Super Evolution Base Island

Chapter 463 - Interview containment

The old king brought the tyrants who came to this inspection to visit the city of science and technology in the west and the city of biology in the north. The planning and development of the two cities left a deep impression on them.

And during this visit, Navis recorded some of his experiences and feelings in the place of memoirs.

Although this Navis usually has a small habit of handwriting a diary, he does not know what kind of sensation will cause the whole world when he goes back, when these stories are compiled into books and published. .

Within two days, Navis and other European noble representatives, as well as the leaders of the super enterprises, visited and inspected the eastern part of the next octopus island planned as a cultural tourism and entertainment industry development city, and separated the main city from the south The nearest one is a city that focuses on the development of business and economy.

After visiting these four emerging cities planned by Octopus Island, what most impressed these local tyrants was that the planning and design of the entire Octopus Island was perfect.

Each city maintains the island ’s original ecosystem to the maximum extent, and has its own characteristics. The facilities planning and layout of each city are very unified and reasonable.

℃ ≠, it will not be difficult to imagine that once octopus island solves the problem of scarcity of population here, the development of this small island country will reach a new level.

Moreover, his extremely important strategic position will gradually make this place a trading hub in East Asia, coupled with the effects brought by the super enterprises that invest here, many businessmen will continue to pour in here. Invest to accelerate the economic development here.

It is not difficult to imagine that after the island has these abundant capitals, he will probably catch up with and catch up with some developing countries in a short period of time. The late come first.

Moreover, although the concerns of the local tyrants are different, they have found the answers they want during the inspections these days.

For example, representatives of several major families, during this inspection, they learned that the source of the main ingredients of the gene medicine developed by Shenhu Group came from some special animals and plants on this octopus island.

Although they haven’t figured out exactly which plants and animals. And these are also things that the old king is highly secretive, and they ca n’t have the opportunity to inquire about it. After all, this is a lifeline resource related to the future survival and development of this small island country. How can the old king tell others easily.

Not to mention the Shenhu Group. They have mastered this cutting-edge biotechnology. Naturally, those biological components will not be disclosed. It is a trade secret, and Yu Xiaohu will not disclose anything.

They also know that the old king can no longer find other people to cooperate. After all, in the field of biology, there is no more advanced technology in the world than Shenhu Group.

But after being able to know that there are some biological resources that are rare in the world, their purpose has been achieved, and their determination to invest here has been strengthened.

In addition to the representatives of the old-fashioned families, like the local tyrants from the Middle East countries, especially Mod, he is most concerned about the island’s energy projects.

He passed a series of observations. It was surprising to find that the energy supply on Octopus Island was very sufficient because the island itself did not have resources such as petroleum and coal. Nor does it intend to vigorously develop industry.

However, the island has introduced some of the world’s most advanced new energy sources such as bioenergy, solar energy, wind energy, tidal energy, and marine volcanic thermal power generation.

Although Murd doesn’t know how these advanced energy projects were introduced secretly from the outside world and the old king on Octopus Island, the use of these new energy power generation projects will maximize The island has no pollution and will maintain its original natural ecology. With regard to environmental protection and other issues, this can definitely be said to have been at the forefront of countries in the world and already at a leading level.

However, despite the green and environmentally friendly energy projects adopted here, there is no oil-related investment project that Maud considers investing in. However, when Murd communicated with the old king in private, the old king revealed to him a news that shocked and surprised him.

At that time, the old king said to Murd mysteriously that although the island said that there were no resources such as oil and gas, it did not mean that the sea near the octopus island was absent.

Although this sentence is general, Mod is a smart man. How can he not hear the meaning revealed in this sentence, that is to say, it is very likely that the reserves of the octopus island are extremely rich in reserves. Oil resources.

After receiving this shocking and unexpected news, plus the old king’s statement to mention to him, in order to consider the maximum possible preservation of the original natural ecosystem, in the future development process, oil will become To use the main resources of export trade, it will not establish an oil industry system on the island to maintain the beautiful natural environment here.

In this way, Moder naturally knew what to do.

He also knew in his heart that this was another return made by the old king to him after he issued a statement in support of the Zhongshan country and gave octopus island a free donation and great support.

In this way, the investment inspection team composed of this super-luxury lineup. They spent five days happily on Octopus Island, and put an end to this investment inspection.

However, to everyone’s surprise, the night before they were about to leave, they received an invitation from an interview with a TV station that was originally built in this small island country and had not yet officially started operation. The invitation was still The old king personally sent them.

Everyone considers that these days they have been warmly received by the old king and are very satisfied with the investment environment on the island. Therefore, people such as Yu Xiaohu and Moder took the lead to state that they would support the drive of this exclusive interview by the other TV station. Next, others readily agreed.

In order to consider the schedule of these people’s return journey, each person also has only five to ten minutes of exclusive interview arrangements to ensure that they can rest tonight and set off tomorrow morning.

Therefore, Yu Xiaohu took the lead, and he took the lead in an exclusive interview with Kojima Television.

The reporter in charge of the interview. In fact, it is a novice, it is Zhang Xinlan.

