Super Evolution Base Island

Chapter 436 - National response

In the conference hall, all senior officials of the Mi government were present.

In front of them were a detailed review of the information, which were collected by the intelligence personnel sent by the CIA into the latest information collected on Octopus Island.

The information recorded on the data is very detailed, and it is carefully classified and classified from the environment and geographical location of the sea area around the octopus island, as well as the island’s people’s livelihood, economy, military …

But after reading those materials, the officials present frowned.

After the president put down those materials, he asked the Secretary of Defense, saying, “Mr. Minister, I want to hear from you. This island has seriously hindered our Pacific Blockade Strategic Plan. Let ’s not talk about it. The depths of the sea protected by the energy barrier that plagued our military armed forces’ large-scale entry. If the island develops and grows, once they have reached some military cooperation with the Chinese side, our sub-Pacific blockade Strategy will be opened a serious gap, which is extremely bad for us … “

After putting down the information, the Minister of Defense rubbed his eyebrows and looked very tired, saying, “Mr. President, the existence of the island does indeed seriously interfere with our military strategic deployment, but if we consider it based on the actual situation, we can find Reasonable excuses to use force to deter the island, but we have to face a very real question, how do we send military forces into that **** sea?

In addition, even if we send a large number of soldiers into that area, but we lose air support, there are no submarines and warships. There are many restrictions on the use of missile systems and various advanced military equipment and instruments there, which cannot create an important deterrent force. Without these powerful weapons and equipment as dependent soldiers, how can they face the counterattack carried out by the armed forces on that island? “

After hearing this, everyone in the room could not help nodding. This is indeed a very huge problem that bothers them.

The United States has always been proud of its military arrogance because it has powerful military technology, including the most advanced weapons and equipment of the Air Force and the Navy, and the most advanced missile system in the world.

But now, there is a mysterious energy barrier around the **** sea area that scientists can’t yet interpret, and electromagnetic interference and unusual thunderstorm weather changes there, which limits the use of the Mi Army’s air combat power. And the navy’s fleet was unable to enter that area. Satellites could not monitor the island’s detailed information, nor did it know the deployment of the military’s armed forces facilities on the island.

If only the special forces such as the SEALs were sent into the area to land on Octopus Island, according to the information provided by the intelligence personnel, this island has been through a large number of material transactions with civilian merchants around the world. The speed of development is very fast, and the armed forces have also been greatly strengthened. The number of its troops has been maintained at more than a thousand people, and the fighting strength of individual soldiers is very strong. The civilians are also very united. The seal commandos may not necessarily go up. Can make a difference.

At the White House meeting, the President and these Defense Department officials summarized based on intelligence. They found a helpless fact, that is, the rice country with strong military technology, wanted to impose military sanctions on this island. It is very difficult to conquer and occupy this island, let alone other countries.

Finally, the silent Minister of Finance said, “Sirs, I think we have to face the facts and customize special plans based on the special circumstances of the island. Since we have no advantage temporarily in the military, I think we can Economic and livelihoods, and political restrictions on the development of the island … “

After hearing the words of the Minister of Finance, the President’s eyes brightened. Just ask the Finance Minister to talk about his proposal.

The Minister of Finance said: “Now the octopus island sea looks to rely on the barrier established by that mysterious energy and will not be threatened by military forces from all over the world, but since he has been exposed, there are many very serious disadvantages. And disadvantages.

The first is the sparse population on this island with more than 2,000 square kilometers, with a total of less than about 10,000 people. Primarily farming and hunting and marine fisheries are the main causes, which seriously hindered their development and growth, and the labor force was serious. insufficient.

Secondly, the island’s mineral resources are not abundant. Apart from having some gold deposits, our intelligence personnel have not found other important mineral resources, which will severely limit their industrial system development.

The third is that the island’s economic system is not complete. The common currency they use is gold, and previously maintained the original transaction model of barter. Today, a large number of foreign merchants have poured into the island and a large amount of materials After focusing on the island, this will cause the island’s gold reserves to be seriously drained, which will prevent them from establishing their own unified currency system in the future, and will also be severely restricted economically.

