Super Evolution Base Island

Chapter 410 - Experience function

Since Yu Xiaohu personally confirmed the genetic medicine that can enhance human life, Rice believes that he is the first person in the world to experience ‘the fountain of life’ first.

In fact, Rice is indeed the first foreigner to experience it. ○

The reason why Yu Xiaohu will confirm this with Rice and intend to make him the first experiencer is not the priority experience agreement reached between him and Rice personally, and the trust and cooperation between the two parties The basics.

He made Rice a good person, and naturally had other purposes.

But is Rice not the case?

Because both parties take their own needs for their own interests, and because the two parties need each other and there is no conflict for the time being, there will be very pleasant cooperation.

If there is a conflict of interest between the two parties, whether it is Yu Xiaohu or Rice, they will never maintain such a so-called friendship, and they will eventually tear their faces and compete.

After Rice confirmed the accuracy of the news of the ‘Fountain of Life’, his fiery heart and desire for life extension made him very excited.

After all, he is now eighty-nine years old. Although he usually pays attention to the maintenance of his body, he is still unable to control the decline of the body ’s mechanism and functions.

So the desire for life has made Rice pay close attention to the dynamics of the biological science community, as well as the latest biotechnology and genetic technology.

Because Rice believes that with the continuous improvement of human technology and the continuous breakthrough of genetic technology and life technology, human beings should be able to break through the limit of life span and enter a new era.

And Rice has always believed that there will always be someone at the forefront of this world and master this powerful technological strength. So he has been watching and collecting all relevant information.

Finally, because of the spread of the ifrs virus epidemic, the Shenhu Group was born and quickly became famous all over the world. With their published biological science theories and frequent breakthroughs in biotechnology. It also made this emerging company quickly enter the attention of Rice.

And as Rice paid attention, the Shenhu Group quickly rose in China in a short period of time, spreading with lightning speed, using the advantages of their cutting-edge technology products, and the Chinese government We are committed to supporting the development of such emerging companies.

With the promotion of many parties, the business of Shenhu Group began to spread all over the world, making this enterprise quickly grow into a large multinational group enterprise. After the dominant product consolidated the market foundation, it began to expand products and businesses in other fields. It is also a cutting-edge technology with amazing performance.

Although the pace of development of the Shenhu Group is fast, many people think that their foundation should not be very stable, and that they rely on the core technology they have mastered, and should not take their steps too far.

But in Rice’s view, the observations of so-called experts and analysts are not reliable at all, and they only look at the problem from the perspective of an onlooker, and they are very one-sided.

With his 70-80 years of experience and his grasp of the financial and economic markets. The Shenhu Group he saw was a high-tech enterprise with great development potential. At the same time, they have strong scientific and technological strength as the background, do not rely on financing expansion, but rely on their accumulated global user reputation and product strengths gradually grow, this is a benign development cycle of high-quality enterprises.

All those companies that rely on listing and accumulate financing and expansion in financial markets. Most of them do not have a strong brand strength and superior product foundation. They are only for the purpose of collecting money and seizing the capital market. They do not focus on the end-user product experience and related services. They only target the financial market. But they are not the end users, so the development of such companies will not last long. With the turmoil of the financial order, they will soon collapse.

However, the Shenhu Group has jumped out of that strange circle. They are developing in a healthy and virtuous circle. The longer the time, the stronger their heritage will be, and they cannot be shaken. Coupled with the cutting-edge technology they have mastered, Rice believes that this company It will soon become the most powerful super enterprise in the world.

It is precisely because Rice is very optimistic about the cutting-edge company of Shenhu Group, so he will take the initiative to contact the outstanding young man Yu Xiaohu, hoping to get what he desires in him.

Now, as expected, Rice did not expect.

As he imagined, this young man really made another move in this field that would bring major changes to mankind. The birth of the ‘spring of life’ gene medicine will make the world sensation and madness. .

Yu Xiaohu has been watching Rice’s subtle emotional changes from the side. He simply did not say anything to Rice, so he waved.

The robot assistant behind him came over with a small suitcase and put it in front of Rice and Yu Xiaohu.

When the assistant entered the password on the suitcase and opened it, he saw two small bottles of pale blue liquid in the box.

The vial was crystal clear and dazzling. After he showed it, he immediately caught the attention of Rice.

The box contains the market version of the gene medicine, which is also the luxury version of the top configuration that the God Tiger Group intends to launch in the future. Although his effect weakens the dose effect by about 30% than the dilution that Yu Xiaohu takes to his family, but As long as he puts it out, even if it is sky-high, there will be a lot of people willing to pay for it.

In addition, there is a common configuration version that dilutes and weakens the effect of about 45%. That is the main product that Yu Xiaohu is really ready to put into the global market. The top version that weakens the effect of 30% is mainly to achieve some Purpose, specially prepared for some special groups.

