Super Evolution Base Island

Chapter 506 - Feiying\\\'s Bundled Benefits

At noon on the same day, media reports continued that news related to the theft of confidential technical information of Shenhu Group.

At the same time, a video of the reporter ’s interview with Yu Xiaohu in the morning was broadcast as a separate news material.

Regarding the video content of this live interview, Yu Xiaohu’s remarks made many people who watched the news can’t help thinking about it.

Many people think that in the news, Yu Xiaohu seemed calm and calm about the theft of the group’s confidential information, but the meaning expressed in the remarks reflected his true heart.

This also shows that the confidential information lost by the Shenhu Group is very important this time. In the interview, Yu Xiaohu actually said that the new technology should be used to replace the important technology in the lost important information.

However, a cutting-edge technology is likely to succeed after a long period of continuous experimentation and summarization, and the period of experience will be relatively long. How can he easily replace those cutting-edge technologies with a single sentence and make them obsolete materials? ?

Conversely, even if the Shenhu Group can turn those technologies into obsolete technologies, compared to the current world, those technologies are still cutting-edge technologies, and countless countries and forces are eager to get those technologies.

It can be said that in the analysis of what Yu Xiaohu said, many so-called psychologists are full of loopholes, reflecting the uneasiness in the heart of Yu Xiaohu after the loss of those materials by the Shenhu Group. When interviewed by reporters, there will be a state of incapability. This is far from the young man who was very confident in the past and can talk in any interview and report news.

Of course, it is also their personal matter to interpret what is in the news report.

After the news report comes out, those who follow this matter will continue to pay attention to the ultimate whereabouts of those materials and the whereabouts of the female spy. The forces on all sides are acting secretly.

And only those who are good, or those who have not watched the lively, will laugh at the performance of Yu Xiaohu, the world’s richest man in news interviews, and will be curious about the subsequent theft of important information by the Shenhu Group. What will happen to them and what losses will they bring?

However, Shenhu Group has been maintaining huge profits for many years from beginning to end, so his main company does not need to be listed and financed, and the theft occurred. Nor will it greatly affect Shenhu Group in the financial market.

It is nothing more than the Feiying Group, which is a subsidiary of the Shenhu Group, which has been split up in the country a long time ago. This is a listed company. In recent years, due to the good operation and development of the Shenhu Group, the shares of Feiying Group Rising and rising, the market value has already reached tens of billions of meters, and it can be regarded as a potential stock with a very rapid rise in the whole of China.

This time, after the theft of the Shenhu Group and the theft of confidential technical information, although the main company of the Shenhu Group was not affected much, the Feiying Group was affected. The stock on the day of the incident fell by three percentage points.

At the same time, coupled with the remarks made by Yu Xiaohu when he was interviewed by the news, people felt that there were a lot of loopholes. Under the influence of such news content, Feiying Group’s stock fell again by seven points, a decline of ten Point, it can be said that it is very serious.

At this time, the shareholders of Feiying Group were a little uneasy. They asked about the whereabouts of Yu Xiaohu from all sides and hoped to talk to Yu Xiaohu. After all, Yu Xiaohu brought their benefits to them in just one sentence. Serious impact. Not to mention whether the Shenhu Group will have other actions next.

After all, Feiying Group always depends on the development of Shenhu Group. The better the development of Shenhu Group, the greater the benefit of Feiying Group. Once there is any problem with Shenhu Group. Feiying Group will naturally also be affected, and in the country, it is also the first to bear the brunt.

It can be said that the existence of Feiying Group is that Yu Xiaohu has always been a piece of cake for the balance of domestic interests.

In this cake. Those who are qualified to assign him are almost all the families and power figures in the domestic top power circles.

Yu Xiaohu was born in a country with this system. Naturally, the system environment of this country is clearer than anyone. His Shenhu Group can still grow to this day, and has even become the world’s first biomedical group without much. The constraints are all due to the existence of this split Feiying Group.

