Super Evolution Base Island

Chapter 363 - Electric eel king anomaly

In the face of the terrible disasters brought by nature, human beings are as small as ants, and ca n’t afford any waves.

However, in addition to the natural disasters that occur naturally, the disasters brought by those supernatural phenomena are even more devastating, which is just as unimaginable.

But no one knows that there is also a terrible disaster caused by a horrible thing, which is also a natural disaster. The destructive power it can bring can definitely destroy a country.

At this time, at the bottom of the deep sea, at least dozens of nautical miles away from the huge vortex.

The phenomenon of rapids and surges on the sea floor is also very fierce, but he will not affect the Yulong’s short stop here.

However, Yulong has been monitoring what happened in that area, and Yu Xiaohu can’t help but stunned.

Because of the disaster caused by the big electric eel suddenly mad, it is unimaginable.

Because he didn’t dare to approach the electric eel king, he didn’t know why this terrifying creature suddenly went mad, kept rolling in the deep sea, and stirred the whole thunderstorm sea.

It seems that at that moment, together with the space, there was also a moment of twisting and tearing, which caused the huge wave vortex generated on this sea area to move at a high speed at an unimaginable speed.

The natural disaster-like typhoon and tsunami that he formed began to penetrate this multi-dimensional sea space, and even spread toward the entire ocean, like the angry roar of the sea.

Yu Xiaohu didn’t know what kind of power this typhoon and tsunami would penetrate after penetrating this sea space, but he was thankful that the direction of this strong storm was passed by his calculations. Moving towards Southeast Asia, the southern coast of China will be affected, but the damage should not be too great.

And although the cause of all this has something to do with the mutant electric eel king, he doesn’t know the intensity of this super strong sea whale and the typhoon after it first landed in the Philippines. Anyway, the countries affected by the disaster are Southeast Asian countries. It was not something he was considering.

Through the information from the robot team’s monitoring feedback, Yu Xiaohu’s attention was once again attracted to the electric eel king.

To Yu Xiaohu’s surprise, the electric eel king didn’t know what happened. After violently tumbling for a while, after creating a terrible sea storm, he suddenly became quieter, and then went towards his lair.

Seeing this phenomenon, when Yu Xiaohu let the robot team quickly follow, he also found a situation that surprised Yu Xiaohu, which was that the interference and impact of the biological electric field caused by the electric eel king on the robot team were completely large. Weakening.

After discovering this anomaly. Yu Xiaohu even ordered the robot team to follow up the electric eel king quickly.

Because the electric eel king swims slowly, the robot team is approaching him quickly. The electric eel king did not seem to be aware of it, and was still marching towards his lair.

In order to make the robot team faster, Yu Xiaohu ordered the robot to increase its own energy consumption. After turning on the propeller, the robot team accelerated again like a sharp arrow.

Until about 500 meters away from the electric eel king, the electric eel king finally noticed that the robots chased by him actually made a comeback again.

But he seems to have lost his combat power. Instead of turning his head to launch an attack, he accelerated his movement towards the lair.

On the Sturgeon Dragon, Yu Xiaohu passed the surveillance screen sent by the robot. It was found that there was a part of the electric eel king’s body like a large black spot.

Around the black spots, those bioelectric field defenses did not cover them to form an effective protection mechanism. Instead, those black spots were slowly starting to fester.

This discovery made Yu Xiaohu feel that something must have happened to the electric eel king, and it was still physical. This is equivalent to exposing his biggest weakness. No wonder this guy was in a hurry to return to the den.

Don’t miss this opportunity.

I thought of this later. Yu Xiaohu ordered the remaining robot squad to quickly approach the electric eel king.

Sure enough, even after approaching the electric eel king, the guy was still in a hurry to rush back and did not launch an attack on the robot. The situation suddenly reversed, and the robots naturally won’t be polite. So he quickly hit it with full firepower.

Moreover, the target that those robots lock is the black spot on the body of the electric eel. Sure enough, after every hit there, it will cause damage to the electric eel king.

After a volley of fire, the zero-potential weapon at the back fired at the same time, and several liquid bombs were prepared to hit the electric eel king’s wound, and the biochemical liquid quickly began to spread.

But. After the biochemical fluids were spreading, a large number of single-cells were engulfed. Although the source of the biological electric field radiation in the electric eel king was offset, the black spot began to show signs of being cured, and it was gradually shrinking.

After discovering this situation, Yu Xiaohu opened his mouth wide as if he could put two large eggs.

Who can tell me what is going on here?

However, the electric eel king did not expect that the robot’s attack on him would actually bring a healing effect to the part of his body that was about to die after being infected with the virus. When the disease was relieved for a few minutes, the electric eel Although the king was still heading towards his lair, his speed slowed again.

“Fuck, no matter what happened to you, you’ll know when you catch it!”

At this time, Yu Xiaohu was also very angry. The situation was very good, but now there is such an accident. Now he does not plan to calculate how many robots will be lost, so he orders the robot team to directly arrest.

I saw that the remaining robot team continued to move toward the electric eel king, and when the electric field radiation of the electric eel king was weakened again at this moment, although he was just alert, he did not stop the robot from moving towards him.


At this time, several robots fired zero-potential diversion biochemical bombs again at the same time. When those liquid bubbles hit the electric eel king, it further exacerbated the weakening of the biological electric field radiation ~ ~ the electric eel king actually No more resistance.

A few robots quietly touched the front, released the biological tentacle, and suddenly attached to the electric eel king while telescopically unprepared for the electric eel king, and firmly absorbed it.

After several other robots ejected the needle tube and forcibly pierced the electric eel king and injected biochemical fluids, the electric eel king completely lost its resistance. In fact, the electric eel king automatically gave up the resistance. Successfully arrested and brought to justice.

Seeing that the electric eel king was caught, Yu Xiaohu was finally relieved.

At this time, there are no other large powerful mutant creatures deep in the bottom of the sea to be able to stop Yu Xiaohu anymore, and Yulong continues to move quickly towards the electric eel’s lair.

About twenty minutes later, Yulong successfully entered the area where the group of mutant electric eels lived. Through monitoring the screen, Yu Xiaohu finally saw the far-away transparent jellyfish guarded by the electric eel king. Amazing things. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, and your support is my greatest motivation.)


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