Super Evolution Base Island

Chapter 459 - Super lineup

There was a calm sea on the sea, and the breeze blew the clear water on a sunny day.

Although the location of Octopus Island is relatively in the center of the Pacific Ocean, it is almost the same distance from the Hawaiian Islands of the United States and the Okinawa Islands of the Japanese islands. However, when viewed from a straight line, it is still closer to the Asian continent.

In addition to the military routes opened by the Mi Army in the Pacific Ocean, as the Earth’s sub-communal ocean, most of his routes are public routes.

Nowadays, public routes on the North Pacific Ocean close to the Asian continent have become busier due to the existence of Octopus Island.

Just like in China, if you want to go to Octopus Island, the shortest distance is to go to the public route of the Pacific Ocean via the sea of ​​d and go to the sea along the summer or Fukushima of the southern province. In the case of the Golden Corridor, at the standard speed, it only takes about 17 hours.

Because of this, in order to quickly reach the material reserve plan in the early stage of Octopus Island, since the opening of the economic policy of zero-tariff to absorb all kinds of required material trade, Chinese businessmen along the South have been transporting materials to Octopus Island for trade. Has always maintained a state of fanaticism.

Coupled with the fact that Chinese businessmen have made huge profits by transporting goods to octopus islands for trading activities, the state has not explicitly forbidden it. It is always in a default state, as long as it is not an illegal material after passing the inspection, even customs and navy It is very convenient to open and close one eye.

Therefore, since the countries related to Japan and Japan have implemented customized merchandise trade and economic blockade policies that restrict the development of octopus islands, most of the materials purchased on octopus islands have been made in China, but they have also been made in China. It was a constant flow of merchants from Hua Guo to Octopus Island.

As for the merchants in Europe and the Middle East, although some of the materials they traded with the Octopus Island came from European countries. However, there are still some cheap materials purchased in Huaguo enterprises, and then sold to octopus island.

Yu Xiaohu also opened his eyes and closed his eyes for this behavior of European and American businessmen.

As long as they do not fool him with counterfeits or substandard products, all countries produce the same, after all, they are basic living and construction materials, such as food and basic industrial products.

Especially for food reserves. Yu Xiaohu has always refused to come. Those merchants receive as much as they can, and the price is slightly higher than the average international grain price, so that those merchants can make a profit and always remain enthusiastic.

After all, the future planning and development of Octopus Island will be based on the development of technology, commerce and tourism. Because of the existence of a super-backup base island, there is no need to vigorously develop industry.

Although the various resources stored on the base island will be countless times more than any country in the world, the entire ocean of the earth is full of collection robots and undersea resource warehouses sent by the base island.

Although Yu Xiaohu never worry about resource issues. But for the various scarce resources that some merchants from various countries secretly transported to the octopus, Yu Xiaohu also accepted them correctly, and the prices given made those merchants willing to take risks.

So, the public routes along the Golden Corridor near the Octopus Island in the entire North Pacific have recently become very congested and busy, with a large number of merchant ships returning to those public routes every day.

Although Mi Jun took the opportunity to attack the octopus island on the ground that the civilian and commercial vessels occupied the Mi Jun military routes to and from those public routes, it is strongly requested that the octopus island reopen a passage into that area, otherwise they will Merchant ships are taking mandatory repatriation action.

But for this kind of tough posture of the meter side. Yu Xiaohu is not a bird. They have the ability to drive the warship aircraft carrier directly to Octopus Island. As long as you have the ability to break the energy barrier, Octopus Island is yours.

However, the people of the United States have no way to break through the protective barriers that are secretly controlled by energy base stations, and it is even less likely to have warships and aircraft carriers on the octopus island. Instead, the more aggressive they are in the golden corridor near the octopus island, the worse The more it will cause strong dissatisfaction from businessmen from all over the world.

In this world. Merchant capitalists are the craziest group of people.

As long as you dare to move their interest cake, their counterattack will be very fierce.

