Super Evolution Base Island

Chapter 470 - Storm

Recently, some people have discovered that a series of major news and events in the world seem to be inextricably linked to the island that suddenly emerged after hundreds of years of isolation.

Whenever a major incident occurs and is reported by the news media, it looks so shocking and unexpected.

In particular, the diving behavior of the three major giants of the United States is generally abnormal in terms of normal logic.

This anomalous behavior has also deeply aroused the strong anger of the Mi government, making the Mi government even hesitate to cause turbulence in the national economic order. It also severely sanctions the three major companies, and even puts the heads of the three major companies on the global blacklist This sudden event happened suddenly and shattered the eyes of countless people.

When ordinary people are paying attention to these big news and events, they will be puzzled, they do n’t understand why the rice government is doing such detrimental things, and they do n’t know what happened behind the scenes, so that the rice government will make The death net broke.

But some people, or some heads of state who have been following these developments, are able to find out the incentive caused by this major event.

In their view, the main cause of this incident is probably related to interests.

The three largest companies in the United States are Tiger Investment Group, which has the largest size. Since the establishment of Wall Street in New York, they have risen unexpectedly in recent years. They have involved various industries. Among them, the major investments in basic industry have covered almost the world Major pillar industries.

For such a large Wall Street capital group, because his presence will seriously affect the country and even the world economy, especially in the basic industrial field, it is impossible for the government of the country to let this capital group continue to grow in the country. They will certainly restrict and suppress it. , And find ways to divide up the terror benefits.

It is just that the government of the United States wants to sanction and suppress this Tiger investment group, and it is not easy to divide the benefits from it. It must be prepared slowly.

Mainly because many of them have a relationship of interest binding with them, and this has led to the rapid growth of this capital giant. And gradually began to grasp the lifeblood of the rice industry.

Later, in the ongoing secret investigation of Tiger Investment Group by the Mi government, they gradually found that the composition of this capital group was too complicated, and a considerable part of the capital was controlled by external forces or shareholders. That is to say, the interests of Tiger Investment Group are likely to make outsiders divide up.

So they became more and more disturbed, so they used the anti-monopoly bill incident as a reason to want to impose sanctions on this capital group.

However, the government of the United States did not expect that the government’s doing this just gave Taige Investment Group an excuse. Because they learned of this news in advance through the high-level government of the rice country, during the storm, they quickly launched a counterattack, making the rice country government passive.

Subsequently, Tiger Investment Group learned that the Mi government would begin to deal with them, they will inevitably carry out asset transfers, and among the companies in their capital control include Ambra.

People in the financial community still remember the capital war between the big biological companies that happened in previous years.

Due to the confrontation between Pfizer and Ambra in the United States, the two sides introduced foreign capital to kill them, but ultimately lost both. These capital groups have the opportunity to take advantage of the bite of Pfizer and Ambra, causing the two major companies to fall into turmoil, so that those capital groups successfully swallowed the benefits in one fell swoop. The company was completely controlled by Tiger Investment Group.

It can be said that Tiger Investment Group and Ambra are closely related. When the Government of the United States has to deal with Tiger Investment Group, Ambra will naturally be deeply disturbed. This will also set the stage for Ambra’s diving.

but. In addition to Tiger Investment Group and Ambra, another giant company, Titan Technology Group, has also been implicated, which has puzzled a considerable number of analysts.

The Titan Electronic Technology Company was not established for a long time, but they started quickly with mastery of cutting-edge technology in the field of semiconductor chips and data computing. The pace of its development over the past few years has been quite fast. Not only has it caught up with many established companies, it has even surpassed it, and it is far behind.

For many years, Titan Technology has used its cutting-edge chip products to continue to be used in the world’s cutting-edge military scientific research institutions and some national experimental institutions, as well as space and aerospace technology. Responsible for large-scale project computing and other services, amassed a large amount of capital, and established cooperative relations with many countries, and quickly grew to become another well-known emerging high-tech enterprise in the country.

It can be said that the development steps of this Titan technology group and their foundations look very clean, and they have not introduced a large amount of foreign capital, and the record of being damaged by foreign powers to damage the interests of the country is a company founded and developed by pure local people Advanced technology companies.

But even so, in the last investigation of the Anti-monopoly Act, the United States included Titan in the ranks of suppression, which puzzled many people and could not help but start to dig deeper.

However, through investigations by those intelligence personnel, only those who are interested have discovered that this Titan technology company has controlled the growing market share of the country and the world ’s cutting-edge chips and computing services, and has occupied almost 60% of the country ’s market. The old-fashioned companies with deep foundations have been squeezed to the brink of bankruptcy.

Under the secretive pressure of several major established companies, the government of the United States has repeatedly hinted to the company that it wants to give up some of its benefits in order to regulate and to prevent Titan from forming a serious monopoly.

At the same time, because the Titan technology holds the world’s top service computing and other markets, it has hinted that the company’s head is using the advantages of cutting-edge products to provide the M government with some information about global cooperation users. This is where Titan’s company was touched. Inverse scale.

After all, among the users of Titan ’s cooperation, there are many key agencies such as military institutions and national government agencies. If Titan ’s government has done this to steal the information of users in other countries for the benefit of the government of the country, I am afraid the world will completely lose their Place to stay.

In the face of such harming things, how could Titan do it, they will naturally refuse, and continue to dominate the global market for cutting-edge chips and computing services, and even force some of the established companies in the United States to go bankrupt, thereby occupying In the world of the rice market, such behaviors will naturally cause resentment and dissatisfaction from the rice government.

Subsequently, the Government of Rice in order to implement a blockade plan on Octopus Island. Titan’s refusal to cooperate, coupled with the deep-rooted established companies from which to do something, and some of the low-end peer companies down the rock, Titan has fallen into isolation. This made the Government of the United States suppress the company under the pretext of causing the company to fall into the turmoil of the antitrust bill.

