Super Evolution Base Island

Chapter 474 - Visitors over there

The shipwreck incident in the remote sea area near the public route of the Octopus Island seems to be only those who ran to the more dangerous and harsh environment by themselves, which caused the shipwreck to crash. No one will pay attention to it.

Such a thing, a long time ago, when countries such as Miguchi and Hishima tried to find a weak gap from other seas that could enter the octopus island, they experienced several times, and the Miguos could say that they had paid a heavy price.

Since then, countries around the world are no longer easily involved in danger, and the world is aware that the harsh environment and abnormal weather around the octopus island are full of danger, and there are many unknown marine life.

If you break into those dangerous places, you must be psychologically prepared to be buried in the deep sea.

So far, when those dangerous areas are marked on the charts of various countries and known by the whole world, the merchants or ships that generally interact with Octopus Island will not casually go to those dangerous areas, only those who have no intentions. Talents will do such a dead thing.

It can be said that Takega Saburo watched the ship sent out by satellite monitoring encountering severe and dangerous abnormal weather, which caused the ship to be hit by lightning and then overwhelmed by a huge wave. process.

He even saw those sent by him sinking from the ship, and had no chance to call for help, and was swallowed up by a group of extremely fierce sharks that came over. It was completely wiped out by the army and there was no survivor. Even after the ship sank, no information was left for him.


Looking at that scene, Takega Saburo was almost stunned, but he couldn’t do anything. He could only see the ship and his men buried in the sea, and he could only express that bad mood with an angry roar.

At the same time, at the same time, the leader of the terrorist Hishima Saburo was in a terrible mood as he watched his men buried in the sea and unable to rescue, while swearing and incompetent, some people were in a very good mood.

Near noon, the golden corridor of Octopus Island once again ushered in a peak period of focus for merchant ships.

For efficiency, merchant ships from all over the world generally come to the vicinity of Octopus Island at this time. This will make this time of the day the busiest time period.

At this time, among the fleets near the golden corridor in the octopus islands, a more special fleet ushered in.

Because two of these fleets came from the Chinese cruiser and they were not far away. There is also an aircraft carrier escorting from China, which is enough to illustrate the speciality of this fleet.

Other businessmen found that the fleet was actually escorted by the Chinese army, which seemed a little unexpected, but when they lined up near the Golden Corridor, they did not intend to give way to the fleet.

After all, in terms of appearance. This is also a caravan engaged in material trade with Octopus Island. Everyone has the documents and discs issued by Octopus Island. One must come first.

Although the seemingly special fleet was escorted by warships and aircraft carriers, they did not seem to intend to engage in privileges. When they arrived near the Golden Corridor passageway, they consciously lined up for inspection by the Octopus Island inspection team. .

But at this moment, on the flagship of the fleet, several people suddenly got on the deck, four men and three women, followed by a large number of personnel such as bodyguards and secretaries. Looks very aura.

After many businessmen saw those people coming out of the cabin and getting on the deck, a few people looked around very curiously, apparently it seemed to be the first time they came to Octopus Island.

The other old man and the mature and beautiful woman, who were embraced in the middle, caught the attention of many businessmen at once.

Not because the woman is very mature and beautiful, but the sharp-eyed businessman recognized this special woman at once, and shouted, “Oh, I seem to have seen her. She is not from Octopus Island. His Highness the princess who was sealed down by the old king … “

“Well, how could Her Royal Highness be on the flagship of the Chinese caravan, no wonder warships and aircraft carriers escorted it. Is this a heavyweight senior leader of the Chinese country intending to visit Octopus Island? This is big news … “

“It doesn’t look like that. The middle-aged man in the middle is quite decent, but he has never seen it. I know the leader of Hua Guo, no such person …”

While some caravans in the surrounding area were talking about this group of people, their fleets also arrived at the patrol entrance.

After the merchants saw that Her Royal Highness had shown a special document, the inspectors did not check the ships and released them.