Of course, in front of Rice, Yu Xiaohu naturally would not tell the details and secrets that the effect of this genetic agent has been diluted and weakened.

He just told Rice that the two vials of genetic medicine belong to the most cutting-edge configuration, which is also the best and the most powerful, and they will be marketed in the future, the effect will be weakened by more than 15%.

Hearing these words, Rice looked at the two small bottles of pale blue liquid, his eyes stayed on and did not leave.

Although Yu Xiaohu treated the two bottles of the “Spring of Life” genetic medicine in that small box very rare, Rice still had some concerns.

After all, this genetic medicine hasn’t been clinically tested, and he doesn’t know exactly what kind of powerful and magical effects it usually achieves. And let him hesitate for a while, and dare not take the risk to take the experience, he must be careful.

Seeing Rice’s hesitation, Yu Xiaohu also knew that the other party was very cautious and would not take it easily, so he smiled and said, “Mr. Rice. This ‘spring of life’ gene medicine requires extremely closed and special environment. To store it, and once it is taken out, the timeliness of storage is only 72 hours at the most, and after opening, if it can not be taken within 2 hours, the biological components in it will volatilize, continuously weakening his effect, and eventually scrap it!

Of course, Mr. Rice is responsible for his own health. It ’s common sense to have a skepticism. There are two bottles here. You can first let people around you use a bottle to experiment with the effect. What I want to see with my own eyes is more real than what I described verbally … “

After hearing these words, Rice nodded in agreement. Since Yu Xiaohu dare to give this thing to him, then he must ensure that he will work. He believed that Yu Xiaohu would not joke about other people’s lives, because the price to be paid would be very heavy.

Just thinking. The oldest son, Lowell Rice, stared hotly at the bottle of genetic medicine, and could not help but seduce: “Grandpa, I believe that Mr. Yu’s sincerity and their cutting-edge products are better for me to take a bottle on the spot for experiments on the spot Just a moment? “

After looking at the elder grandson quite deeply, Rice also guessed what he thought, Lovell knew. If the ‘spring of life’ is indeed as powerful as said, there are only two bottles here, and one of them must be taken by him, then the remaining bottle is eligible for priority use by the Rice family. people. Far more than Lovell, Lovell is not ranked at all, so this kid wants to get this opportunity on the spot experiment, really smart enough.

But Lovell did not only show filial piety, but also bet on his own safety, which is quite risky.

Rice thought for a moment, only glaring at Lovell, and did not agree with his request. He only pointed to the most trusted person around him, and also followed his old housekeeper, Mayor, who said that he was about to have a man. “Mayor, you I ’ve been following me for more than sixty years, and I want to give you the opportunity of this on-the-spot experiment, would you like it? “

Mayo did not expect that Rice did not agree to allow his grandson to experiment with the bottle of genetic medicine. Instead, he gave this opportunity to him, and he was moved but worried.

But if you think about it, he has been loyal to the Rice family in his whole life and has done a lot for the Rice family. Rice also trusts him so much that he will leave this opportunity to him, even if he has any discomfort with the gene medicine There is no danger. He no longer cares. He believes that the Rice family will treat his children more favorably.

Thinking of this, Mayo nodded without hesitation: “Sir, I am willing to conduct an experiment on the spot!”

Seeing Mayo agreed without hesitation, Rice sighed in the end that he was the one he trusted most. He had saved his life many times, helped him avoid many assassinations, and accompanied his 60-year-old veteran. Partner, such a long-tested and loyal person is the most trustworthy.

Rice did not take out the gene medicine by himself, but just watched Yu Xiaohu asking, “Mr. Yu, how should I take this gene medicine?”

Yu Xiaohu said: “There are two ways to use it. One is to take it directly. It will take effect after four hours of deep sleep. This method is more gentle.

The other is more intense. It is an injection. The effect will appear about fifteen minutes after the injection, but it depends on the physique of the injection user. If it is young, it is fine, but the body is weak. If you are an old man or a patient, I am afraid that the medicine is too strong, which will have some discomfort symptoms, but as long as you rest and nurse for a few days, it will gradually disappear … “

“Mr. Yu said, at a critical moment, this genetic medicine can still save lives?” Rice actually heard Yu Xiaohu’s voice and could not help but be surprised.


Yu Xiaohu nodded, and said, “Of course, this is only the top-level configuration that can have a life-saving effect at such a critical moment. The effect of the ordinary version is not too significant, but it is stronger than those rescue drugs. Many, especially for some patients with sudden illness … “

After hearing these precautions, Mayo said: “Mr. Yu. I am willing to use the fastest injection method. I think my body should be able to bear it. If I can’t bear it, I will bear all the consequences myself. Mr. has nothing to do! “

After hearing this, Rice was about to refuse. However, Mayo stopped him with his eyes. Rice knew that Mayo was in very good condition and did not suffer from any illness, so he agreed.