From this analysis, the three major companies are all developing rapidly, and after they have started to affect the national interests of the United States, the government of the United States has been monopolized by these enterprises in order to prevent those life-line industries. Secretly made many things that infringed on the interests of the three major companies, which will cause the three companies to launch such a strong counterattack after the antitrust bill storm. These incidents are indeed related to the interests and are the main incentives .

Among them, what kind of role does the small island country on Octopus Island attract the favor of the three major companies and settle in Octopus Island? This has puzzled many experts.

But now, when the government of the United States is stimulated by the continuous actions of the three major companies. Suddenly, the measures taken again against the three major companies are indeed a major event that has caused a worldwide sensation.

Of course, it is impossible for the three major companies to remain indifferent after making such an announcement against the government of the United States.

The first was Johnson’s Tiger, the head of Tiger’s investment group. He was arrested on a global wanted basis by the government of the United States for theft of state secrets, and Johnson was on an investment inspection visit to a small European country at the time. A press conference was held.

This press conference involved hundreds of media from all countries in the world.

At the press conference, Johnson Tiger in front of the global media announced on the spot that the Government of the United States had asked Tiger Investment Group to help them buy high-level figures in multiple countries, either by suggestion or by threats. To achieve an unknown purpose.

At the same time, the government of the United States was afraid that Tiger Investment Group would become larger and that foreign capital would infringe on the interests of the country, and secretly made a lot of measures to suppress and restrict it. Behind these, there are people in the government department of the Rice Kingdom who are greedy for the interests of Tiger Investment Group and want to use conspiracy and other means to divide up the interests, which is worse than the retaliation performed by the other party after rejection.

After the inside information was released by Johnson Senge, it was reported by the global media, although it attracted much attention from many countries. But it did not cause too much shock.

After all, incidents in which the government of the United States intended to steal the secrets of other countries have occurred too many times earlier, and many countries have long been aware of precautions.

But after that, the head of the Titan company held a press conference after Johnson. Teg and also exposed some insider actions of the Mi government.

When the Titan company announced that the government of the United States had hinted that they had stolen user information from various countries, they refused. The government of the United States also imposed sanctions against them. This immediately triggered a wave of waves and made countries around the world This kind of robber behavior by the Rice government expressed strong indignation and condemnation.

At the same time, the heads of some countries exposed the inside story of the rice government through the Titan Company, and also felt deeply afraid and grateful.

After all, Titan is unique in the world of cutting-edge chips and computing services, with unparalleled technological advantages, and has solved many major problems for the development of many countries in these areas. It has also worked closely with the military and governments of many countries.

Once they steal the secrets of these countries to the government of Mi, the consequences are unimaginable.

And they were also fortunate that Titan rejected the government of Rice and did not do these things that harmed the people.

However, through the counterattacks of the heads of the two major companies, these insider exposures exposed more people to understand why the three major companies will dive into some important joints of Octopus Island.

I am afraid that the three major companies have a long history of misconduct with the government of the United States. They are afraid that after the final news is leaked, they will be afraid that the Congress will impose sanctions on military forces against them, leaving them nowhere in the world.

So they unanimously chose to have a unique defensive barrier, so that military forces around the world could not penetrate and break in. There was no threat to military forces, and the octopus island with complete security was their safe haven.

And if you think about it, this octopus island, which is almost isolated from the rest of the world, is indeed the best place for the leaders of giant companies to avoid the tracking of the rice country. After all, there is no place in the world that is not beyond the power of the rice thing. The octopus island that made Mi Jun eaten a gray face is an exception. If they do n’t choose octopus island, where else?

However, since the three giants have decided to rip off their faces with the government of the United States, will they only expose inside information that is irrelevant and cannot shake the current situation of the United States?

Then, following Tiger and Titan, the giant boulder, the leader of Ambra Bio-Pharmaceutical Company, who has been keeping a low profile on Octopus Island recently, suddenly appeared in Xiangjiang, China, and also held a A larger global press conference.

At the reception, Boulder Tyra strongly condemned the logic of the robbers ’government. At the same time, he also revealed the inside reason of the counter-terrorism war conducted by the government of the United States.

Together, this topic immediately attracted worldwide attention.

In the news broadcast, Boulder Terra said that the U.S. and Mexican joint military police encountered a strong counterattack by the terrorist group and annihilated the entire army as a result of a joint anti-drug battle with the Mexican police.

In that anti-drug battle, the Mi people found that the criminal armed group possessed extremely high-end war weapons and biochemical weapons, which was an advanced biological mech. The Mi Intelligence had already obtained the fragments of this mech weapon. He closed the scene and began research in secret.

But in fact ~ ~ The reason why the country launched the anti-terrorism war is not for peace and justice, but for various advanced war weapons developed by the terrorist organization, purely for the benefit of The so-called war on terrorism.

However, when the Mi Qing Department closed and cleared the mech battlefield, their medical staff rescued a white policeman who had contracted the rust spot symptoms and brought the infected white policeman back to the country, making the white man Police became the source of the spread of the infection, which caused rust spot outbreaks in the United States.

In order to conceal the panic and turbulence caused by the rust spot disease, the government of the United States covered up the truth by launching a war on terrorism.

And in the background, Ambra responded to the government’s call and participated in the experiment of cracking the rust spot in the Miguo 7 biological base.

However, when the research only yielded some results, the Rice government ignored their credit and imposed sanctions and suppression on them.

But this time, when they rejected the unreasonable request made secretly by the rice government, the rice government was even more embarrassed and publicly declared that they had stolen rice state secrets for global wanted. He expressed deep indignation at the behavior of the rice government. (To be continued.)

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