It can be said that the Feiying Group does not have much of its main business. His main role is to attack various light and dark forces at home and abroad, including the possibility that the government may make certain adverse decisions against the Shenhu Group. , They will be able to exert influence in secret.

And Yu Xiaohu allocates a lot of research cost to this company every year. What is his purpose? Naturally, he uses the Feiying Group to bind those powerful families and upper-level figures in China to his tank.

It is precisely for this reason that when the Shenhu Group faces the global strategic development, it has not pulled his hind legs in his own country, and no bad relations and forces have entered into it. Since the Shenhu Group started in the country, And the root is also in the country, how can Yu Xiaohu not operate a domestic relationship network?

At present, Yu Xiaohu does not directly control the Feiying Group, but his prospective father-in-law manages the Feiying Group, and part of the Song family ’s industry is merged into the Feiying Group. The main business of the company’s Shenhu Group is not related, which is also to prevent doubts about the Feiying Group.

Prior to this, what the Song family was doing. The Song family can be said to be a business family in the traditional field industry that has been operating in the country. They are rooted in the country and can be said to be very proficient in balancing the interests of all parties and operating the network.

Yu Xiaohu split the Feiying Group to let Song Ziqiao’s dad take care of it, and he continued to absorb foreign capital, increase the number of shareholders, and benefit from the wider financing of the Feiying Group after its listing. Huge benefits are naturally also obtained for the sake of saturating the interests of those forces and families and powerful figures in the country.

Those families and power figures **** through this kind of interest relationship, they have obtained great benefits from it, how can they not spare their efforts when the Shenhu Group faces some development problems?

It is just that the domestic environment restricts those who can’t serve the Shenhu Group secretly for a long time, but at the same time they enjoy the benefits, but gradually start to do nothing. Even trying to gain greater benefits, he began to engage in wind and rain in the Feiying Group. Even if Yu Xiaohu did not intend to ignore these trivial matters, he didn’t even pay attention to them. But for the Song family, it was intolerable.

After all, Yu Xiaohu is the son-in-law of the Song family. Now the two sides can be said to be completely tied together. The interests of Yu Xiaohu are damaged, so it will naturally affect the Song family. The Song family is a 100-year-old business family, would they not have the means to cope?

This time, the theft of confidential information in the Shenhu Group is a very good opportunity.

As a result of the theft of Feiying Group, stocks fell sharply. After the interests of those who had vested interests were affected, Yu Xiaohu and the Song family did not come out to calm the situation. They were in a hurry.

Yu Xiaohu has not stayed in Yanjing for a long time since Yanjing participated in the conversation. He flew back to Xiangjiang with Fu Xiaoyu in a special plane that afternoon.

This time, Yu Xiaohu did not go to the South Island. Because after grandpa and important family members secretly moved to octopus island, there is nothing to worry about him there.

After returning to Xiangjiang, his prospective father-in-law came to his residence one step in advance and waited there.

Song Minsheng’s body is now slightly rich, but he is very well maintained and looks younger, just when he is young and strong.

After he waited for Yu Xiaohu to come back, he seemed to have been waiting here. The key to wait was that Yu Xiaohu entered the door and asked, “Little tiger. What’s the situation?”

After Yu Xiaohu sat down, Song Minsheng took the initiative to pour him a glass of water. After receiving his thanks, Yu Xiaohu took a sip before he said, “I have answered to help the people in the country solve the problem of rust spot disease. Only after the high-level intervention in this incident, I am relatively passive. The two sides have exchanged opinions in advance. Most of the cooperation reached between the United States and other high-level countries is political, and I go there. It is only used as a bargaining chip when exchanging interests with the other party, at most in commercial cooperation. In the past, we developed a vaccine to solve the rust spot disease and obtained a lucrative profit return that both parties consider to be relatively rich … “

