Super Evolution Base Island

Chapter 525 - Swamp giant clam

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The geological environment of the Kirtu Marsh in northern Greece is very sinister. It is home to some large ferocious animals and some endangered wildlife.

The surrounding area is uninhabited, and the mountains and forests are barren all year round. The natural environment is very harsh and full of danger.

But it is also a must-see for some adventurers and scientists for frequent expeditions.

In addition to the harsh and dangerous natural ecological environment here, the weather here is also different from other places, and there will be an anti-seasonal climatic condition factor.

Just recently, the northern part of Europe was approaching summer, but an unusual amount of snow was falling around the Killer Marsh.

The snow is not too big, and the hail in the snowflakes melts quickly after falling in those swampy areas.

However, in this swamp area, two kayaking can be seen in the swamp area.

Da da da!

Snowflakes mixed with hail dripping on the canopy’s canopy, bringing a dull impact. A burly white man on the boat could not help complaining: “This **** weather, this is summer, It actually snows … “

“Sanyaco, please shut up and be quiet. It’s easy to attract crocodiles to attack in this kind of weather …”

A middle-aged man on his boat took care of this young man, and looked at another Burkinaina who was looking up information on another kayak and asked: “Sena, we are now deep into the swamp, here I have lost the network signal and cannot communicate with the outside world. Based on your experience, how far is the entrance to that temple? “

Bugisina on the kayak looked at the information very quietly. After hearing the inquiry, she looked around and said, “I’ve been there once. At that time, there was not so much water in the swamp. It is a dry season, but judging from the nearby geographical environment. It should not be far from the entrance of the broken temple … “

Then, Bugisina looked at a boater. A local guide invited by them said, “Mr. Weike, the time when you said the anomaly occurred in the evening of the day before yesterday, do you remember what specific characteristics there were when the anomaly occurred? Is it related to the underground temple here? “

Wei Aike is a middle-aged man about forty years old, but looks very old and pale. He looks around in a kayak. I heard the employer ’s inquiries and said, “Madam, the rainbow-like light at that time appeared in the evening. Most people in the town have seen it, and some people also took a video. But the old people in the town warned us that That’s a precursor to the opening of the gate of hell, and the demon is about to recover. Although I don’t believe these legends of the gods and ghosts, the environment here is really very dangerous. After you pay my labor costs, I ’ll see that … … “

As the middle-aged man was in a trance, he suddenly saw a sudden ripple on the water surface ahead. The rippled golden scales, like the scales of a fish floating on the water surface, at the same time, a kind of light gradually emitted there, as if converging into a rainbow door.

The people looked at Weike’s eyes, and just after they passed around a pile of rubble, a luminous body appeared not far away. Burgessina immediately took out the telescope to observe and saw that it was like a stone pillar above it. I don’t know what kind of substance is covered. It is the kind of rainbow-like scene formed when the light reflected by that creature meets the sunlight.

“Swipe across. Go and see what it is!”

Burgessina saw that the stone pillar had not spoken yet, but Sanyako opened his mouth first. Looking at the scene there seemed very excited, and quickly kayaking, trying to approach from there.

“Don’t go there, there is danger!”

After seeing the reminder, Weike didn’t paddle anymore. He had a bad hunch, but immediately took out another folded kayak and filled it with air. Then he said, “I’m sorry, Mr. Ms. Guys, I think you should have reached your destination, please pay me my compensation, I will leave here … “

After seeing the man so timid, but not saying anything more, Buisina gave out a stack of banknotes to Naviek, and the man quickly fled away in a rubber boat.

However, Viek didn’t go far, and while several of them were preparing to approach the stone pillar, they suddenly heard a scream.

“Help, save me …”

After hearing the call for help, the people on the kayak across a thicket of reeds did not know what was going on, and they became vigilant.

Sanyako and his associates took out a rifle alert and stood up.

After looking at the glowing stone pillar, Bugisina did not observe it carefully, so she humanely said to the middle-aged man: “Let’s save people first, and see what dangers Viek encountered …”

Middle-aged people also feel that something is wrong. Naiyake is supposed to be very familiar with the environment here, but the abnormal behavior and the call for help escaping from here made them question.

But Sanyako didn’t agree to go back to save the guide, but he insisted on going to the stone pillar’s position. There was a greed in his eyes. He just found out by observation that the stone pillar with the pattern and pattern was inlaid. There was a huge diamond. In order to prevent others from seeing him, he deliberately blocked the kayak in front of those people, thereby blocking their sight.

Now that name led to the accident and attracted the attention of those people. In order to swallow the diamond alone, Sanyaco ignored the opinions of several people and quickly swept away towards the stone pillar.

After seeing Sanyako acting alone, Bugisina frowned, and after letting the middle-aged man kayak around the reeds, they saw a scene not far away that surprised them.

Seeing that Vieker’s rubber boat could not be moved by the vines extending from the water, Viekk standing on it took the paddle board and slammed hard in the water in front of it, wondering what was attacking.

I saw the rubber boat splashing in front of it, and a pink soft thing suddenly protruded out of the water, all around the paddle board, trying to bring Viek into the water.

Viek immediately let go in fright, and after the paddleboard was brought into the water, he immediately took out a shotgun and shot it into the splashing water.

boom! thump!

After a gunshot, there was a sound of falling water. Burgessina watched Viek where he attacked something in the water with a shotgun, and he was unknowingly entangled in the red and soft stuff, but was taken in after a shot. In the water.

“Help. Help …”

Weike was screamed in fear after being brought into the water, and he kept beating and struggling. However, he only screamed, and was immediately pulled into the bottom of the water, followed by **** tumbling in the water splashing out of the water.