Moreover, after the fleet entered the Golden Corridor, they did not head towards the usual channels. It was actually guided by the octopus island’s guard to another dedicated channel.

At this time, on the deck, among the group of people, Yun Xiangrong and Su Shidao were among them. Yun Xiangrong’s face always had a smile on his face, and it was clear that he was in a good mood.

However, Su Shidao looked at the surrounding environment of the anomalous sea area and seemed very curious. He couldn’t help but caress the way: “There is a unique weather environment here, and there is a magical energy barrier on the periphery to ensure Inside, and that magical octopus island will not be threatened by any external military forces. No wonder they can develop rapidly under the blockade of the M State. It is indeed unique … “

“Yeah, this is the first time in my life that I have seen such a strange sight. It is not unreasonable for the Mi people to deliberately attack this island. The geographical location here is like a knife inserted in the Mi Jun Pacific. At the heart of the strategy, how can they be comfortable, and how can they let the small country on this island develop … “

The middle-aged man standing next to Su Shidao nodded, and was curiously observing the surroundings. After seeing all the ships following him coming in, he thought to Yun: “Miss Yun, I am here with you this time. In addition to escorting the weapons and equipment, I also brought the tasks assigned by the old leader. I wonder if Miss Yun can help me introduce the old king?”

Yun Xiangrong said, “Director Wang is assured that Her Majesty attaches great importance to this arms cooperation project with the Chinese State. With regard to this batch of advanced weapons and equipment, you can sell it to us at a preferential price and provide relevant information. Technical support and training services are a good sign of sincerity. As your representative, Director Wang’s visit is bound to be warmly received by His Majesty the King. “

Director Wang nodded, and suddenly heard a muffled sound.

He could not help raising his head, and saw the dark clouds in the sky. It seems that there is a rhythm of storms coming, and it can’t help saying: “The weather here is very unusual and abnormal. Seeing that there is always cloud cover in the air, is this always the case?”

Yun Xiangrong said: “This kind of weather only happens occasionally, generally within 150 nautical miles of this area. Generally, it is mostly sunny and sunny, and there are often flying birds in the sky, and planes also To be able to fly at low altitudes in this area … “

After hearing this, Director Wang couldn’t help but move, saying: “Oh, so, within 150 nautical miles of the Octopus Island, will there be an aircraft flying in the air that will not be affected by interference?”

Yun Xiangrong shook his head and said: “It still has an impact. The altitude at low altitude cannot exceed one kilometer. According to Uncle King, the density of the clouds over Octopus Island was very thick, and the elements such as electric ions were very It ’s just that many years have passed since the planting of a dissociating grass plant on the island has reduced that phenomenon, making the island ’s environment better and better, he predicts. After a few years, the energy barrier around the octopus island is weak, and airspace can be opened here … “

Director Wang can fully understand this, and the airspace will be released in a few years. This also means that Octopus Island will inevitably develop its air force in the future.

At the same time, after the airspace is released, satellites can also be freed from any obstruction and interference, and the dynamic situation of Octopus Island can be smoothly photographed. This will be a huge test for Octopus Island.

So come. They have relied on the purchase of weapons and equipment from China, or cooperation in other areas.

While several people were talking, the fleet led by the guards to a port completely in the style of militarized management and stopped.

Chief Wang saw the row of guards standing at the naval port terminal. He was of military origin, and at a glance he could feel the straight, well-trained, expressionless guards. The iron-blooded style contained in it couldn’t help him to appreciate it.

If placed in the country, this group of people is definitely the elite of the soldiers.

He took a curious look at the uniforms of these guards, with obvious regional characteristics, rank ranks but also very easy to recognize. Stars and bars were generally used outside. The gun and sword-shaped signs used here stood at the forefront. The officer was led by two guns and four swords, and should be a colonel.

After all the ships have stopped at this military port terminal, under the leadership of Yun Xiangrong, Director Wang disembarked along with him.

