Super Evolution Base Island

Chapter 442 - Behind the bustling

In the evening, the surrounding South Island is brightly lit.

Today’s Xiaotang Village is no longer as remote and peaceful as it used to be. Even at night, the bustling night scene here, as well as the lush lights everywhere, foreshadow the glory of his heyday.

It is just a prosperous place. There are always some confusion and instability factors breeding. After the villagers of Xiaotang Village lived a affluent life, the life of drunkenness and fascination let the simplicity of their body gradually dissipate.

Li Erzhuang was originally a simple and honest fisherman. In the first half of his life, he had been fishing for a living. Although his life was hard, his simple and honest nature and his passion for his righteousness were very popular among the villagers.

Because of this, when Yu Yu established the Yulong Company and began to expand his staff, his grandfather met the simple and honest Li Erzhuang, making him a member of this company.

With the continuous development and growth of Yulong Company, the early Xiaotang villagers who followed Yu’s family have accumulated rich experience in their work experience, and their income has increased year by year with dividends.

Li Erzhuang is also one of them. With his hard work, hard work and enthusiasm, after only a few years, Li Erzhuang has accumulated nearly ten million for the once poor and poor Li family, making the old Li family a Xiaotang The first people in the village to become rich.

However, after the poorly used Li family suddenly became rich, people’s lives also changed after changes.

Li Erzhuang, who couldn’t marry his daughter-in-law, said a love affair. Later, when he got rich, he pushed the love affair and married a beautiful wife.

I just didn’t expect that Li Erzhuang’s beautiful wife was not a fuel-saving lamp. She didn’t say a lot about spending money, she didn’t have any economic mind, and she tossed around outside all the time to be tempted to invest. As a result, the money accumulated by Li Erzhuang did not take long, and then he approached Li Erzhuang to find a way.

The savings at home were exhausted, and Li Erzhuang, an honest seller, worked harder. He wanted to earn more money for the prodigal wife to spend, and he always thought his wife would wait until later. After understanding, this will not happen again.

However, Li Erzhuang underestimated his wife’s ability to toss and toss. He had a beautiful face, but he did not have a shrewd mind. He was deceived and turned around. He was also fooled by his investment failure and owed a large sum. external debt. Even she herself was not able to find the north with some sweet words for money, and even became infected with drugs, and then fell completely.

After the fall, Li Erzhuang’s wife began to change, and the whole person was no longer as before. Increasingly squeezing Li Erzhuang made him think of ways to get more money.

He even performed a show in front of Li Erzhuang and made some mischief, so that Li Erzhuang’s heart softened, and he followed suit. He was forced by his wife to use the pregnancy as a reason to steal secret biotechnology.

What’s more unexpected is that most people of Yulong Company have never doubted their loyal Li Erzhuang. The first time they stole the company’s core technology confidential documents, they succeeded.

After succeeding, Li Erzhuang obtained the confidential information. When he was out of the company door, he realized what a **** he had done. He wanted to repent, but what he didn’t expect was. His wife waited there the first time he succeeded, and without giving Li Erzhuang any reaction time, he seized the confidential document and let it go.

Li Erzhuang’s wife never returned.

Li Erzhuang knew that he had committed a great mistake afterwards. He betrayed the fish dragon company that changed the fate of their Li family, and felt infinite guilt in his heart. So he went to Grandpa Yu Xiaohu’s house and knelt outside the door all day. Hope that the Yu family can punish him.

It was just that Yu Xiaohu’s grandfather could see that the nature of Li Erzhuang’s mind had not changed much, and he was still the simple and honest man. It was only because of being unscrupulous and marrying a prodigal wife that led to such a result. Therefore, Li Erzhuang was not blamed. He just lost it to Li Erzhuang. It was nothing more than a loss of money for the company.

Li Erzhuang was forgiven, so he was deeply moved. He engraved a blood word ‘Yu’ on his arm with Grandma Yu Xiaohu on the spot, expressing his willingness to use his whole life to redeem his crime.

