Super Evolution Base Island

Chapter 450 - Those spies

Octopus Island, Ladder Control Room.

Yu Xiaohu sat quietly on a chair without saying a word. On a light curtain in front of his eyes, some video materials were playing.

These video materials are the latest information sent by the early expedition latent exploration robots to conduct secret investigations and collections in various aspects, and integrate some important information.

The video material that he saw in front of him was monitored and recorded by two robot bodyguards that Yu Xiaohu assigned to Zhang Dexian.

Of course, this is not something that Yu Xiaohu asked the robot to monitor Zhang Dexian’s family.

He mainly recorded some suspicious characters and information related to suspicious incidents during the surveillance of the robot’s surroundings of Zhangjia.

In this video, it clearly records some trivial things that happened in the Zhang family when Zhang Dexian went out to deal with things in the family industry.

However, under normal circumstances, such trivial things that have nothing to do with the main line will be cut off and not submitted to Yu Xiaohu for viewing.

But now that he has been recorded and not cut out, there must be one or two of these trivial matters.

Yu Xiaohu carefully looked at it with patience, and found that in the second half of the video, an uncle of Zhang Dexian appeared frequently. He often used various excuses to approach the old house of Zhang family. Will quietly sneak in at midnight and look for something.

In addition to the old house, Zhang Dexian’s children and grandchildren’s rooms were visited by the uncle, even one morning when Zhang Xinran was out. The tribe vaguely mentioned to him and asked about the fact that Zhang Dexian had a small box with him before.

Zhang Dexian generally didn’t tell grandchildren about the secrets of the Zhang family, so Zhang Xinran didn’t know these, and the uncle did not get much clues from Zhang Xinran.

Until the eve of the Zhang family preparing to immigrate. When Zhang Dexian proposed immigration to Octopus Island, the family’s uncle had the most fierce opposition. That night, the uncle made a phone call to the outside world.

The phone was also monitored and recorded by the robot. The uncle called the number in a local area far from Hungary in Europe. The owner of the number was analyzed by recording. It is a very ordinary person, and its identity has not been checked for anything special or hidden.

However, the content of the conversation between the two parties was very important. It mentioned that the Zhang family was planning to immigrate the octopus island, but the other party asked him to strongly support this decision. I plan to search for the target when the Zhang family immigrants are busy, and at the same time tell him that if Zhang family emigrates the octopus island, he must put a few nails on the octopus island for a long time to lurk and collect all the information of octopus island.

Just after the Zhang family was about to prepare for work, the night before the ship set off, two killers came from the Zhang family.

That’s right, because the two killers were noticed by the robot bodyguards when they were close to the Zhang family. At the same time, monitoring was started to make clear and detailed records of the actions of the two killers.

The style of these two killers is temporarily unclear to which organizations they belong. After sneaking into the Zhang family, they first monitored the uncle, and then approached Zhang Dexian’s residence.

But just before they sneaked into Zhang Dexian’s residence, the two robotic bodyguards hiding in front of them suddenly made trouble. One of the robotic bodyguards popped up the tentacles quickly, and suddenly penetrated the killer’s chest.

The other killer was very vigilant. After avoiding the fatal blow from the robot bodyguard, he knew that the first trace had been exposed, so he escaped from the Zhang family with his injuries.

But it was the robotic bodyguard who deliberately let go of the killer when he wounded the killer. The robot bodyguard secretly hid the biological monitor on the killer’s body, after the killer escaped. The robot bodyguard followed the killer.

The traceable results surprised Yu Xiaohu.

The robot bodyguard followed the killer and left Treasure Island all the way. The killer put on his makeup and took the boat directly. Monitoring and positioning, he took a boat to the Qianshan Islands in the southern province of Huaguo. After boarding the island, he entered an underground base from a very secret place and never came out again.

However, the biological monitoring has monitored the information there, and also let Yu Xiaohu know what a secret base of the organization is.

