Super Evolution Base Island

Chapter 354 - Software and hardware strength

In addition to the energy center, in this super city, the second largest area controlled by the main simulation is the resource module center.

The area controlled by the resource module center is close to the external transmission port. From time to time, there will be those resources that transport submarines into the module center to unload a large amount of resources collected in various storage areas.

And after those resources are unloaded, a large number of robots will sort those resources and store and store them in the corresponding warehouses. The division of labor is very clear.

So far, Yu Xiaohu’s total resource reserves through the main control system have reached about 2.6 billion tons.

This is still the important and rare strategic resource storage required for the construction and development of base islands that are collected first after experience screening.

Because the pace of development and construction has been accelerated, the ten resource collection formations scattered in the oceans around the globe, plus the collection operations around the base island itself, are not only sufficient for the base island construction, but also There is also savings for storage.

Compared to these resources, the two largest industrial consumption cores currently consume the most. One is a robot manufacturing center, and the other is a material synthesis processing manufacturing and micro manufacturing center. He can also be described as The manufacturing core of the super city.

This manufacturing core industrial system is full of dozens of large-scale industries such as iron and steel raw materials plants, biosynthetic steel materials plants, bioelectronic instruments, biomaterials synthesis, quantum biochips, micro-crystal structures, biological gene cultivation, communication equipment, electronics and electrification … Each of the basic industrial facilities consumes a large amount of resources to manufacture various types of biosynthetic metal materials for the development and construction of base islands, and to extract simple biological raw materials.

After these materials are transported out, a large portion will be divided and shipped to the robot manufacturing center, which will be used to manufacture the engineering robots needed to build various facilities.

After those engineering robots were manufactured in large numbers. In addition to the construction of this super city inside the base island, it will also need a large number of engineering robots when constructing an ecological island module that is suspended from the outside when the base island floats on the surface of the island after the upgrade in the future.

At present, because the manufacturing focus set by Yu Xiaohu is an engineering robot. Engineering robots are different from other types of work and will be simpler. They are only used for the needs of urban development and construction to replace manpower and some engineering machinery. They are very efficient and fast to manufacture.

Therefore, the number of various types of engineering robots manufactured by the Robot Manufacturing Center has reached about 100,000, and it has been allocated to super cities to carry out engineering construction and infrastructure maintenance.

In addition, in addition to the half of the industrial manufacturing center and resource processing and storage occupied by the base island, as well as such facilities as the energy center and the armed defense sector, Yu Xiaohu also reserved a large area of ​​control required by the military manufacturing module center for the base island. Zone and port. It is to facilitate module docking in the future.

The remaining other occupying less than half are all kinds of large-scale experimental centers and science and technology centers and other extremely important facilities.

The central control module center where Yu Xiaohu is located inside the base island is surrounded by the core of those large science and technology centers and experimental centers. At the same time, this is also the core area of ​​the city inside the base island.

The above, although only a rough overview, are not very detailed, but they are an important part of the entire super city.

After Yu Xiaohu landed on the base island, he stayed in the main control center for two or three days. He didn’t do anything else. It just made a detailed understanding of the current construction situation of the base super city in the base island.

Because only by knowing this can we plan the next development.

of course. The development and construction of the super cities inside the base island are all part of the base island ’s future water. Yu Xiaohu became an indispensable core part of the hard power that the island owner will rely on

Of course, when developing a hard power foundation, military armed equipment must also be available, although now the base island lacks the military manufacturing modules and military technology that he originally had.

But these black technologies belonging to the military technology category were lost. This does not prevent Yu Xiaohu from making large military weapons and equipment.

Because he has the huge resources of the earth and the ocean, he can use the black technology inside the base island to create a very powerful variety of basic materials.

The material technology leading the earth technology, even if Yu Xiaohu uses it to make military technology weapons owned by the earth, its weapon performance will be extremely powerful, even if it cannot truly reach the original black technology level of the base island. Or it can not be compared with those alien technologies, but it is enough to dominate the king on the backward earth.

Just like those transport submarines that are currently collecting resources around the earth and oceans, their technological structure is still derived from the most advanced military nuclear submarine technology in earth technology, but the submarines made from the powerful basic materials provided by base islands, because of their materials The performance is extremely outstanding, which makes these submarines far more powerful than military submarines in service on Earth.

Once there is a need, those transport submarines need almost no modification. The floating surface can attack aircraft carriers and warships. Submerging into the sea floor can attack military submarines, which can completely become one of the super weapons that dominate the earth’s oceans.

