Super Evolution Base Island

Chapter 511 - Attack

The residential areas around Octopus Island are all villa-style buildings.

The people who came from the early immigrants, the salaries and points earned through their work, and some high-income families have almost paid off the purchase of that house.

For newly arrived families, they can freely choose which city to settle in, and at the same time, through the preferential immigration policy promulgated by Octopus Island, they can start a house of this type, and spend little money, as long as they work It is very affordable to be able to pay off the house in the next year.

However, because of immigration policies, these unified residential areas are designated for families of new immigrants.

If each family of this type of immigrant residence has already purchased one or more sets and it is already saturated, then they are not allowed to purchase additional immigrant residences and wait for appreciation. Octopus Island has a very efficient management mechanism. Data The processing is secretly performed by supercomputers and central intelligent systems, and the management mechanism and social security system are relatively sound. This phenomenon can be completely eliminated.

Therefore, since those immigrant residences are provided for new immigrants, if those families who have already emigrated here want to purchase real estate, they will naturally buy them at the price of commercial residential houses under construction on Octopus Island.

After the Yu family moved to the island, Yu Xiaohu actually completed the immigration procedures for everyone during their relocation.

Only for the diaspora housing, Yu Xiaohu did not have any specializations for his family, except that he representatively allocated two sets to the grandpa and grandfather according to the immigrant housing. Just like his parents, Yu Xiaohu paid for them alone. Buying a commercial house.

Although speaking of this island, Yu Xiaohu built it to play. He plays the role of a king on this island, but to connect with reality, his dual identity cannot completely overlap.

Therefore, Yu Xiaohu works on Octopus Island in his own capacity. You need to do it according to the rules customized on this island, so after he buys a house for his parents as Yu Xiaohu, for the rest of the Yu family, if they don’t want to live in an immigrant house. If they want to choose the right place to live, then they have to pay for it separately.

After the uncle and uncle came to the island, they were very satisfied with the environment on the island. After adapting, they already like the life on the island. Although there are fewer people, the quiet environment is more comfortable for older people.

After they came here, they bought the immigration house directly, but only invested Yu Xiaotian separately to buy a commercial house outside. They also planned to use the house as Yu Xiaotian’s wedding room, so that they could get married and have children.

This is also true of other uncles. In addition, after the young people come to the island, although the first few days will be more noisy, I feel that there are too few people on the island. After being too deserted, but after they got used to the environment here, their mentality gradually adjusted and they began to like life on the island.

Especially when they like to do nothing, they go to the eastern city of entertainment and culture. After getting to know some young people of different nationalities, they will soon become one. Playing very well, naturally they will not look like At first, it was a bit emotional and contradictory.

The few who were still in school, because of their move here, Yu Xiaohu arranged for them to go to the Taiyuan and the Geyuan Academy to continue their studies.

At first, a few people couldn’t adapt to those names. But when they were exposed to those courses of professional knowledge, they were shocked and impressed by the strong professional knowledge and amazing teaching strength of the instructor.

Especially the esoteric profession Xingyu is set up in Taixue on this island. According to the instructor, this is a language with great prospects. Maybe in the future, after the development of earth science and technology spreads to the space universe, the power of this language will exert a powerful power.

In this regard, some people immediately fell in love with the language, and the required courses also chose Xingyu major.

What surprised them even more was that among their classmates in the same period, several people were able to use this language for some programming design. As a result, some very practical small things have been developed, which seem to be very tall, and their utility performance is also very strong.

Especially since the people on the island began to use mobile phones for communication, the mobile phones used by young people are all designed and produced by Pingguo and other companies for Octopus Island, using chips provided by Titan, with very strong performance.

In addition, the Titan chip’s support for extended functions is very strong, so many students use the extended function of the chip to program and design, and design some fun apps, which are currently very popular on the island’s network. Many young people are downloading those APPs. If it is not because the network on the island has not been connected to the outside world for a while, I am afraid that those powerful apps will be all over the world.

