Super Evolution Base Island

Chapter 527 - completely annihilated

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Kirtu Marsh, periphery.

A small boat was slowly approaching the swampy area with abnormal weather and harsh environment at this moment.

“Mr. Tony, this area is snowing this season. Have you encountered it before?”

On the dinghy, a lady was sailing, and another man in a casual trench coat asked an old guide who had been invited locally.

The old guide was about fifty years old, and with a smooth world, he carefully looked around the environment, and said, “I have never encountered such a phenomenon before. In ancient legend, a rainbow appeared in this place of death. The door means that the devil is coming to the poisonous world, but just a few days ago, there was a rainbow door here. The devil is about to come, and it will be even more dangerous here, sir, if it is not to find that According to nephew Ivek, no one would be willing to be your guide at this time, even if you pay a lot … “

“Mr. Tony, listen to the people in the town. Your nephew has also been hired as a guide by several scientific expedition teams. How much do you know about the members of the scientific expedition team?”

After entering the swamp, Tony took out a telescope and looked around.

After listening to the question of the middle-aged man, he said, “One of the most impressive members of the scientific expedition team was a lady, everyone called her Dr. Senna, and another man named Sang, who was a grumpy Guy, he actually thinks that the sanitation in the town is too dirty, and the food is unhygienic and disgusting. If it wasn’t for Ivik’s pity, that guy would have been kicked out of town … “

After hearing this, the mouth of the woman who sailed and the man in the trench coat could not help but pump.

They didn’t answer this topic. In fact, the town is really a little dirty and the sanitation environment is not very good, but the old man is too stubborn and his temper is not very good.

“Look, what is that?”

Just then, Tony pointed to a place not far away. I saw something hanging on a vine there, which looked like leftover clothes and some outdoor supplies that were discarded.

“Drive over and see!”

The man in the trench coat glanced through the telescope, frowned, and let the lady sail close to the ship. They took the clothes off and observed them. The man in the trench coat looked solemnly: “These clothes are all new, which means that people who came here have been attacked by unknown creatures not long ago …”

At the tip of Tony’s eye, he took a telescope and saw the movement not far away. By the way: “Look there, there’s light there, exactly where we once saw the Rainbow Gate …”

The man in the trench coat observed it, and then signaled the lady to extinguish the engine, and approached it slowly using the hand-boating mode.


Just as they passed around a reed bush, the man in the trench coat found several boats parked not far away, and there were several armed men on board who were patrolling around. When the lady was stopped, she hid there The reed looked from there.

“These ships could not be identified by the number, and the structure of some places on the ship was special. They were modified, and the armed men did not look like mercenaries, like a private armed force …”

The blonde lady was relatively observant. After analyzing these data through observation, she quickly gave her speculative results.

After the man in the trench coat lowered his binoculars, he did not look at the place anymore, but observed the water level here. At the same time, he noticed that the water surface would have a shaking feeling from time to time, as if there was something moving under the ground.

Seeing these unusual movements, the man in the trench coat asked Tony: “Mr. Tony. There have been those legends that there is an altar built by evil wizards specifically for demons. Is that the devil altar probably here?”

Tony said, “It used to be explored when it was relatively dry here. I remember a few years ago. The Xana woman doctor came here, but after that time, her boyfriend never returned and should be dead. Was there, but at that time they brought out some things, those things are used for sacrificial rituals. They are things hundreds of years ago, said to be research, and we also know from that female doctor, there are A very dangerous underground temple. There are many institutions in the temple, and the curse of the devil. According to the legend circulating in our town, human beings should not set foot in this forbidden area of ​​death, otherwise, if it brings trouble … “


As Tony talked, the water suddenly began to feel a vibration, causing the boat to shake.

Tony was startled. “Is the earthquake?”

The man in the trench coat saw that the ripples on the water kept spreading. Goodbye. A few boats in front of it were also shaking, indicating that the movement was indeed underground near here.

The lady looked at it for a while and said to the man in the trench coat: “Would you like to report to the headquarters immediately? I feel unusual here, especially the legendary underground temple. Since Dr. Bugisina has been here again, she is missing, and There is another armed private force here, and it must be doing some illegal activities … “

The man in the windbreaker said: “Any signal here will be disturbed. If you want to contact the headquarters, it may be unreachable. Then contact the people in the signal truck outside the base station and let them relay the news to the headquarters …”


But as he was talking, the man in the trench coat rang the bell at this time, and he picked it up and said, “What happened?”

I didn’t know what to say there. The man in the trench coat frowned and hung up the intercom communication. The blonde asked, “What’s wrong, is there any bad news?”

The man in the windbreaker said: “It was said that a special squad would be sent into this swamp area to defend. The military intends to take over this area. Would our intelligence bureau not to interfere in the affairs here?”

The blonde woman blinked and said, “In the past, the military didn’t pay attention to this at all. Why would it suddenly take over here? Is there really something unusual here? The military wants to keep secrets and doesn’t want us to know? “

The man in the trench coat glanced at the area, and after taking note of the appearance of the ships, he said: “The army’s troops will soon arrive here. Let us cooperate with the military. As for the private group we found, Armed forces, let’s not move for the time being, investigate them and say … “


But at this moment, the vibration of the water surface became more intense, and at the same time, a wave of waves would be brought up. As a result, the boat on the water was also shaking. Obviously, the underground movement was getting bigger and bigger, which had caused a strong vibration.

After the man in the trench coat stood still, he was unwilling to leave here. He felt that there must be some big secret hidden here, so he picked up his diving suit and said to the blonde woman: “You guys leave here first, I dive in to see what happened, rest assured. I will be careful not to The influential people contacted … “

Soon, the man in the windbreaker put on his diving suit and suddenly dived into the water.