The fourth point is that the various systems on the island are still very backward, and even maintain the political system ruled by feudal monarchy, and their demand for various materials will increase dramatically with the improvement of the living standards of the people on the island Let them have to rely on import trade, but for goods that can be exported, what special products or other things can they import from the whole world, if we restrict them in these areas, think about it … … “

After hearing this, everyone’s eyes suddenly lighted.

If you think about it, it seems that in addition to military sanctions, interference and blockade sanctions facing the development of the island in the economy and on all sides will definitely be more lethal than military plans.

Therefore, at the White House meeting, the President agreed with members of Congress and senior officials at all levels by abandoning military action and turning it into a sanctions and restrictions plan for octopus island in various fields such as economy, politics, and people’s livelihood. Transferred to the countries of the alliance, ready to work with some countries …

Far East time is around 9 am, which is the busiest time of the day.

The capital of Japan ’s island nation and the Prime Minister ’s Office are also holding a special meeting, and their discussions are also on Octopus Island.

The Prime Minister and Cabinet Ministers also received investigation reports collected and summarized by special intelligence personnel. There is a heated discussion.

However, unlike the discussion method of the Mi people, the ministers of the Japanese island nations did not agree on the island, and the reaction was very fierce.

Some radical defense ministers believe that the international situation currently facing the Japanese island nations is very serious, for the octopus island that appears near their immediate neighbors. They themselves are the islands where the Sun Island survivors settled and occupied, and Sun Island can become their suzerain state, or they should be occupied and included in the territory of Odai Island.

But other moderates are very opposed to such seizures.

The island nation itself is entangled with the two great powers on the issue of the sovereignty of many neighboring islands. Now it is inexplicable to add another octopus island with sovereignty and no dispute, and they want to seize it. Certainly it will cause a strong rebound of the world ’s major powers, and its influence on public opinion will also be very unfavorable to Dairi Island.

Indeed, although some are very aggressive, most agree with this view.

After all, that octopus island has been isolated from the world for hundreds of years, and it has never had any history of territorial sovereignty by any country. Moreover, there have been human settlements on the island so far, and there are no problems in disputes over territorial sovereignty.

Even if the old king on Octopus Island is a descendant of the Royal Family of the Ryukyu, it is a matter of hundreds of years ago. Although the descendants of the Royal Ryukyu are now nationals of the Nichishima nation, there is not much relationship between the two. Nor can it be the basis for the Japanese island nation’s territorial sovereignty over the octopus island. Internationally, using these as a basis, I am afraid to be laughed at. It is just that the public opinion guidance can be used.

The Prime Minister listened to the quarrel of several parties. He also felt a headache, perhaps for the country. The existence of that island will affect the deployment of the Pacific military strategic plan that interferes with Rice, and the situation is not very serious.

However, for the Japanese island nations, that octopus island is very close to their Okinawa Islands. If they are allowed to develop, it will have a huge impact on all aspects of the Japanese island nation, so it must be restricted.

However, the issue of octopus island is discussed in terms of territorial sovereignty. Obviously, the island nations do not have any advantages, and they are not qualified to implement military plans. It all depends on the attitude of the country, so it can only be deployed from other aspects.

So thought of here. The Prime Minister suppressed the quarrel below, saying, “Princes, we are here to discuss the issue of the sovereignty of Octopus Island. It has no meaning.

At present, the international community pays much attention to the island. As the island’s information and materials are continuously exposed, in fact, for the sovereign states established on the island, a considerable number of people in the international community are acquiescent. So it is not appropriate to discuss this topic.

The problem we are facing now is that for the future development of the island, the existence of the island occupies a very advantageous position. It is located in the key hub of the Pacific Ocean, which will seriously affect the economy and other fields of Japan, especially ocean trade. In terms of import and export, we will be suppressed by his development, and we must restrict it … “

After hearing the Prime Minister’s mention of this view, the ministers considered it, and could not help but nodded.

