Super Evolution Base Island

Chapter 481 - Their own doubts

“I don’t understand what you mean. What is going on here? Mi Jun interfered in it and launched a surprise attack. It would only cause us casualties and losses. How could it be good for us in the future?”

Yun wanted to ask back, but he didn’t answer. He just said, “Your Majesty said,” Some things don’t ask the princess. You just look at it! “

Yun Xiangrong suddenly felt a little discouraged. She found that everything seemed to be under the control of that guy, as if there was nothing he didn’t know.

It’s like a battle between them and Chuan He this time. They finally learned the relevant information and made deployments. The two sides started an encounter in the sea, but when the battle progressed, they found out This is nothing but a trap.

The other party seemed to know about it, but did not tell him, but let them experience it.

This also makes Yun Xiangrong feel a sense of helplessness in his heart. Is there anything else that this guy can’t do in this world?

As a result, Yun Xiangrong turned to look at the monitoring pictures. Both sides had ceased fire to evacuate, but then her eyes suddenly widened.

Because Yun Xiangrong suddenly saw from the monitoring picture that a group of small dots in the distance were quickly approaching the battlefield where the two sides exchanged fire.

“What is that little one?”

Can also say: “That’s the bomber sent by Mi Jun!”

Yun Xiangrong said, “So many, at least ten or more, Mi Jun sent so many bombers. This is to make both sides completely wipe out in this area …”

Just here, Yun Xiangrong suddenly looked at him and said, “You tell me, is that guy watching the battle, is he watching the battle as a play, laughing at us?” Is this something you’ve played? “

Can also say: “The Royal Highness Princess now sees the picture, Her Majesty the King can naturally see it, but His Majesty does not treat him as a play, and does not laugh at anything, he just said. When Her Royal Highness herself After witnessing the scenes of these wars and some unforeseen changes, it also allows you to have an intuitive understanding of wars. If you want to realize the wishes in your heart, you must go through these. There is a profound Feelings … “

After hearing this, Yun Xiangrong suddenly became silent.

Bang Bang Bang ~!

And just then, after a burst of violent explosions came out, once again attracted her attention.

I saw in that picture, at this time the dots in the air quickly came over the battlefields on both sides. After the bombers locked the target ships at sea, regardless of the forces on both sides, they started the bombing.


In the violent explosion, I saw that the bombers of the Mi Army are like the autumn wind sweeping the leaves. Every fired shell can hit a ship. After the violent explosion rang out on those ships, some There was no time to escape, screams were made in the bombing, and as the ship began to sink in the sea.

Yun Xiangrong looked at the scene of the bombing. Especially when the people on the ship were blown up in the explosion and their bones were constantly screaming, the scene was like hell, making her want to close her eyes and dare not look at it again.

However, she couldn’t close her eyes, and didn’t want someone on her side to be buried there, praying constantly in her heart.

Even, she has already begun to beg for Yu Xiaohu’s help.


However, during the blank period after a round of bombing in the air of Mi Jun, Yun Xiangrong saw another place in the messy sea. On the side of the Presbyterian power, several ships are still retained, while the people on their side are still evacuating intact.

Moreover, the targets of the first wave of bombing by the Mi Army all seemed to be vessels and personnel of the Sichuan He organization. Almost all the ships on the Kawaga organization’s side were sunk, causing heavy casualties.

“What’s going on? I don’t think it’s possible that Mi Jun intends to let the Presbyterian Church go and kill the Kawaga organization only. What did you do?”

Can also say: “This is very simple, as long as the targets scanned by the Mi Jun’s aircraft scanning system are disturbed, only the targets of the Kawaga organization will be displayed. Then the targets they bombed will naturally be Kawagawa One side, and for the Presbyterian side, the ships they abandon will form a security cover for them and let them escape the battlefield under the bombing of the Mi Army … “

“You can interfere even with the Mi fighter’s flight command system?” Yun Xiangrong looked at it with surprise.