However, it was only about a week or so later that Li Erzhuang’s wife’s body was found and reported to the police at the harbour dock near Hujiazhai.

The result of the autopsy has been given by the police. Before the death, he had severe sexual behavior. After being unconscious, he was strangled by a rope and choked to death. Then he was tied to the sea with a sack weight. As a result, the sack was not firmly tied. Only then the body floated up and was washed to the shore by the waves and found.

After Li Erzhuang learned of this, his neighbors always laughed at his wife for finding a white face and giving him a cuckold for a long time. He didn’t even know that, but all around Xiaotang Village passed it by. He was the stupidest one to know, and went to the company. He was also scorned by all the employees and insulted him as a traitor behind his back.

Because of this, Li Erzhuang was hit hard. The whole man was in a state of weakness. He was anesthetized with alcohol all day, but eventually he couldn’t think of it. He jumped from the top floor of the company one day and ended his life. Before he died, he only left a last word , Said to owe the company and Yu’s next life to pay back.

However, Li Erzhuang’s death seems to be just the beginning.

The affluent and prosperous Xiaotang Village has not experienced the baptism of time before, and those who are not firm can easily breed and degenerate in that drunken life.

Since then, there have been some accidents in some people’s homes. Some of them have become frustrated with their children, and they have caused a lot of trouble outside. They have been deceived and involved in the family, and even some kidnapping and extortion have occurred.

Behind these incidents, there are always some common points that can be found, that is, the families of the accident were once a group of old men and women who followed the development of Yulong Company, and now some are executives at Yulong Company.

However, since Li Erzhuang’s incident, Grandpa Yu Xiaohu began to notice that the climate in Xiaotang Village was changing, especially after influx of outsiders.

Not to mention that Grandpa doesn’t care about the company’s affairs, even the uncle and the uncle, they also noticed that Yulong was full of some bad habits, and even began to affect a group of old employees of the company and those seniors who followed the company to grow up. Tube figures.

After the Li Erzhuang incident, the company strengthened its security work on those confidential technical information files. But even so, leaks still sometimes occur, even affecting some downstream industries.

At this time, the grandfather, who had always been vigilant, broke the key point, and he called everyone in the Yu family back. After only telling them a word, they said that someone started to take action against Yu’s family, and let them be careful and plan early.

The Yu family did not quite understand what Grandpa meant by these words, and Grandpa did not tell them those secrets.

But when the grandpa asked them to think carefully about the people who were in contact with each other, who had suspicious behavior. When someone has a deliberate element, or uses other methods to approach Yu’s children, there are always a few people in Yu’s family who feel that their friends around them seem to have some unfamiliar faces. But quickly became familiar with the process.

However, there are always people who think that grandpa is worrying, but they do n’t think that the friends around them have any bad thoughts about Yu ’s family. When they hear the warning from grandpa, they do n’t take it seriously, and most of these people are Young people, but also the majority.

Grandpa didn’t remind him to hit them when he saw this situation, only to let them suffer. Only then can they understand the sinister heart and the plight and crisis facing the Yu family.

After all, those young people did not suffer too much, and at the crucial moment in the change of outlook on life. Under the leadership of Yu Xiaohu, the entire Yu family quickly moved to glory, which also made these young children of Yu family flutter, become more impetuous, and lacked the experience of society and life.

But to my grandpa’s relief, several of his children are still wise. In addition to Yu Xiaohu’s life supporting the rise and fall of the entire Yu family, his grandson Yu Xiaotian is the most mature and stable.

After the whole family has dispersed. Grandpa went back to his house and entered the room where he was usually locked.

I saw many instruments in this room. And they all still have work. At the center is a large light curtain display screen, which records all the dynamic information about the children of the Yu family, and they are constantly monitoring their actions.

Grandpa walked to the chair in front of the light curtain, reached down and pressed a red touch button, and then a projection popped up in the middle of the light curtain. Seeing that the background style is in a palace, it looks antique The patina looked a little surprised to Grandpa.