The Minister of Finance is the right arm of the Prime Minister, and he took the lead to say, “I agree very much with your views. I do n’t talk about military and other strategies. I think we should impose restrictions on Octopus Island and blockade the economy and commodities. , Severely crack down on the flow of folk goods to the island, at the same time we can submit this proposal to the government of the United States and jointly implement the blockade plan on the island, waiting for the opportunity in the future, the island does not have that effective protection, then for poverty They lag behind, they are not the dishes on our Dainichi Island … “

“Sao Di Sinai, Zheng Chengjun’s point of view, I agree with the need to impose economic and commodity trade blockades on Octopus Island and restrict the development of the island …”

“Secondly, I agree with Zheng Chengjun’s point …”

“I agree!”

“Sao Di Si Nai …”

Therefore, at this meeting of the Prime Minister ’s Office of the Nippon Island State, the Nippon Island State also reached a plan to impose a blockade restriction on Octopus Island and presented it to their old rice country to reach an agreement …

At the same time, in addition to Sun Island, and the two countries that are closely related to the octopus island, have already adopted restrictions on the octopus blockade plan.

In addition, in Indonesia, the Philippines and other countries in Southeast Asia, they are also adjacent to Octopus Island.

It is just that these countries are the breath of the Yangmi people. Although they have no action or plan for Octopus Island for the time being, this does not prevent them from understanding the Octopus Island in detail.

Later, after the island island and rice countries adopted the restriction and blockade plan for octopus islands and sent them to the high-levels of these countries, these countries naturally did not dare to disobey the boss’s intentions and made corresponding deployments according to this plan. .

In this way, after the countries around the entire Pacific reach agreement on the main country, and after implementing a restricted blockade plan for octopus island, then octopus island will fall into a siege circle, and its development will also be extremely severely hindered. Has always maintained that poor and backward appearance, so that countries such as the United States and other countries can launch a strategic plan for it.

However, the only country that left the Mi people and the Japanese island nations unable to influence was the big country, China, also in this blockade and occupying an extremely important position.

Even if the State of China wanted to communicate with the Chinese side on the issue of this octopus island and let the Chinese State join the blockade, then the octopus island was completely blocked.

However, with the octopus island exposed to the world, and based on the affinity of the Chinese nation to the octopus island, it is speculated that the rice and the island nations think that the Chinese side should not agree to this blockade plan, which is inconsistent with the interests of the Chinese nation.

In this case, the octopus island is in the blockade of the Pacific Ocean. The only gap is that after the Hua Kingdom, they will inevitably fall completely into the embrace of the China. They are still doing planning work in this area.

Therefore, in recent days, the United States has taken advantage of the opportunity of the United Nations to convene an important summit and began to secretly connect European countries that are not very connected with Octopus Island. They want to bring European countries together.

However, what the Mi people did not expect was that many European countries did not buy Mi people’s books.

After all, the octopus island is located in the center of the Pacific Ocean, and it is thousands of miles away from European countries. It will not affect the interests of European countries. If they want to block economic trade with the island country, only fools will agree to Inter Milan.

After all, the entire world does not revolve around the Mi people. They do not do octopus island business and do not want to invest and cooperate with it. European countries have a lot of people who find business opportunities among them willing to do it.

Moreover, after returning to Europe, Kairat, an Ereran, gained amazing wealth in a short period of time by trading with octopus island ~, and was shocked in European countries.

Through his propaganda and influence, and the secret that he possessed the discs and instruments issued to him by the old King of Octopus Island was exposed by one of his original subordinates, business organizations in many countries were already moving.

Moreover, after seeing the value of the discs and instruments, some official organizations in small European countries began to constantly invite Kailat, or made a request for joint cooperation, which made Kailat a lucky man for the Octopus Island. Significant live advertising.

At the same time that Kailat was so beautiful in Europe, he seemed to be the darling of the media. He released a lot of news information about Octopus Island.

In addition, the second official language of Octopus Island is English, which will make European people feel kind. The exchanges between the two sides are not hindered. The European people are greatly encouraged. They do n’t care about any custom-made blockade plan by the people of the United States. Long-term business figures set their sights on Octopus Island, ready to start investing there.

However, there are also people who have attracted the attention of the whole world and the attention of other countries, such as the octopus island. After sighing with relief, they are secretly clapping their hands and praising octopus island … (to be continued) )

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