Super Evolution Base Island

Chapter 420 - Floating island protection system

Maybe some people have never seen the scene when the volcano erupted.

Although some people have seen it, it is only through some video materials and so on. Only so few people in the world may have experienced the volcanic eruption in person.

However, in this world, no one will witness the whole process of the volcano from the brewing to the eruption.

And Yu Xiaohu became the first person to witness the whole process of the eruption.

的 The scene at that time was very spectacular.

Even though the volcano is on the bottom of the deep ocean, it was artificially activated, then gradually began to brew, and then began to erupt. This process may not last long, but the shock brought by that scene, It is unimaginable.

During the eruption of the volcano, the heat energy is very abnormal, and the surrounding seawater is like boiling.

At the moment of the eruption, the rolling magma rushed away after the seawater flowed out. Because there was a large island above him and the powerful energy field of the nuclear reaction center interfered with the guidance, he gave the island belt At the same time as a strong impact force, a large amount of magma was piled up and raised around each.

After the magma touched the seawater, a large amount of seawater caused it to quickly cool down to form hard volcanic ash, and then a large amount of magma was covered on it to be cooled and piled up layer by layer.

On the periphery of this volcano, his surroundings seem to be covered with a cover, so that the volcanic magma does not flow elsewhere. Each eruption is like an ant nesting, and the flowing magma will be covered. The upper layer of cooled volcanic ash. Shengsheng has continuously raised the altitude of this volcano.

在 On the upper level of the crater, he was connected to the island. The severe and powerful thermal shock did not break the connection between them, but as the volcanic ash continued to cool. Instead it is more closely linked to that island.

In addition, that octopus island is connected to the sky ladder established on the base island. The island itself is equipped with a kinetic energy module and can be driven by itself.

After a large amount of energy was input into the kinetic energy section of Octopus Island, the strong driving force also made Octopus Island itself also began to rise rapidly with the energy brought by the volcanic eruption.

After all, this is a huge island with an area of ​​more than 2,000 square kilometers, plus magnetic interference from the surrounding area. There are space and gravitational fluctuations, and at the same time the impact of abnormal weather changes, which makes use of the power of nature and the dual role of energy power established by the black technology of the base island. The island is constantly floating at a very steady speed.

finally. Yu Xiaohu waited for about four hours or so. After the volcanic nucleus seemed to contain only the energy itself and the energy input from the nuclear reaction center was exhausted, the eruption stopped.

Just because this volcano has a long history, after the remaining energy is completely consumed by Yu Xiaohu, he will become a dead volcano completely in the future. Unless Yu Xiaohu uses energy to drive the stimulus again, he will not erupt again.

And at this time. In a violent shock, Octopus Island quickly cooled and piled up with the volcanic ash erupting in the last wave, thus truly exposing the sea surface.

I saw the sea. Strong winds, huge waves, lightning and thunder around, and heavy rain.

After the volcanic ash cooled, the extremely thick water mist rose up, and after the great wind of the masterpiece rose up and gathered into the clouds, it made the torrential rain more rapid.

Can’t stand it. In the storm, Octopus Island was dissipated as the heat of the volcanic magma cooled down. The artificially transplanted ecosystems on the island have not suffered any damage.

Because the outer periphery of the whole island is always covered with a layer of energy cover. And this is an energy film formed by connecting facilities with extremely large energy provided by the base island. Although it consumes energy very much, it can form a strict protection for the ecosystem on the octopus island.

Even though the island has successfully floated on the sea surface, the storms and storms outside, lightning flashes and thunder constantly, accompanied by raging sea whizzes and typhoons, but the protection of that layer of energy film cannot damage the ecology of the island .

I witnessed the volcanic eruption with my own eyes, and Yu Xiaohu was very excited in the case of taking this Yulong Island on the sea to form a large island.

However, after being excited, Yu Xiaohu immediately gave instructions to the assistant, asking the assistant to start reducing the interference energy of the weather controller.