But in the end, I have spent some time in the entertainment industry, and I have some experience, and maybe Yu Xiaohu is a person she is more familiar with, so Zhang Xinran is not nervous, and coupled with Yu Xiaohu’s encouragement. The first interview was completed smoothly.

After Zhang Xinlan and his department staff recorded the contents of the interview with a camera, Zhang Xinlan showed it to Yu Xiaohu again, and some of the news points that Yu Xiaohu voluntarily broke out were well reserved. It is also very familiar, Yu Xiaohu is very satisfied.

Because there was Yu Xiaohu playing in front, Zhang Xinlan also accumulated some experience, so next, Zhang Xinlan did not frighten the field when he interviewed other well-known people. The task of this interview was successfully completed.

The content of this exclusive interview with these celebrities will be broadcast to the island’s immigrants as soon as the island’s television stations are put into operation in the future. At the same time, the copies will be taken to the outside world or placed on Octopus Island. Get up and prepare it as an essential promotional video on the official website that is open to the world.

The next morning, under the enthusiasm of the old king. The representatives of the super local tycoons boarded the returning super cruise ship and formally left for Octopus Island.

Yu Xiaohu did not leave with the super tyrants this time, he said that there will be some things that need to be dealt with. Also stay on the island for a while.

Navis guessed that Yu Shanghu might have to discuss some secrets with the old king, and that their return destinations were different, so they took the lead to leave.

However, to these people’s surprise, when these super cruise ships passed the golden corridor passageway, the entrance to the octopus island sea area was about a nautical mile, the first time they were surrounded by water from many countries around the world The ship was surrounded. That battle seemed huge.

Fortunately, when the **** boats of these super tyrants came up with those ships, they were immediately on alert and questioned those who were approaching. It turned out that these ships were sent here from all over the world. Waited about two days for a news interview boat.

After all, the lineup made up of these super tyrants is too luxurious and powerful, so powerful that it has attracted the attention of the world’s leaders. The news media naturally couldn’t let go of this big news that might have a breaking point, so they sent ships to come here to interview and get first-hand news materials.

It’s just that when reporters from these countries came here to visit the Octopus Island, the Zhongshan National Guard, which is responsible for patrolling and maintaining law and order around the Golden Corridor, did not allow these news media vessels to enter.

There is only one reason. For security reasons, the king did not issue a permit to allow ships of reporters from all over the world to enter the octopus island freely, which made those journalists blocked by the media very depressed.

Fortunately, these news media vessels only waited for two days nearby, and they waited for the super cruise ships that attracted worldwide attention to come out.

As a result, the news boats of these media, like the hungry wolves, swarmed up for the first time, bringing great blockage to the nearby public routes and causing dissatisfaction of some businesses.

The local tyrants on the cruise naturally did not want to be harassed by reporters, and they all refused to interview because they had to deal with it.

But those news media are all well-known media organizations from all over the world. How can they stop if they fail to achieve their goals, and they are there, making the cruise progress impossible.

No way, the local tyrants had to recommend the little Swedish princess and let the little Swedish princess hold a press conference in a hall of the cruise ship and give reporters an hour of interview time.

The modern little princess was originally a lively and open girl. After receiving the media interview, journalists from all over the world furiously boarded the cruise ship and poured into the designated hall to interview the little Swedish princess. And asked the group of super tyrants about their investment investigation on Octopus Island.

And the Swedish little princess answered some questions from reporters, and the reporters used this little princess to talk about the beautiful natural scenery of octopus island, the natural environment of the original ecology, and the four uniquely-styled cities under construction. Some of the video materials that the princess actively watched from the media also allowed the media around the world to learn more about the development of Octopus Island and the deep impression that Octopus Island has brought to these famous people.

After more than an hour of interviews, after the little princess of Sweden ended the press conference, the media also got the news materials they wanted, and there was no embarrassment, and they opened the channel to let these super cruise ships pass.

The next day, news media around the world made a special report on the investment visit of this super lineup investment mission to Octopus Island.

Regardless of the news media, although the focus of reporting on these news is not exactly the same, it is undoubtedly used the headline page to focus on this news.

After extensive coverage by the world’s news media, and through some video screen materials and photos provided by those super tyrants ~ ~, it also allows the people of the world to read the octopus even further when watching the news. The face of the island has a whole new understanding.

Many people can’t help but admire the beauty of the octopus island, and the uniqueness and uniqueness of those urban styles after seeing the fantastic scene above the photos. At the same time, the development of octopus island is completely beyond their imagination The island is more beautiful than they thought, the construction and development of various facilities are more complete, and the investment environment is also very good.

Because the photos and videos provided by the news media are richer in content, they show the infrastructure and educational environment, cultural activities, architectural styles, etc. of Octopus Island, etc. After the public has a new understanding of Octopus Island, this has triggered a new round of global debate.

After the vast majority of people saw the beautiful landscape photos, they not only lamented the beauty of the octopus island’s scenic environment, but they actually came up with the idea of ​​wanting to travel there. The discussion on the Internet was fierce.

After a questionnaire was sent, the response indicated that the number of people who wanted to travel to Octopus Island reached hundreds of thousands in just one day in the world, and it was still growing in a horrible situation, which was very hot. (To be continued.)

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