also be their immediate goals! “

Secretary Jiang looked very surprised and said, “Xiao Yu, from what channels did you know this interest group?”

After hearing this, Yu Xiaohu thought it. It is estimated that Secretary Jiang also knew about this interest group.

However, he still couldn’t understand the bottom of Secretary Jiang. He could n’t say anything about what the Ouyang family told him, saying: “Last time because of conflicts between me and the Hu family, and I ’m worried about the Hu family and the Qin family. Will use political connections to suppress me and my business, so I did a survey of these areas and did not expect that so many things happened in Hujia, after the death of Haihai. The family fell to Huying Lou’s hands quickly declined, and some of the networks they had established have also changed. My news came from these channels! “

Zhou Yucun heard some concerns from Yu Xiaohu’s words, and said, “Xiao Yu, you don’t have to worry about anything. Zhou and Ouyang’s family is the world’s best friend. They have always cooperated closely. I heard about you from Ouyang’s family. Now, and Secretary Jiang was a student of my dad, and it ’s not an outsider, so you can safely speak boldly? ”

I heard this relationship. Yu Xiaohu felt relieved a lot, saying: “Since Mayor Zhou learned some news from Ouyang’s family, it is not clear enough to think about it. The relationship network that Hujia had previously established is relatively large, and huge changes have taken place due to Huhai’s death. Some people saw the problem of Hujia and then retired from the circle and switched to the camp.

In particular, after the Hu family was actually controlled by an outsider named Sun Hongce, more problems were exposed. They used a method to attract a group of people from other forces and established a larger interest group. Now they have threatened Arrived at Ouyang’s house. They even touched the bottom line of the Ouyang family, and at the same time they had a plan for my company and the technology they mastered. So the Ouyang family was ready to fight back and hope to add more help … “

Secretary Jiang heard this. By the way: “In fact, when this big tiger was engaged in series, the central authorities had already noticed their movements. This time, a series of battles were triggered by the influx of some external civilian forces. On the surface, the central government’s attention has been attracted. Went out, but in fact the central government was determined to destroy this big tiger … “

Zhou Yucun nodded. Road: “But we didn’t expect that the other party’s action came so quickly. The letter we received may make me and Secretary Jiang into a passive …”

In fact, after hearing that Liu Ruoyan had reported something to him last night, Yu Xiaohu let the robot quickly launch an investigation.

Especially from Xu Shaojun’s **** to investigate, with the hole that left the crotch of the woman who knows that the woman’s crotch is not meticulous and the method is rough, Yu Xiaohu easily found a lot of things through the shunshun rattan.

Now he needs the help of Secretary Jiang and Zhou Yu to eliminate the disadvantages brought by the letter and turn them into a side that is beneficial to them. Those things investigated last night can come in handy.

He felt that it was possible to pull the tiger skin of Ouyang’s house at the moment, saying: “The two leaders don’t have to worry about it, although I don’t want to mix in some political # 治 斗 # disputes, but because it affects the safety of my company So, through the relationship of the Ouyang family and the clues provided, I have investigated some things from them, and these things are very beneficial for you to get rid of the influence of the letter, and you can even fight back through those things … “

“Oh, what is it?”

Secretary Jiang was interested, and could not help asking.

Yu Xiaohu said, “Please allow my bodyguard to come in and let my bodyguards take care of it!”

Secretary Jiang nodded, then picked up the phone and asked the secretary to notify.

Soon, the robot assistant Zhan Shao entered the office. After greeting the two leaders politely, he did not need to be ordered by Yu Xiaohu, and directly handed in a prepared ordinary USB flash drive and a printed document to Secretary Jiang Hands.

Secretary Jiang gave the U disk to Zhou Yu and stored it on the computer to open it.

After he picked up the information, he found that all of them are bank records, and there are also some links between foreign remittance and transfer records, and the identity information of cardholders. Criminal records, time, place, and related characters are very detailed, pointing directly to the final suspicious target behind, very comprehensive.

Obviously, this is a piece of evidence for accepting bribes and criminal records. As long as you investigate according to this material, you will definitely find the evidence, but if you want to get the big BOSS behind, these are obviously not enough.

However, after Zhou Yu’s existence opened the U disk, he found that it contained some video materials. Even his nephew and the son of Secretary Jiang went to a charity event last time, and the process of being coerced was also very intimidating. Clearly, coupled with the letter they received this morning, the evidence alone could allow the police to arrest someone directly.

Secretary Jiang also saw those video materials, although he knew that some of the video surveillance was obtained through extraordinary channels, but after glaring at Yu Xiaohu, he thought it was obtained through the channels of Ouyang’s family, but there was not much. Say what.

Now that I have those videos ~ ~ plus that information, it can be used as a strong proof, and can exert the power of 1 + 1 greater than 2, which for them, not only can eliminate the letter to The adverse effects they brought turned from passive to active, but also became their most powerful weapon for counterattack.

Therefore, Secretary Jiang did not hesitate and said, “Lao Zhou, with these materials, I think the letter we received can be directly delivered to the Central Discipline Inspection Commission, and those videos and materials cannot be taken out for the time being. We are going to draw in the king and cooperate with the central government to completely destroy these big tigers! “

Zhou Yucun said, “It’s just that these figures also involve the characters in the military region, which is a bit tricky. With the energy of the Ouyang family and the Mu family in the military, I am afraid that the biggest tiger can’t be held!

Secretary Jiang pondered the meeting and said, “It seems that this matter has to fall on the Yang family in Beijing!”

After hearing this, Zhou Yucun couldn’t help looking at Yu Xiaohu, and suddenly said, “Xiao Yu, you have to trouble me to introduce me to someone!”


Yu Xiaohu wondered: “Who needs a private enterprise boss like me to help you introduce this senior leader?” (To be continued.)

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