The Navy of the United States continuously harassed the merchants of various countries near the Golden Corridor with the intention of disrupting the trade activities of the octopus island, letting the merchants of various countries retreat, thereby restraining the introduction of various materials.

But they did, although Octopus Island would be affected in some way. However, it will not hurt the muscles or the vitality. Even if there is a shortage of materials, Yu Xiaohu has various methods to transport large quantities of materials to Octopus Island. Super submarines that are not detectable by earth technology on the sea floor, These black technology creatures, such as modified creatures and robots, are not vegetarian.

On the contrary, those who are most affected are those businessmen from all over the world who invest capital to purchase a large number of goods and materials and spend a lot of cost to arrive at Octopus Island in order to make a great profit from it.

However, such serious interference by Mi Jun has made it difficult for businessmen from various countries to engage in material trade with Octopus Island without making money, and it will also cause them to lose more costs. This is undoubtedly their cake. That’s okay.

As a result, the capital groups behind these merchants and the interest groups represented by the merchants began to exert their strength. They would strongly attack this kind of military interference by the United States through business or political aspects. Hit and condemn, and continue to create social public opinion, agitate economic order fluctuations, reject the currency exchange of rice yuan, thus putting pressure on the rice government.

As for the Mi government, they are also a bit annoyed by these actions created by the interest groups behind the businessmen.

When Mr. President was driven to madness, he could only issue an order to make the navy converge. Do not easily provoke businesses with strong capital behind them, because those capital groups, even the rice government, cannot afford to mess with it.

So come on. Recently, the navy in the vicinity of the public routes around the octopus islands has converged a lot. They dare not bully the ships of large businesses, and can only choose to bully small businesses to show their authority.

In this way, the octopus island’s material trading activities continue, and the country can’t help him.

That afternoon. Several super-luxury cruise ships and frigates sailed on the Pacific public route close to the waters of Octopus Island.

Especially the militia navy that cruised nearby, when they found this ultra-luxury jumbo cruise ship and special frigate, they immediately reported the news to Pacific Fleet Command.

It was only after Mi Jun Pacific Command received this news that they naturally recognized these cruise ships and frigates and did not dare to neglect, and immediately reported the news to His Excellency the President.

After receiving the news, the President paid much attention to it, so he called the intelligence chief Peter. Ask him to send intelligence personnel to monitor the characters in some of the super cruise ships and their movements.

Of course, because of the appearance of this luxury cruise ship, it has not only attracted the attention of the United States, but also attracted the attention of other countries in the world.

Not only that, in fact, from the moment the super jumbo cruise ship set sail, media around the world were paying attention, but they didn’t know what the purpose of the cruise ship was for the time being.

And now. When this super cruise ship appeared on a public route near the waters of Octopus Island, it was obvious. The destination of this super cruise ship is the Octopus Island, which immediately attracted worldwide attention.

Because, according to some inside information, on these super cruise ships, the most influential business leaders from this world have gathered. Important figures of the old European superfamily, some celebrities in European society, and even royal members of several countries.

In addition, it is said that on another super cruise ship, the oil prince from the Middle East himself. And some super tyrants in the Middle East are also among them.

These people are all very influential people in this world. It can be said that they control more than 60% of the global capital and control the lifeblood of the global economy.

If someone comes to rob this group of super-rich people at this time, I am afraid it will rob the wealth of the entire earth.

But then again, when these important people travel, they will naturally be equipped with very strong armed escorts, and there will not be any brave daring to rob them.

Besides, not to mention others, Yu Xiaohu also brought his wife and Yun Xiang on one of the super cruise ships. Super submarines and robot teams escorted under the sea.

At this time, on the super cruise ship in the middle, a party was being held. The people present were Rice’s eldest son Neville Rice, grandson of Old Ross, second son and niece of Rothschild, The princess of the Swedish royal family … wait for these top celebrities in European society.