The information collected through monitoring indicates that it was secretly established by the Blood Mage, mainly a secret base for training killers.

After the killer’s mission failed to return, when he reported his intelligence to his superiors, they again revealed an important message. They suspected that the uncle of the Zhang family is likely to be a long-term, latent, double-sided person, meaning blood. The puppet of the puppet, also the puppet of the other side, has been playing around.

Zhiyi video recorded that the killer was found to have unknown things in his body during the physical examination, and then a movement of medical staff took out the biological monitor.

After the video material that Yu Xiaohu watched came here, the picture was temporarily interrupted, and he did not continue to watch those materials, and he said to the robot bodyguards around him: “Turn on the monitoring of the island and closely monitor this Zhang family uncle Every move, find an opportunity to make him disappear completely on this island. I don’t allow spies and unknown people on this island to lurk for a long time … “

After the robot bodyguard responded, he handed in another piece of information, saying, “Boss, this is the detailed information compiled by the owners of the second batch of immigrants after investigation. After genetic inspection of the inspection, 19 people have been confirmed. Of identity information is forged.

According to their genetic code, we entered the confidential archives of various countries on the planet, and found that 13 people had worked in espionage, and they served and worked for different countries and civil organizations.

Although the identities of the other six persons were forged, their true identities belonged to ordinary civilians with no background or special experience in some countries. However, they had contacted unknown forces before applying for immigration. Traces of demeanor and use of internet calls … “

After hearing this, Yu Xiaohu simply looked at the immigration information. So far, the number of the second batch of immigrants is not large, and the total number is only over 1,800.

But among these more than a thousand people. Suddenly, nineteen spies dispatched by various forces came to plan for long-term lurking.

Such numbers are very staggering for any national intelligence agency.

After laying down the information, Yu Xiaohu’s eyes flashed ruthlessly, saying: “For these nineteen spies who have come in. It is inappropriate to move them for now, so arrange some special tasks for them, and let them do it in one fell swoop. They were all under secret surveillance, and then after a while, they found opportunities to let them suffer from certain diseases and die naturally.

In addition, I gave my order to everyone responsible for the inspections on the Golden Corridor, and later found any suspicious identity spies. Report it directly to the Dark Guard and let the Dark Guard solve it directly. No matter what method is used, I only need one result, that is, these spies died normally. No one would doubt anyone … “

“Yes, boss!”

After Yu Xiaohu processed the information, he got up and went to an automatic door in the control room of the ladder. The automatic door opened. After Yu Xiaohu entered, when the door closed, he said, “Send me back to Base Island!”

The automatic door that received the order immediately started to execute at this time, and saw a streamer flash on the ladder that day. Quickly walking along the ladder towards the base island that day, the speed was completely faster than the speed of sound.

Just less than three minutes later, the ladder transmitted Yu Xiaohu to a positioning energy transmission point on the base island of the sea that day.

Position the energy transfer point through that. Yu Xiaohu did not go to the core control room of the base island, but instead found his assistant Li Moyi.

Mo Yiyi has been staying on the base island to perform the auxiliary management of the base island. Under his efficient management, all the functional modules of the base island have now completed the expansion and upgrade of Samsung Technology.

With the completion of the expansion and upgrade of Suntech, the operating efficiency of the super city built inside the base island has more than doubled.

In terms of the efficiency of the acquisition module. At present, the number of collection robots manufactured by the base island has reached 100,000, and they are distributed in the depths of the oceans of the earth.

It can be said. These 100,000 acquisition robots have basically achieved comprehensive coverage of the entire earth’s marine resources, not even Antarctica. Base islands have also established resource collection stations in the Antarctic and Arctic.

At present, those resource collection stations distributed deep in the ocean floor of the major oceans of the earth have collected and stored up to hundreds of billions of tons of various resources for the base island. Every day, a large number of transport boats travel to and from the major oceans of the earth. Various resources are constantly being transported towards the base island.