After all, the climate on the sea is too violent, and the octopus island just surfaced. Once that layer of energy film is opened, this violent climate environment can easily establish the island completely by artificial cultivation, but it has not fully matured. The more fragile ecosystems are destroyed.

After receiving the instructions from Yu Xiaohu, the system assistant began to slowly reduce the energy in the weather controller.

After all, the abnormal weather environment is produced and controlled. When the energy that affects him is gradually weakened, the weather environment will also change gradually and will also weaken.

However, Yu Xiaohu does not plan to weaken the space magnetic field and gravitational disturbance around it immediately, because once weakened, satellite monitoring from the outside world will immediately discover the island.

And now, those satellites can at most monitor the unusual weather changes around the sea here, as well as the violent vibrations generated by the volcanic plates on the continental shelf.

In particular, earthquakes caused by the continental shelf and volcanoes here will have a very large spread and may cause earthquakes in the islands of Japan, Indonesia and the Philippines, as well as the sea area around Baodao, as well as typhoons and sea roars. Although it may bring some disasters and impacts to the relevant local people, Yu Xiaohu can’t take care of that much.

Uh …

As expected by Yu Xiaohu, satellite monitoring from various countries in the world, because of the strong space magnetic interference and gravitational influence on satellite signals in that area, the satellite did not find an island there.

However, through satellite monitoring, most countries have detected changes in the continental shelf volcanic plates around the sea there.

First of all, it was discovered that these anomalies came from today’s world power Inter.

at this time. Satellite monitoring center of the United States.

When an information officer monitored this picture via satellite, he quickly generated relevant material information and reported to his superior.

The report was quickly sent to the Pentagon.

After analyzing the report, the Pentagon believed that the earthquake and volcano erupted there. Super typhoons and sea roars will form, which will most likely affect several military bases in the United States.

The Pentagon then issued orders to several military base islands to deploy emergency precautions.

At the same time, the satellites of countries such as China, the Philippines, Indonesia, and Japan have also monitored these changes in succession, and high-level officials of these countries have also issued early warnings, and have rushed to implement measures to prevent local typhoons from landing. Command to deploy.

The people did not think of it after receiving the warning. This marine mutant attack has not yet passed. This was followed by an earthquake and a super typhoon again. It has been really difficult and difficult recently.

Even some countries’ resurgence of doomsday is rising.

Frustrated, because of the timeliness of satellite monitoring. In addition, the early warning mechanisms of various countries have been handled properly. At about 6 o’clock in the evening, earthquakes occurred in the Japanese island countries that are closer to the plate of the continental shelf, as well as in the treasure islands and Philippine islands of China.

Fortunately, early warning, after the earthquake occurred in various places, there were not too many casualties, and the magnitude of the earthquake was not very strong.

However, the magnitude of the earthquake that occurred only in the charge of Hiroshima and the closest archipelago in the Philippines has caused some damage. In particular, the strong bases of the Mi Army near Chong rope and the Philippine Islands, many of the military facilities there were damaged, causing heavy losses.

But. This is not over.

At about 7 o’clock that night, a super typhoon landed again on the places affected by the earthquake.

The first earthquake and then the typhoon landed. The impact and damage caused by it were still relatively large, making the islands of the islands and the Philippines. The coastal areas around China and related countries such as Southeast Asia have been severely affected, which has further hindered the process of maritime fishing and maritime trade that countries are about to plan to open up.

Again. Because of the destruction and impact of the nearby military bases of the Mi Army, the Mi Army patrols and reconnaissance missions in the waters around the Pacific Ocean. Was also forced to stop.

In this way, it gave Yu Xiaohu more time to deploy to the newly floating octopus island that has not been monitored by satellite.

In fact, if Yu Xiaohu does not want satellites from all over the world to monitor the island, it is very easy to use the strength of black technology in the base island.

But he did not want to conceal the delay for too long. After all, after the island appeared, he would vigorously accelerate the pace to build and develop the island, and at the same time, he had to move the Zhang family and the Yu family to the island. settle down.

Especially the relocation of the two families, this will be a very heavy and complicated project, which involves all aspects, he can’t let the family’s relatives go to the island where there is nothing yet and live a savages.