Seeing this horror scene happened in less than two minutes, Viek was miserable, and Burgessina was very dignified.

The middle-aged man also seemed a little frightened: “Sena, the red and soft thing just now should be like a tongue, but that long tongue. It can actually roll a person into the water and swallow it. What kind of creature is that? “

Bugisina said with some worries: “Judging by the characteristics of that tongue, it should be the relatively rare gilet clam here, but according to our biological characteristics of this clam, he only eats insects and Some marsh aquatic plants will not actively attack humans … “

“No, Xena, we have to leave here at once. Look at the bottom of the water, there are a lot of giant clams …”

at this time. The middle-aged man looked under water nearby with horror, and saw two huge shadows swimming towards them.

The giant clam was very fast, and at the same time they were behind. They also followed many smaller Moha like fishes.

After seeing her, her scalp was numb, and she realized that the giant clams would suddenly attack human beings, and there must have been some abnormal changes.

It was just the reality that made her too late to study those. At this moment, the kayak suddenly shaken violently, and then a long tongue suddenly got out of the water and entangled the kayak.

“Don’t shoot!”

Seeing that the middle-aged man was about to shoot with a gun, Burgessina immediately spoke to stop it, but his voice had not fallen. The middle-aged man fired.


Frightened by middle age, he immediately shot a gun at the tongue. After the tongue was attacked, it drew back sharply, but immediately. An even bigger tongue suddenly came out, and all around the middle-aged man’s waist, he was dragged into the water before he had recovered.

From a close look, the tongue was very disgusting, with a kind of mucus on it, as if it was rotten and melted, some small bugs were drilling inside and there were flexible forks. Obviously these giant clams were That kind of bug mutated after becoming parasitic and turned into a horrible monster.

Burgessina responded quickly. She didn’t observe the horrible tongue too much. When she saw her companion in danger, she held the middle-aged man’s hand firmly.

The middle-aged man grabbed Burgessina’s hand and kept screaming. A corrosive liquid around his waist made his clothes corroded and gave off a disgusting smell.

Bugisina only felt that the smell was too pungent, making her want to faint, and the tension was very huge. When she tried her best, she saw that she was going to be dragged into the water, so she was fierce. Pull back to the ground.


However, just under that violent pull, the middle-aged person’s body was pulled up, but the more horrible fact is that she only pulled up the middle-aged person’s body so that only half of it was corroded.

The middle-aged person didn’t seem to realize that she only had half of her body, and she didn’t seem to feel the pain. After he was pulled up, he was about to say something, but suddenly his lower half of his body was missing. A series of horrified reactions struck him, and he could not help but scream again and exhausted: “Sena, save me …”

Bugisina found that the middle-aged man’s corroded stump did not bleed. The blood was absorbed by a stream of mucus and covered his broken limb. There was a sense of peristalsis and there seemed to be many small bugs Things were digging inside and sipping on the blood.

Soon, Bugisina saw the worms drilled from the blood vessels of the middle-aged people, bulging and moving around the middle-aged people’s skin.

Bugisina, who studies biology, knows that middle-aged people should be parasitic.

However, she was paralyzed so quickly that she encountered it for the first time, and felt that the scalp was numb. Although he saw that the middle-aged man was still alive, he was gradually losing his vitality, and even the screaming was out of strength. When I was still a little conscious, I just picked up the pistol and put it on my forehead, and looked at Bugisina in despair: “Sena, run away …”


After a shot, the middle-aged man blasted his head with a gun.

However, the crisis is still going on. Bugisina saw the small bugs in the middle-aged person swim around as if they were going to **** out the blood, and then pulled up the body of the middle-aged person in terror. He threw it into the water severely.

Later, in order to save herself, she took out a small vacuum bag from her pocket, and after tearing it open, she poured a powder into the water.

She doesn’t know if those powders will work, but she knows that those powders were secretly collected from some rare plant specimens when she last visited the octopus island, and then prepared them for research. Function, he took different experiments to study those biological specimens.

However, the experiment was not ideal, and some materials were lacking, so she came here with the expedition team, intending to collect some rare biological specimens that she had studied in order to prepare a kind that she thought was important in the medical field. Breakthrough in innovative biopharmaceuticals.

But she did not expect that before she reached the underground temple, she encountered such a thing. When her life was threatened, she could not care about the scientific research results. She could only die as a living horse to come to the doctor.

However, when Bukit Sina sprinkled those powders into the water, she saw many dense aquatic creatures like crazy and began to compete for swallowing those powders, that is, those giant clams also joined the competition. Medium, very bloody.

But this also gave Bugisina a buffer time to escape. By taking advantage of those aquatic creatures no longer attacking her, Bugisina immediately activated the backup generator on the kayak, and when she had full horsepower, she quickly moved away. .

Bang, bang! boom!

After Bugisina drove for a while ~ ~ she heard the sound of gunfire not far away, and the screams from several people in Sanyak. She didn’t know what was happening there, but The impact of those mutated giant clams and small bugs on her was undoubtedly huge.

But at this time, Burgessina suddenly felt a sense of dizziness. She guessed that she had smelled the breath from her tongue before. She didn’t know if she had been infected with some kind of virus. Now she is not out of danger. She only Can hold on and plan to escape from here first.

But when the kayak reached the edge of the swamp, Bugisina couldn’t open her eyes.

But in the dimness, she suddenly saw several speedboats gradually approaching her. She wanted to ask for help, but her mouth was silent.

Until the speedboat approached her kayak, Bugisina faintly saw a few heavily armed giants, and a mummy-like humanoid wrapped around a woman wearing black orbit glasses. (To be continued.)

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