But after a while, under the background style of that classical palace, the figure of grandson Yu Xiaohu appeared in front of the project and said, “Grandpa, why do you suddenly think of calling me this way, is there something wrong at home? “

Grandpa looked a little worried, and said, “Little tiger, because the children in our family have the security surveillance you have set up, there aren’t many problems at the moment. It’s just that more and more people they contact Some people with unknown origins and identities began to deliberately make coincidences or get to know and approach them through friend introductions. Although the intentions of these people were temporarily unknown, I always felt that this was not a good thing.

Especially recently, there are always accidents in Xiaotang Village, and most of the accidents are the batch of people who followed our Yu family to establish and develop the Yulong Company. Some of these people are executives of Yulong Company and can reach them. Some core secrets, like Li Erzhuang, I didn’t expect such a honest and honest person, but because of marrying a prostituted wife, they embarked on a road of no return … “

After listening to Grandpa’s narration, Yu Xiaohu frowned, and said, “Grandpa, my focus has been on other things recently. I didn’t pay much attention to the situation at home. You mean, since the Ouyang family After the incident, our Yu family has been exposed. Those organizations have begun to penetrate the Yu family? “

Grandpa said: “On this matter, I have communicated with Lao Zhang privately, because something happened here is always unusual, and then analyzed through these secret surveillances, I think those organizations are likely to have been passed through Ouyang’s house. The news revealed when the door was closed found the head of our house.

And on some issues left over by history, the chart in our Yu family’s collection pointing directly to the core secrets of the mysterious sea area will be the most important clue. I think those organizations will never let Yu family go. .

So now there are so many things happening here, especially since Li Erzhuang stole the company ’s confidential technology, I am afraid that those organizations have begun to infiltrate us. Once they learn what the Yu family has, Yu family will also face the Ouyang family. A similar crisis … “

Hearing Grandpa’s concerns, Yu Xiaohu said, “Grandpa, you don’t need to worry about related technical secrets and other things. They stole things that are not important to me. Even if they get them, no The systematic scientific and technological materials are used as a reference. They just want to understand the key technology and it takes a long time. I think this is a worthwhile thing. They will not consume too much time for this matter. On the issue of the Yu family, the migration plan I mentioned to you last time, how are you thinking about Grandpa? “

Grandpa said: “I have n’t told my family about this, and I think it may be difficult to do. Older people are okay to talk about it, and those younger generations should have a big reaction. Now that Helping young people live a good life and adapt to this life. If they want to go to a strange place to live a new life, I am afraid that the young people’s temperament may be reluctant, after all, they are reluctant Things, we cannot approach them to do … “

After listening to this, Yu Xiaohu thought for a moment: “Grandpa, the Yu family can have the situation today, nor does it mean that it is all my credit, not to mention some of our Yu family, now those who are attached to There are also many distant relatives of the Yu family ~ ~ I can’t take care of them all, besides, they are now anchored under the Yu family’s tree to enjoy Yu Yin, and live a prosperous life without pay. Sooner or later they will change completely Become the maggots of our family, they enjoy what kind of benefits Yu family brings to them, what kind of obligations should they pay for the family, I ca n’t keep them like rice worms, and let them live on their own in the future Right.

Then, a group of people will be deleted from the list of the migration plan, leaving only the main members directly related to me, such as my uncle, a few aunts and family members, and grandfathers, and these people will be mandatory at that time. Sexual migration, as for the others, stays with them … “

Grandpa asked: “Little tiger, when do you plan to start, recently the South Island has also been a bit uneven, and many foreign forces have poured into the South Island, I always feel that something big will happen!”

Yu Xiaohu thought about it, and said: “Grandpa, the recent South Island incident may be related to the general tomb of Beishan in Shuangyu Town. There are many secret things buried in the general’s tomb, and it may also be the extraterrestrial object marked in our Yujia chart. The coordinate points are directly related. In fact, those are not myths and legends, but things left on the earth by alien technology, which will surely attract competition from many forces, and will also temporarily attract those eyes directed at us. It can ensure security for a period of time, so I will arrange the migration in the near future, and you should be prepared as soon as possible … “(to be continued)

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