Therefore, Yu Xiaohu nodded to his robot assistant, and the assistant took out several special small dedicated syringes, and demonstrated on the spot how to use that syringe.

The method was very simple. After Mayo understood it, he picked up the syringe and one of the bottles of genetic medicine. Slowly inject the light blue liquid from the bottle into the syringe, and after he pinpointed his arterial blood vessels, he pierced them in and quickly pushed the liquid into the blood vessels.

After Mayo’s injection was finished, Yu Xiaohu asked him to sit on the sofa, and everyone else was staring at Mayo carefully, and he didn’t dare to blink. He wanted to see what kind of changes Mayo had.

Just suddenly. After about ten minutes or so, Mayo’s body suddenly trembled. And the whole body began to heat up, and the big sweat beads continued to fall, and Mayo seemed to be uncomfortable.

Rice looked at Mayo with some anxiety, and looked at Yu Xiaohu from time to time.

Knowing Rice’s concerns, Yu Xiaohu explained, “This is a normal response. Because the method of intense injection is used, the gene agent will run rampant when it works in his body, and repair the damage. When the state of the gene nucleus and cell molecule is changed, neurogenic spasms, high fever and fever will occur for a short time. Please wait patiently … “

After hearing the explanation, Rice felt relieved, and continued to observe Mayo’s situation.

After about half an hour or so, I saw Mayo’s body gradually recovering and no longer trembling, and after he had a stinky sweat, his fever began to subside and his face became ruddy immediately.


At this moment, Mayo felt suffering in his belly. After he said something to a few people, he rushed to the bathroom quickly. He didn’t notice it, but Rice and others noticed it.

Reston flashed his eyes and said, “Mayo couldn’t run so fast before, and he looks better. He has a rosy luster on his face, and he ran to the bathroom so fast. Is it excretion?”

Yu Xiaohu nodded and said, “It is precisely because the gene medicine exerts a strong effect that it will accelerate Mayo’s body metabolism. At the same time, when the mechanism and function of various organs are adjusted, the spasm phenomenon will accelerate the detoxification of some organs. So it will make him feel like diarrhea. Mr. Rice will take it himself in the future. After waking up from deep sleep, he will also have this urge to diarrhea, haha ​​… “

Under Yu Xiaohu’s explanation, Mayo walked out of the bathroom. The whole person looked radiant, his body was no longer sloppy, his waist was very straight, and his old age was obvious. improve.

Although the medicinal effect has not yet fully exerted its effects, just the changes observed by many people have already made the eyes of Rice a few people even more excited.

Rice asked, “Mayo, how are you feeling?”

Mayo’s expression seemed very excited, and he couldn’t help saying: “Sir, I have never felt so good. After surviving the discomfort just now, I feel comfortable and more energetic.

And after excretion, I found that a lot of toxins accumulated in the body were eliminated, making my body organs seem to add more vitality. Whether it is visual perception, hearing, and smell, there are obvious changes, as if Like a new born, the potion is simply amazing, God, I have never felt so good, just like being born again … “

No doubt, Rice saw the changes in Mayo with his own eyes, and obtained the most powerful evidence based on the experiments on the spot. After confirming the powerful effect of the ‘spring of life’ gene biological agent, he could n’t wait to take it immediately.

Mayo is his most trusted person. Rice believes that Mayo will not lie to him or put them in danger, but out of caution, Rice decided to return to the family in the safest environment. Take it down.

At that time, all the effects of Mayo after the injection of the genetic medicine appeared, and it was possible to better verify the actual efficacy of the genetic medicine.

It’s just that ~ ~ After Lesky restrained the urge to take it immediately, Lovell’s look at the moment seemed a little frustrated. He witnessed with his own eyes the power of Mayo after the injection Efficacy made him resentful, why did Rice not let him do this experiment.

Thinking of this, Lovell couldn’t help looking at Yu Xiaohu fiercely, and said, “Mr. Yu, can you still have this kind of genetic medicine for ‘the fountain of life’? If Mr. Yu has any needs, you can speak up!”

Yu Xiaohu knew that it was time to throw out the bait, and said, “Mr. Lowell, I’m very sorry that the configuration of this type of” medicine for life “is extremely complicated and the requirements are extremely demanding. At present, the first batch of output is only here Only twenty bottles, because Mr. Rice had the basis of Renxin and cooperation with me, plus he has the priority to experience, so I got two bottles. I do n’t think I will sell them to anyone easily. Because life cannot be measured with money … “

Rice heard that the gene fountain of life was so rare, but after listening to Yu Xiaohu’s words, in his experience, he heard some voices, and said, “Mr. Yu, if I have experienced this powerful After the efficacy of the genetic medicine, do some of my old friends need to meet some of the conditions you proposed if you want to get this fountain of life genetic medicine? “(To be continued …)

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