At present, those submarines are only collecting and transporting resources for the base island. It may be a little overkill for the countries on the earth, but it is normal for them to be placed on the base island.

In addition to these hard powers, Yu Xiaohu’s other plans and plans also include some soft powers.

Just like the base island is floating on the sea, it can be said that he has been exposed to the attention of the whole world. In addition to his powerful technology and armed forces that can play a deterrent role in those countries that are jealous, he also needs to be extremely powerful. Support of political and economic conditions.

Although in accordance with the International Oceans Convention, in any high seas of the earth that do not belong to the territorial waters of the country, whether it is private forces or national forces, once the island is first found and the island is occupied for the first time, the island will belong to it Discovered and owned by the occupants.

However, to own, you want to openly develop this island. It ’s a very difficult thing. Not only do many countries not only not support it, they may even suppress it by means of armed forces and economic blockades. They would rather leave this island that belongs to you deserted and not allow you to go. Development and construction, not to mention the Lord on the island.

And all this. It’s all based on the fact that you have the hard power to fight against the military threats and crackdowns of world military powers such as the M State, and make them afraid of your strong technological strength and sufficient deterrence of armed forces, afraid to move lightly Your island.

Outside of having armed forces that can deter the world’s great powers, you need to develop and build islands, which is also inseparable from strong economic conditions.

From the perspective of the actual environmental conditions, don’t think that after you have tens of billions of meters of gold, you can develop arbitrarily on the island, because the various resources and materials required to build an island will be an astronomical figure, but also need There are population conditions to support the construction of basic island facilities. This is another huge expenditure.

Therefore, from these practical aspects, you must have extremely strong economic conditions, be able to raise a huge amount of funds, and at the same time also need to obtain the material and zz conditions in various industries in some countries.

Of course, this is based on the average person getting an island, but it is completely different for Yu Xiaohu.

Because base island is a surreal existence.

First of all, don’t worry about resources. All the resources in the ocean will be inexhaustible.

Secondly, the super city built with black technology inside can provide all material conditions for the development of the island. Including various manufacturing industries, even the labor force has huge engineering robots to develop and construct. This solves the problem of lack of human resources.

In addition to the floating surface of the base island is his external surface module, which is a suspended ecological island. He can exist independently of the base island and will not completely expose all the forces inside the base island to the world.

Therefore, if Yu Xiaohu is going to be the island owner in the future, he will stand in the forest of the world and be recognized by many countries. In addition to these tough conditions, the economic conditions above soft power are also indispensable.

Therefore, Yu Xiaohu will develop industry on the land, and at the same time, he will delegate a large number of senior biochemicals manufactured to various countries in the world for development, in order that when the conditions are mature, those biochemicals can become his strongest. Big external boost.

Beyond that. Yu Xiaohu also attaches great importance to his own accumulation of backgrounds, so he will assign the Yulong to carry out a treasure hunt plan in the ocean, collect and refine gold arbitrarily, and will also dispatch resource collection formations to collect all kinds of rare substances and oil. Resources will be used as the hard currency for developing island nations in the future.

By that time, Yu Xiaohu had both huge monetary conditions and strong resource conditions at his disposal, coupled with strong armed forces to **** him, and no force dared to challenge him because the cost of provocation was serious.

However, when it comes to gold collection ~ ~ Yu Xiaohu thought of this link, he thought that Yulong was still executing the treasure hunt plan in the ocean, and he didn’t know how it was going.

Thinking of this, Yu Xiaohu contacted his assistant with the Yulong, who was traveling between the Pacific Ocean and Daxi, and made some investigations.

At present, Yulong is carrying out the third cruise collection plan.

Because for the first time, Yu Xiaohu personally drove the Yulong Dragon, collected the wreck grave and a shipwreck treasure, and captured a giant mutant electric eel creature before returning to the mainland.

The second time was Yulong’s autonomous detection and collection mission. He only returned after a full circle around the Pacific Ocean for about half a circle, allowing Yu Xiaohu to obtain 15 million tons of rare strategic resources and 16,000 Tons of gold, platinum and other resources.

This time, it was Yulong’s third cruise, and the time span was longer.

Because the task of collecting strategic resources was handed over to the top ten submarine collection formations, Yulong collected only targeted and valuable things such as gold, platinum, shipwreck treasures, diamond jewelry, etc. The harvest still surprised Yu Xiaohu. (To be continued …)

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