In this party event, Yu Xiaohu obviously became the focus.

Because these are young people and important representatives of the major families sent to visit Octopus Island. They also know some of the secret agreements reached by Yu Xiaohu with the major families, so everyone has talked and laughed and can talk. Come on.

Especially the Swedish princess, who seemed very open and enthusiastic, always winked at Yu Xiaohu frequently, and the Song Qiaoqiao next to him made a big jealousy, just like the old hen who protected the calf, and took Yu Xiaohu seriously. Do not give them the opportunity to be alone.

Because Song Ziqiao had stayed abroad and understood some of the European society, the little princess became interested in Yu Xiaohu. If they were alone, Yu Xiaohu, the pervert, couldn’t hold back, and it would be easy to roll over On the bed, our little boss naturally wants to prevent it from happening and kill the ambiguity that may occur in the bud.

Originally, Yu Xiaohu planned to take Song Ziqiao to Octopus Island in the past two days, but received a call from Old Rice to invite Yu Xiaohu to a banquet.

Therefore, Yu Xiaohu took Song Ziqiao to Europe to attend the grand banquet hosted by the giants, and at the banquet met some characters who had never met before, the King of Sweden, and high-level figures in some countries.

This time, Yu Xiaohu took Yun Xiangrong together. After all, she was a representative of the Zhongshan Kingdom sent on the surface of Octopus Island, and belonged to the royal princess. Cooperation, so it is logical that Yu Xiaohu and Yun want to go together.

After attending the banquet, Yu Xiaohu proposed to officially visit Octopus Island for an investment inspection visit. Old Rice and others also readily agreed, so they sent representatives of their families to join Yu Xiaohu. Set sail on a super cruise ship.

However, just as Yu Xiaohu passed through the Middle East, the oil prince learned through internal channels that Yu Xiaohu was also on board, so he made an invitation.

Yu Xiaohu had to disembark temporarily and took Song Ziqiao and Yun Xiangrong together to visit Merde, where he was very warmly received.

At that time, Yu Xiaohu also met Murd’s very beautiful and lovely daughter. The little princess had always had a good opinion of Yu Xiaohu because of the ifrs virus epidemic. After meeting, she was very enthusiastic.

After accepting Merde’s hospitality, Merde also introduced some super-tyrants for him when he took Yu Xiaohu and his party to browse the local scenery.

When those super tyrants heard that Yu Xiaohu’s trip was to invest in Octopus Island, they had responded to Merde’s call to invest in Octopus Island, so these people also readily decided to go along with them.

Therefore, when Yu Xiaohu was passing through the Middle East, he added another super cruise ship, and on the cruise ship there was an investment inspection team composed of a group of important Middle Eastern super tyrants led by Moder, the oil prince.

Considering that these people are all influential figures, the lineup of this expedition is also unprecedentedly huge ~ ~ will certainly attract the attention of the world.

However, Yu Xiaohu always felt that this lineup seemed to have some shortcomings and was not explosive enough.

Since it is an investment mission, it seems that these are the representatives of the superfamily in Europe and the Middle East. Except for one of the heads of the Shenhu Group, it seems that there are not too many heads of enterprises that carry a lot of weight.

As a result, Yu Xiaohu secretly issued an order that several senior bio-enterprise leaders scattered around the world wait on the grounds of visiting China.

When Yu Xiaohu took the delegation through the Xiangjiang River in Huaguo, after inviting these representatives and Princess Liuqiu to visit the headquarters of the Shenhu Group in Xiangjiang, they also collected the heads of enterprises as a coincidence. In this investment mission.

In this way, this investment expedition composed of the leaders of several major world super enterprises, celebrities and royal members of European countries, and the super tyrants represented by the Middle East oil prince, etc. As soon as countries learned that their destination was Octopus Island, they immediately caused a sensation, making senior officials of all countries pay close attention to the new trend of this super combination lineup … (To be continued.) (Www ..)

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