And these are all the fruits of those who have studied Xingyu on this island for a long time. It is said that some powerful guys have started to use this Xingyu to design more complex and professional things. .

After seeing this, especially a cousin of Yu Xiaohu, he was originally a programming enthusiast. After seeing the power of Xingyu, he devoted himself to the learning of this language.

It can be said that after the Yu family moved to the island, they were still able to adapt to life here.

And Yu Xiaotian here, because they passed with grandpa and grandfather, Grandpa called Uncle and Uncle to talk about it, Uncle naturally knew very well what the Yu family was doing outside, and now this octopus island is undoubtedly the safest, they naturally Can’t let Yu Xiaotian make any twists and turns, he also agreed to force the use of amnestics to make Yu Xiaotian forget the spy.

After the uncle and uncle Niu agreed, Yu Xiaohu didn’t do it himself.

Instead, when Yu Xiaotian went to bed at night, Yu Xiaohu sent two bodyguards to pass by. When Yu Xiaotian fell asleep, he used amnestics directly and started a simple operation.

After sleeping for about three days, Yu Xiaotian naturally woke up.

He wondered why he had been dealing with the company’s trivial matters at Xiaotang Village Yulong Company, but suddenly he came to this strange island.

Not knowing what happened, Yu Xiaotian asked what happened to Uncle and Uncle Niu. According to the content of the dialogue arranged in advance, Uncle Niu told Yu Xiaotian that she was in a car accident because she was too tired to work. She has been ill since then, and has been attacked by unknown people. She has almost become a vegetative and has been lying on the bed for a long time.

I heard my parents say that. Yu Xiaotian thought back carefully, and found that there were some snippets in their memory. He really thought that he had become a vegetative person after being attacked, and he woke up after a long time.

Uncle and Uncle Ni were very happy to see Yu Xiaotian return to the former sensible look. Fearing that these topics would cause Yu Xiaotian to suddenly think of any memories, they told Yu Xiaotian about the situation on the island, saying that the Yu family had moved to the island to live and let Yu Xiaotian rest for a while before going out.

Yu Xiaotian is convinced of this, and always feels a bit sleepy and wants to sleep, so he stays at home for a few days, and on the seventh day, Yu Xiaotian is completely back to normal, and he becomes affectionate after seeing Grandpa.

Grandpa was very relieved to see the change of this grandson. In the conversation, he revealed that he had asked Yu Xiaotian some questions, and incidentally mentioned that a spy was lurking to Yu’s house.

After hearing this, Yu Xiaotian didn’t have any special reaction. It seemed that he had completely cleared out the relevant memories about the female spy, and Grandpa was relieved.

After Yu Xiaotian’s memory was cleared, he showed a very good condition. Unexpected people such as grandpa and others let them have a new understanding of this technology of Yu Xiaohu.

However, for Yu Xiaohu, his cousin Yu Xiaotian’s affairs would not have paid much attention to it. After all, he is very confident in the biotechnology he has mastered.

However, on the sixth day after Yu Xiaotian’s memory was cleared, and also in the early hours of this day, Yu Xiaohu who was sleeping was awakened by a message from his smart assistant.

Waking up before waking up, smart assistants rarely do such things in general. Unless something significant happens.

Yu Xiaohu didn’t dare to carelessly, so he immediately got up and went to the ladder control room to let the intelligent assistant report the situation.

But he did not expect that what happened this time had a direct relationship with his cousin Yu Xiaotian.

At this time, in the ladder control room, Yu Xiaohu didn’t have the slightest sleepiness. On the light curtain in front of him, there is a shared vision data transmitted by the replacement creatures of the South Island.

What happened was Yu Xiaohu’s cousin Yu Xiaotian’s biological human substitute. The time interval was one hour. The place was at the entrance of Yulong Company on the South Island side.

The picture was recorded and played from the beginning. I saw the time on the South Island side in the early hours of the morning. According to the biological routine of my cousin Yu Xiaotian, after getting up at 6 in the morning, he would go to the gym to exercise for a while, and then go out to Yulong To work.