At the same time, the temple was underground.

The bear took his biochemical team to explore through the underground temple, but after they reached the ground along several newly opened passages, they found the giant buried in the ground of the temple.

At that time, after discovering the immensely huge device, the giant bear thought it was an alien spacecraft and seemed very excited. His intuition told him that it was something left by alien technology. It is a huge treasure here.

As long as they acquire this treasure, they will be able to acquire the alien technology here, and then they will become more powerful and the days of conquering the world will not be far behind.

However, just as the giant bear was preparing to take his men to conduct a search here, suddenly a few biochemical soldiers in front of them suddenly suffered an attack and fell to the ground.

“Head, danger, dodge now!”

The fallen Biochemical Warrior just sent a message through communication, and then there was no sound, apparently he was killed and killed.

The bear did not know what was attacking his men at that time. But at that moment, he saw a blue laser beam. After the laser beam was shot on the biochemical nanosuit, he would immediately penetrate the biochemical nanosuit and kill the biochemical warrior.

However, this scene only shocked the giant bear. After he recovered from the excitement of getting the alien ruins, his first thought was: “Are there any aliens hidden here?”


However, just when the idea of ​​the giant bear came into being, at this time, several blue laser beams came on. It was like lightning with a certain type of magnetic coil, and it was extremely fast. At the time of the shot, one of his men fell to the ground, and the biochemical nanosuit was fragile under the attack of the blue laser.

But at this time, the giant bear finally saw what was attacking them, and he was shocked that those who attacked them turned out to be a very sophisticated and advanced robot.

“Looking for bunkers, entering battle, firing …”

However, the giant bear is a professional soldier. His response is very sensitive. After being attacked by the robots, he found a shelter when he gave the order, and then turned on the scanning function on the nanosuit. The gun fired at the lurking robot in the alien spaceship.

Da da da!

The machine gun spit out the fire snake continuously. After the giant bear fired a shuttle, he was surprised to find that the robots would not evade at all.

What’s even more shocking for the bears and their subordinates is that the robots allowed the bullet to hit them, but a defensive shell popped up on them. After the bullets hit the defensive shell, they could only make a dent. The bomber flew out, making their attack useless.

Seeing this scene, the giant bears’ eyes widened seemed very incredible. Their biochemical nano-battles were the strongest individual weapon in the world, but in front of those robots, they looked so vulnerable.

Thinking of this, the giant bear was angry. He replaced the gun in his hand, and replaced it with a large caliber, powerful cannon on his shoulder. After aiming at a robot through a helmet scan, it was a gun.


The power of that gun was huge, and the explosion from the fire was very strong. It also hit the suspected outer shell, but did not cause much damage to the shell, but just brought a piece of crushed stone powder and splashed around. .

However, what makes the bear incredulous is that after avoiding the robot that he aimed at bombardment, he was not affected by the shoulder gun, and the opponent quickly counterattacked.

The giant bear saw that a robot also protruded a muzzle in the body, and the muzzle was aligned with his position here and locked.

At that moment, the giant bear felt an unprecedented sense of crisis. This was an intuition for judging the dangers that he had practiced as a mercenary in many years. He had found out that the robot was here. Locked up, making him hairy.

So without much thought, the giant bear suddenly swung sideways and rolled quickly.


And just as the giant bear tumbled, he noticed that a blue ball of energy shot from the robot’s gun barrel. The energy ball seemed to be wrapped by lightning, like a legendary electromagnetic cannon.

But it ’s too late, it ’s fast, and at that moment, when this artillery fired, the explosive power and damage caused by it was very amazing, making the cave violently vibrate and the stones on the top of the cave falling one after another.

Although the bear was lucky to escape the attack, the shelter he had previously avoided was moved to the ground, and several of his men did not escape the shot. At that time, he was bombed with slag. Nothing left, no corpses were found, and even the biochemical nano-battle, which was the perfect defense, was directly gasified.

At that time, the giant bear felt only a buzzing and roaring head. Under the influence of the electromagnetic energy cannon, the alarm in the nano combat suit on his body kept ringing, and the electronic system of the combat suit was losing its function, and Battery power also began to be severely insufficient, causing some features to gradually begin to fail.

And just when those functions were ineffective, the giant bear just felt very difficult to breathe, and at the same time he felt a huge pressure as if he was about to explode his body, which reminded him that it was close to the ground. At a depth of 100 meters, the gravity environment here could not resist with his flesh drive.

At this time, the giant bear was struggling hard, but he saw one robot after another in the struggle. They were shooting with that powerful and horrible weapon, and his men were one by one like being cut. The fall of wheatgrass is just like having excess resistance.

At this meeting, the giant bears will realize how ridiculous their behavior is. You must know that those robots may be made by aliens ~ ~ Even if they have biochemical nanosuits, they are facing the wrong technology level And other weapons, they only face the fate of being slaughtered on the ground.

Thinking of this, the giant bear suddenly felt very aggrieved. He had intended to fight in the Third Reich, but in the execution of this mission, he was slaughtered without any resistance, and the entire army was annihilated. .

Watching each of his men fall down continuously for less than five minutes. After the whole army was annihilated, the bear’s eyes showed madness, he took out a control instrument, and then pressed the button on the instrument.


Just then, a loud roar came in one after another.

I saw a few giant beasts rushing in. Those beasts were unusually irritable after being stimulated by the giant bears. After they rushed in, they regarded the human lying on the ground as an ant.

Especially one of the creature monsters in Goras, stepping on his forefoot in the fury, just stepped on the bear, and the biochemical nanosuit was stomped into it and became a pool. Meat puree. (To be continued.)

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