In addition to base resource consumption and collection, the base island will also convert part of the resources into energy points to supply those energy facility modules expanded by the base island’s additional modules.

Especially the weather controllers, magnetic field controllers, energy effect pools, earth gravity controllers, ocean ladders, etc., which have been operating at high efficiency on the base island, have large energy-consuming facilities.

In addition, there are all the robots and biochemical people who have successively completed the upgrade and expansion, and those armed forces such as armed mechs, armed robots, battle collection vehicles, etc., their functions will be more powerful and their intelligence will be more intelligent. High, its maintenance and upkeep and consumption also consume a lot of energy points.

Fortunately, Yu Xiaohu planned in advance. At present, all the energy equipment on the octopus island is used by the volcanic energy built by the base island under the octopus island, as well as marine nuclear power and small nuclear reactors. It can fully supply the most efficient operation of Octopus Island without consuming 100 years.

And the energy demand on the octopus island no longer depends on the base island, and the large amount of resources and energy stored on the base island will lay the foundation for the third stage of the base island to upgrade and evolve.

Yes, the current development situation inside the base island has been in a virtuous circle, with sufficient energy points and huge resource reserves. Yu Xiaohu needs to prepare him for the third stage of evolution and upgrade.

Because after the base island is upgraded to the third stage, he will undergo qualitative changes. Not only can he freely carry out activities on the sea floor, he also has the foundation to enter the universe.

After the four-star technology on the base island is unlocked, Yu Xiaohu will carry out his space plan. In the future, regardless of the planets in the solar system such as Mars and the moon, it will become a good platform for the base island to use its super black technology. There is no need to worry about any country on the planet. At that time, Yu Xiaohu will also start his universe exploration journey.

This time, Yu Xiaohu returned to the base island to find Mo Yiyi. After he arranged for the third stage of the base island’s upgrade preparations, he did not plan to stay on the base island any more.

After all, the interior of the base island is full of intelligent automation in the development of construction, and it is moving step by step according to the direction he has set. There is Mo Xie, a versatile assistant assistant who needs to worry about Yu Xiaohu and Not much, he just pays attention to the progress every time he comes back.

After explaining these things, Mo Xing was busy again, and Yu Xiaohu went to a landing on the base island.

At the landing, his submarine stayed there.

When Yu Xiaohu left, he asked a robot to send several scientific experiment data extracted from the science and technology center, and a suitcase containing genetic medicine, and then returned to the mainland after boarding the submarine.

The time is about seven o’clock in the evening, Xiangjiang.

The city is hustle and bustle, but the wealthy villa area near Repulse Bay is very quiet, and not many people come here to bother.

Although Yu Xiaohu is now truly the world’s richest man, even the asset value is too high to be estimated, and it is sought after by many people around the world.

However, in the eyes of many people, the richest man seems to be too low-key, and he does not like the high-end social circle on Xiangjiang side many times. The high-end circle on Xiangjiang side would like to invite him to participate in any party activities ~ ~ Even the invitation of the Supreme Chief was rejected, making those rich think that this is a shame.

However, they have no choice but to look up to their breath and have a smile on their faces. After all, the capital they have in their hands will definitely make any country in the world dare not despise.

No one knows what the world’s most valuable man thinks about, and what he does in his spare time. Even some paparazzi are very curious and want to take some photos to get relevant breaking news.

Newspapers and media have all paid high prices. If anyone can get some private life scandals or peach-colored incidents of the world’s richest man, or other big news that can attract attention, it will definitely make a paparazzi happy. life.

However, there are batches of paparazzi squatting to the place where the richest man lives every day, but there is no chance for them. The rich and private life of the richest man seems extremely bland, and he never stays out after returning home. Nothing to write, nothing to write, and depression.

But tonight, the paparazzi unexpectedly found out that the richest man had gone out with a bodyguard, so this group of people couldn’t get excited, and followed them like hungry wolves. (To be continued)

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