After getting off the boat, I saw a few people walking out of a facility on the dock. Two of them had different costumes from other soldiers, and the badge was marked with a gun shield. He couldn’t help but wonder, what level of officer was this. .

Yun Xiangrong seemed to see Director Wang’s doubts and then whispered: “Director Wang, one of the two is the left servant of the Ministry of Defense of Zhongshan Kingdom, and he has one gun and two shields, which is equivalent to that of China. The chief of staff of the Lieutenant General, the one with two shots next to him is the commander of the internal security, which is equivalent to the commander of the Central Guard, who is an important figure in Zhongshan … “

After hearing this, although Chief Wang was not familiar with the other party’s use of the title of ancient officials, he knew that his rank of major general was completely lower than the other party. He immediately became serious, and did not dare to neglect. Stepping forward, after Yun Xiangrong introduced them one by one, he solemnly performed military salute to show ceremonial greetings.

Su Shidao looked next to him. He felt that the official positions on the island were quite interesting. All of them used the official titles and grades of the Ming Dynasty. Modern people are really not very comfortable.

It was just that he observed the guards on the islands and found that they were well-trained, strong in style, and strict in discipline. Obviously, they were formed after the cultivation of long-term training. It was not just a year or two. Such qualities are at least ten years or longer.

This can’t help but make Su Shidao very puzzled. If the Yu family discovered the island ten years ago and started operating in secret, this is somewhat counterintuitive.

He knows the situation of Yu family very much. Yu family was very poor ten years ago. Yu Xiaohu was just a little boy. They have no ability and no capital to run such an island. Someone settled in themselves, but also formed power.

However, this is somewhat unreasonable, which puzzled Su Shidao and did not understand where these people came from. He believed that this was definitely not something that Yu Xiaohu could train in the short term.

At this point, after the introduction by Yun Xiangrong of the two sides, the internal commander sent the person to check on the ship. The two sides formally handed over and then invited the Director Wang to go to the palace, saying that His Majesty the King had waited in the palace.

In addition to escorting the weapons and equipment sold by Hua Guo to this Octopus Island, Director Wang was indeed entrusted by the old leader to want to see the old king. Before that, he was worried that the other party would not see him, and he would not think so smoothly.

So Director Wang took his secretary, assistant and a few others to bid farewell to Yun Xiangrong, and followed the commander to take the same environmentally-friendly vehicle that was astonished to the main city palace.

After the director Wang left with his men, Su Shidao and Yun Xiangrong remained in the port.

The soldier-in-law Zuo Lang made a count of Yun Xiangrong and Su Shidao regarding the batch of weapons and equipment purchased from China. After completing part of the delivery, Yun Xiangrong and Su Shidao took the equipment to the fish again. Oshima.

On the way to Yuwei Island ~ ~ Because there are no other irrelevant people, Yun wants to be able to say this: “Dad, I didn’t expect that the name of the princess of Zhongshan Country would be so easy to use, so It ’s easy to buy these weapons and equipment from the country. If you put them in the past, you would never dare to imagine them. “

Su Shidao has been thinking about the origin of the guards. When Yun Xiangrong said this, he could n’t help laughing: “Xiao Rong, you know, the better the development of this octopus island, the more it is valued by the country, and you Buying weapons and equipment from the country in the name of Princess Zhongshan, plus I talked to several old leaders from them, they sold both sides, and these weapons and equipment are indeed profitable for China. Will it be sold to us … “

Having said that, Su Shidao looked at the misty place in the distance and said, “Now I’m very curious what the fishtail island that Yu Xiaohu assigned to you looks like.

Now that we have the weapons and equipment, and this time we also come with the elite of a group of mercenaries I brought, plus the people of the Presbyterian Church that have gradually migrated from the Ryukyu Islands and you train There are at least 3,000 people in this group. I think as long as the infrastructure on Yuwei Island is completed, this army should be able to take shape quickly after a period of training … “To be continued .

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