It didn’t answer the question, because it wasn’t a problem at all.

And for the octopus island, this is a piece of cake. As long as they want to invade and interfere, even the strict military system of the entire earth will be as paperless to them as defenseless. They wanted to control those bombers who turned around and flew back to the homeland of M.I. to carry out the bombing, and it was as simple as drinking water.

Because this caused unexpected changes, Yun Xiangrong didn’t have so many opportunities to ask her questions that puzzled her.

Through the real-time monitored picture, she found that he could switch some scenes she wanted to see even if he controlled the screen.

So she switched the picture to the Presbyterian Church, and saw that the Presbyterian Church had abandoned a few ships. Under the cover of the ships destroyed by the bombing of the Mi Army, they did not sustain much casualties. It was just a loss. Just a few ships.

Now after this wave of bombing, they have successfully evacuated the battlefield and scattered to flee separately, hoping that they will not be locked by the Mi Army’s aircraft for the next round of bombing.

However, after a round of bombing, their fleet quickly rushed to the battlefield in this area of ​​the sea. Under the air reconnaissance, they attacked some small groups of illegal armed forces.

Yun Xiangrong will try to switch the screen to the angle of the fleet from Mi Jun. He wants to see the situation of that fleet. What he did not expect is that the screen can really switch to the side of Mi Jun ’s fleet. This will allow her to take a closer look at the establishment of the fleet and the situation of weapons and equipment.

And through these real-time monitoring pictures, Yun Xiangrong thought of these warships sent by Octopus Island staying here, very close to the battlefield, but regardless of the forces of the Kawaga organization that had fought before, or their side The power of the Presbyterian Church was unaware of it.

Even when Mi Jun’s fleet arrived nearby, they were still like deaf and blind, ignoring the existence of these strange warships. This can’t help Yun Xiangrong becoming very surprised after realizing this situation.

She couldn’t help turning around and asked, “Mr. Yea, why no matter which team. Their radar or sonar reconnaissance system can’t detect the existence of your warships. We all look so close. No, have all of your warships been transformed with high technology? “

You can also nod your head and say, “Yes, Her Royal Highness, although the octopus island warships use finished products purchased from some countries. Nothing can be seen on the surface to confuse the enemy, but in terms of the core, the octopus The island’s warships have been modified, and their performance and power will be the best in the world … “

After hearing this, Yun Xiangrong could not help but think, “Can you help us to refit the batch of warships that we bought from Mermaid Island in China? Of course, we will fully bear the cost of the modification?”

You can also shake your head and say, “His Royal Highness. Your question is beyond the scope of my authority to answer, but you can ask Her Majesty …”

Yun Xiangrong did not continue to ask this question. After watching the monitoring screen, she saw that Mi Jun’s fleet came here, and she completely controlled the situation here.

Half of the ships of the Kawaga organization that had been bombed by bombers had sunk, and the rest remained floating on the sea with little movement, and the crew on the ship had withdrawn.

However, although the speedboats used by those who evacuated late were fleeing, they did not escape the pursuit of the Mi fleet. After being surrounded by the mi fleet, they directly dropped their weapons and chose to surrender, but they had some heart. Fortunately. The attempt to break through was directly shot by Mi Jun.

“Well, what happened to those Mi people?”

However, when Yun wanted to observe the actions of the Mi Jun. Suddenly I saw an aircraft carrier of the Mi Army again, and those fighters took off quickly. They did not seem to chase those two forces to flee, but they rushed in the direction they came.

At this time, the Mi Army’s fleet no longer cleaned up the situation here, after the Mi people received orders. One after another boarded the fleet quickly, and those warships actually started to return to the urgency again, sailing at high speed in the direction of their arrival.

Seeing this picture, Yun Xiangrong seemed very puzzled, and also felt that these things that happened tonight were a bit strange.