After hearing this, Song Minsheng could n’t help sighing, saying, “This is also the only thing that ca n’t be done. The domestic institutional environment is like this. No matter how your status is today, for the country, you will sacrifice your personal In exchange for some benefits in return for national strategic heights, you cannot help but do so, but now the shares of Feiying Group have plummeted, and those shareholders have jumped out and wanted us to restore the situation. What do you think? “

Yu Xiaohu sneered, saying: “The purpose of raising them before was to prevent some people in the country from pulling our hind legs. At that time, they gave them enough benefits. With the continuous rise of Feiying Group’s stock over the years, let them The benefits are huge. Although I still do n’t deserve that benefit, I do n’t want to keep a batch of tapeworms that are beginning to fail. Especially this time, the greed of some people is already challenging my bottom line. Since I can raise With them, they can be killed like insects … “

Song Minsheng’s eyelids jumped, and he looked at Yu Xiaohu in amazement. Like when the domestic situation was not too complicated, the child was able to tolerate the forces that kept reaching out and knew how to choose. In the way, lose some benefits to those forces, in exchange for their own space for growth and development.

But today’s situation is a little complicated, but the child’s attitude suddenly changed, which made Song Minsheng a little puzzled, saying: “Little tiger, what do you think, although the network of people we run today is already very broad, But for some powerful people, their status and the rights they hold can still threaten our development at home, so these people still cannot be offended too much … “

After waiting for the prospective father-in-law to finish, Yu Xiaohu interrupted: “Who said that our future development focus will still be in the country. I am tired of some domestic forces that are constantly reaching out, and I do n’t want to talk to them in the future.

This time, some of the things I talked with the leaders are related to these forces. Although I was more passive in certain issues in this conversation, in other aspects, I still occupied the initiative.

What used to be needed by the country, I will do my best to help the country get it, such as the cooperation projects of the National Tita Industrial Group, such as the cooperation projects of the Tyne Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Group, such as Titan Electronic Technology, and some in other different fields National key cooperation projects, it can be said that these projects have provided tremendous assistance to the country’s construction and development. My credit cannot be erased if it is erased, and that person is naturally very clear.

Although I have been passive on the issue of Rice in this conversation, I also know that the benefits that Rice has promised to the country this time are very huge, and for the country, it also needs the support of Rice. All is for national interests. I didn’t take my gains and losses at heart.

So this time, for those forces still reaching out to me, I also showed a resolute attitude. In the future, I will give up domestic development and shift my strategic focus. The natural one who knows this huge group I founded The lifeline of the industry lies in those core technologies I have mastered. Once I give up the domestic transfer of other places, the impact will inevitably be huge.

That person is also very clear about the greatness of it. Moreover, each time the technology we master breaks through, it will be the first to be applied in the country. It can be said that the country’s scientific and technological development in related fields is very rapid, and the country will depend on it. The science and technology I have can continue to drive the improvement of the country’s scientific and technological strength.

But if the country wants to replace the results of my efforts ~ ~ Let me contribute those technologies to the country free of charge and nationalize the industry I have created so hard, then naturally I will not agree, and the core personnel are in In my hands, the core technology is also in my hands. The one who once said that the existence of the Shenhu Group first belongs to the world and then to the country. The meaning is very clear. Let me not carry too much with the development of scientific and technological achievements. Concerns.

However, the so-called policy has the policy, and the policy has the policy. The person who is standing on the national strategic level may consider the issue and pay enough attention to me. However, the people below can’t stand the wind and rain, and in order to balance some situations in the country. That person is also powerless for some things.

Under these circumstances, there are only two choices I can make. One is to take those technologies away and the country will not be able to treat me, and the other is to fight back and show me through action. Attitude, if those claws reaching out to me still can’t be cut off, then I will help them cut off … “

After Song Minsheng heard Yu Xiaohu’s remarks, he also knew what Yu Xiaohu said in the meeting with the leaders, saying, “What should we do next?”

The corner of Yu Xiaohu’s mouth inadvertently sneered. (To be continued.)

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