At this time, the abnormal thunderstorm weather around the octopus island has been greatly reduced under the influence of the weather controller.

Yu Xiaohu waited until the water level of the coastline around the octopus island was completely stabilized. At the same time, the volcanic ash accumulated in the volcanic eruption had cooled tightly to the octopus island. After a short time, this stopped the nuclear reaction center ’s kinetic energy plate on the octopus island. Perform energy-driven processes.

Then, through the new energy facility built by the volcano, the small nuclear reaction center was incorporated into the energy cycle circle, and only then began work to provide the entire octopus island with the energy required for the vigorous construction.

It was just that before the island had floated, Yu Xiaohu had arranged for fifty creatures to build some relic-type construction facilities according to some of his ideas.

But the labor force of these 50 bio-humans is limited, and Yu Xiaohu is not eager to send robots to vigorously build on the island, but first builds strategic defense facilities for that island.

After all, this island is presented to the world in a few moments, and after the declaration of sovereignty, it will inevitably affect the attention of some countries such as the State of Mi.

At the same time, even if you declare the sovereignty of this island, how can these countries be allowed to occupy you? They must send military units to the island to investigate, and may use some unscrupulous means to kill the indigenous people on the island. Let that island become an uninhabited island, and then be guided by public opinion, so that they will have more means and excuses for plotting the island.

Because of this, after the emergence of this island, Yu Xiaohu was not the first to vigorously build the island, but to design and deploy a strategic defense plan for the island.

First of all, after the emergence of this island, he naturally owned an economic zone of 200 nautical miles, but Yu Xiaohu did not want him to have only 200 nautical miles. He planned to deploy a defensive offensive in areas beyond 200 nautical miles.

Furthermore, because the characteristics of the multi-dimensional sea area are simulated here, the magnetic field changes here, coupled with the energy effect conversion of the base island on the bottom of the sea, will form a primary dimensional space.

In this way, first of all, if the army of Mi is dispatched here to carry out reconnaissance, the magnetic field interference here, or the communication system on the base island, can easily make their fleet’s electronic systems fail.

If the other party uses air power to forcibly enter this sea area, there will also be gravitational interference and biological signal interference, which will make them completely disoriented, lose all contact with the outside world and satellite monitoring.

Of course, these are all strategic defense deployment plans for the integration of sea, land, and air in the general direction. The base island and here already have some basic conditions, which are nothing more than supplements in some details.

And now, Yu Xiaohu ’s first step is to supplement these details by establishing an energy base station near the sea surrounding the island, and putting a pair of eyes there, so that everything around the entire sea is in Under Tiger’s surveillance.

So, inside the base island, a large number of engineering robots, as well as those reconstructed marine creatures responsible for reconnaissance and monitoring of the movement of the sea area, under the instruction of Yu Xiaohu, went out into the ladder.

Through the transmission of the ladder, because these robots have different functions, they have different divisions of labor. These are the most reasonable assignments made after the main control system performs accurate calculations, which can fully achieve the working efficiency of these robots. Maximize ~ ~ After a batch of robots have been dispatched, the collection robot unit that has been collecting resources at the same time has also begun to send all kinds of resources collected outside to the ladder. Communicate to all places where there is demand.

The industrial system in the super city inside the base island has also started to operate with maximum efficiency. They are all working efficiently for Yu Xiaohu to implement his plan. Large quantities of synthetic materials are manufactured to supply the construction of energy base stations.

With the powerful industrial system and the accumulated massive resources support inside the base island today, Yu Xiaohu is completely sure that it should not take long to establish those large-scale defense systems.

This is also one of the reasons why Yu Xiaohu has been waiting for a long time, devoting a long time to developing and building the super system of the infrastructure and industry in the base island and so on. .

Because everything is based on the base island, only the base island itself is strong, and has a strong resource and energy accumulation, so no matter what else you do, including upgrading the base island, it will be more effective. This is also the embodiment of Yu Xiaohu’s long-term vision. (To be continued)

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