First, on the side of the Sichuan He organization, after the encounter between the two sides at sea, the firepower on both sides continued to be very fierce, but after a stalemate, they gradually gave up the resistance and began to evacuate.

Especially in the side of Shang Xia, under their ambush, they easily captured the enemy’s flagship, but the owner of the opponent’s flagship quickly fled, giving the impression that the Chuan He organization did not seem to be this time. To launch a raid against the forces of the Presbyterian Church.

Recalling the news leaked by the Presbyterian Church through the underground world, it is easy to guess whether it was the news released by the Kawaga organization only to attract the attention of the Japanese island government and the Presbyterian forces.

Thinking of this, Yun wanted to let his eyebrows twitch and whispered, “There are weird ones, but what is going on?”

Can not echo the topic Yun Yunrong said. He saw that Mi Jun ’s fleet came faster and the evacuation speed was faster. After a while, he had already left, so he said, “His Royal Highness, are we To bring the elite you trained in Mermaid Island back to Octopus Island, although the actual combat tonight cannot prove their strength and did not allow them to fully exert their due strengths, it should be enough to cope with the next few parts. The scene of the war … “

After Yun Xiangrong heard these words, he always felt that there was something else in these words, and he couldn’t help saying, “What do you mean, do you know what, and why do you say that a local war will happen next?”

Ye Neng didn’t answer, saying: “Her Royal Highness Princess, you have only three minutes to consider. After five minutes, we will sail back to Octopus Island …”

Yun Xiangrong looked a little helpless, and said, “Well, then let’s join the elite troops of Shangxia!”

Soon after, Shang Xia received a signal from Yun Xiangrong. They waited at the designated place for a while, and found that the warship sent by Octopus Island approached them like a ghost.

After seeing this scene, Shang Xia couldn’t help but feel a shock, and once again had a new understanding of the hidden military strength of Octopus Island. He couldn’t help but startled: “I can’t think of the warship of this Octopus Island would be invisible. No scientific and technological reconnaissance system has ever found out. If we can have such a stealth warship, I am afraid that our plan to restore the country will be successfully implemented … “

However, this was just a passing thought. He took his men aboard the warship that accepted them and set off for the octopus island.

It was only on the ship, whether it was Shang Xia, or the elite men he brought out to participate in the battle that were very depressed, because the battle did not allow them to exert their true strength, the two sides fought and became deadlocked. By ten minutes, the war situation had changed unexpectedly.

How could they think that the menacing Sichuan-Hega organization would actually be a paper tiger, and after firing a few guns with the fiercest firepower, they dropped the ships and ran away.

What makes them even more surprised is that the fleet of the Mi Army came too suddenly, and the round of bombing launched by the Mi Army launched the Air Force, and even their side’s hair was not snarled, as if they were on the Elder’s side. People are all invisible, making Mi Jun target the Kawaha organization’s powerful bombing, which is also strange to everyone.

However, Shang Xia thinks a bit deeper. He analyzed it through the weird battle situation tonight, and after they launched the raid to capture the flagship ~ ~ the signals they intercepted from the flagship communication system, He always felt that these were deliberate traps designed by people.

And the designer of this trap, he always felt that it was not the handwriting of the idiots of the Hiroshima government, as if it was an invisible hand from elsewhere.

But what is the purpose of them doing this?

If the Hijima government wants to kill two birds with one stone, it may make arrangements through the conflict between the right-wing organization Kawagawa and the Presbyterian Church, and at the same time inform the rice army in the back, and encourage the rice army to come out to clean up the mess, by the way The two organizations that were seen as thorny by the Hishima government were eliminated.

However, if such a plan is really written by the government of the Japanese island nations, then they are too idiotic. After all, as long as they have experienced the weird battle tonight, people with brains will feel that it is not right.

And just then, Shang Xia suddenly thought of a possibility.

Perhaps, the Japanese island government’s estimate in this operation of killing with a knife may also be used by others. (To be continued.) (Www ..)

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