At this time, the pictures that Yu Xiaohu saw were indeed the shared vision data transmitted by the biological person, and they were substituted into Yu Xiaotian’s vision.

I saw Yu Xiaotian’s replacement after getting out of the house, and then got into the car. Because Yu Xiaotian’s habit is to drive by himself and not to sit with bodyguards, bodyguards usually follow him.

Nothing happened on the line on the road, but when the substitute parked the car in Yulong’s parking lot and passed the elevator on the first floor to the first floor, the phone in Yu Xiaotian’s pocket rang.

After he answered the phone, he scanned the information of the other party. It was a call from the boss of a cooperative company belonging to the company. .

All the routines and habits of the substitute naturally follow Yu Xiaotian from the original version. The boss has a good relationship with Yu Xiaotian, and Yu Xiaotian agrees.

He took the elevator to the first floor and entered the lobby. In the morning, employees of the company came to work one after another and greeted one another. Yu Xiaotian responded politely.

However, just after Yu Xiaotian’s replacement was out of the company building, a warning of an early warning mechanism suddenly appeared in the replacement.

Of course, this kind of alarm will not be presented for outsiders to hear, but the biological mechanism unique to biological humans will be sensed by scanning the safety factor of the surrounding environment.

At this time, the substitute’s biological mechanism generates an alarm, indicating that he has detected a threat, but not only one.

Under this threat, the substitute began to scan the biological eye, and quickly found one of the targets in the window on the ninth floor of the building opposite. By thermal imaging, it was obviously a sniper, and he had even targeted and locked it. Yu Xiaotian.

After scanning the sniper from the first angle of view, it is impossible for the substitute to turn his head 180 degrees to scan for the threats behind him. It ’s just that a female human came from the biosensor, which seems to be clean. Worker, walking quickly with a broom and a trash can.


However, it was late, but at that moment it was very fast. The substitute had not scanned the threat behind it for analysis. As a result, the sniper on the opposite side only pressed the trigger within three seconds of locking. Fired.

When that shot came, the substitute would naturally dodge under the instinct of the substitute, but when his body leaned back, the approaching cleaner suddenly accelerated and rushed up. It didn’t take three seconds at all. , He threw the trash can to Yu Xiaotian fiercely.


Immediately after the sound of a violent explosion, the substitute was blown out by the dustbin that was thrown over.

The bomb was very powerful. Even if the substitute was blown out, all the secret cores of the biological people are concentrated in the head position. It is impossible to be destroyed by the bomb. It has not been regarded as a real death. The biological reconnaissance The system is still working.

And through the working reconnaissance system, I saw that because of the sudden gunfire and the violent explosion, the surrounding area was blown up. At the same time, people around were starting to scream and run away. No one would notice that it was A stream of data was flowing in Yu Xiaotian’s eyes and eyes that were killed.

The camouflage cleaner started running after seeing the target was killed after dropping the bomb ~ ~ but he did not know that the scanning system of the substitute was still working. The camouflage cleaner was locked by the substitute Later, his genetic characteristics were quickly stored. At the same time, the sniper on the opposite high-rise building was also scanned with relevant information such as the body contour when he ran away.

After all, a biological person follows the life rules of human physiological mechanisms, and the substitute will not naturally climb up to chase the attacker. Instead, he has been computing and analyzing the information he has obtained, as well as the data content of the shared vision. After being fed back to the data center on the South Island for a while, and then received by Yu Xiaohu, the substitute closed the physiological circulation system and the maintenance system, temporarily interrupted the energy channel, and entered a state of death.

After seeing here, the picture is interrupted.

And Yu Xiaohu’s face also sank. From the information presented in those pictures, it was clear that the attack was premeditated and planned.

However, after Yu Xiaohu was looking at the information, he was preparing to track and inquire about the attacker, and then he received information from a data center.

This time, Yu Xiaohu was out of anger. (To be continued.)

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