Super Evolution Base Island

Chapter 54 - Salvaging the sunken ship

海洋 The ocean under the night is calm and cold.

偶尔 Occasionally, some distant fishing boats and freighters from the distant sea make whistle sounds. They may sail in the ocean with the light of a light, just like the stars in the sky blink.

轰 The roar of the ship’s engines was dissipated in the ocean by the wide and infinite space, so that the sea could only hear the sound of the waves beating against the coast, and the seabirds or the big guys in the sea coming out and wandering on the water.

At this time, there were not many ships in the ocean, and no one would pay attention to a private yacht sailing quickly to the distance.

The private yacht transformed by the uncle suit is very powerful and powerful. With the assistance of an intelligent automatic control system, it can implement fool driving operations.

Yu Yuhu stayed in the control room, and under the guidance of Uncle Suit, after driving at maximum speed, although the highest speed was only about 48 knots, the rapid and mad thrill still made him very excited.

After the yacht sailed a long distance from the sea, this began to slow down. Yu Xiaohu would like to experience what it would be like when a yacht dives.

So, when the speed dropped to about 5 knots, Yu Xiaohu found the touch button of the diving function in the control system screen.


When he pressed the touch button, he heard the sound of metal joints moving and rubbing from the hull.

I saw that the bio-synthetic metal plates on the outside of the yacht would automatically expand and contract, and would be completely closed, just like a super convertible with the roof closed, so that all the gaps in the yacht were closed, and it was difficult to connect with precision. Content.

When the yacht’s hull is closed, a water storage tank door under the hull of the boat opens like a blind, and a large amount of seawater starts to flow in.

When the water storage capacity of the water storage tank reaches a certain amount, the yacht will be like a sunken ship, and will slowly drill below the surface during the voyage.

After reaching a certain depth below the water surface, the storage tank door will gradually close, and the yacht will not continue to sink.

Xiaoyu Hu stared at the control system tightly in the cabin, and there was no facility on the display screen where the equipment could not withstand the pressure of the seawater, and it broke or deformed, or leaked water.

Although the air pressure inside the cabin has increased a little, it does not affect normal movement and breathing, and the facilities function well.

Yu Yuhu dare not let the yacht dive too deep, only to reach about 10 meters, observed the experiment of the yacht’s snorkeling, and found that at this depth of snorkeling, the yacht ’s propeller power consumption will be relatively large.

潜 If you sneak at a speed of 10 knots, its energy and fuel consumption are about five to ten times that of full speed sailing on the sea surface, and the snorkeling time will be greatly reduced. You must get drainage for up to three hours.

After experiencing the advanced and powerful functions of this transformed yacht, Yu Xiaohu was very satisfied, and his mouth was almost smiling.

Immediately, Yu Xiaohu gave the operation of the yacht to the uncle Fu Shanghai, and he drove the yacht to the coordinate position where the shipwreck was found last time.

After Yu Yuhu returned to the bedroom, he immediately put the biochemical nano diving suit on him, and was still dumped on the heroic sci-fi warrior’s demeanor that he showed in the mirror.

Narcissistic for a while, the voice of the three-dimensional projection of Su Xunmei came from the bedroom: “Sir, you have reached the designated wreck coordinates …”

In fact, when Yu Xiaohu was experiencing the function of the yacht, the direction he chose to sail was where the shipwreck was, and he had been playing wildly for a while, and coupled with diving, he was actually closer to the shipwreck.

So it is not surprising that he will hear the prompt after he hands over the operation to the uncle in the suit and puts on the nano diving suit.

After the uncle in the suit opened the hatch, Yu Xiaohu took a rope made of biosynthetic material and got into the sea.

After diving to a certain depth, Yu Xiaohu quickly found the ancient shipwreck hidden behind corals and rocks through the locked coordinate points in the nano suit helmet.

The shipwreck was still lying there quietly, and even after five hundred years had passed, he remained the same.

Yu Yuhu came to the shipwreck, went into the run-down cabin, and after stunned away some swimming fish, he put away the several bronzes scattered in the cabin first and put them in the two large boxes.

Among the two large boxes in the cabin of the puppet, one contained large gold bars and silver ingots, and some jewellery, and the other contained more precious porcelain.

Although most of the broken porcelain in the box was damaged, Yu Xiaohu tasted the sweetness brought by the blue and white bowl and knew that the antiques were very valuable, even if they were broken, he would not let them go.

However, compared to the large amount of porcelain scattered outside, its value is not very high, and Yu Xiaohu just picked some of them that are still intact and put them in a large box.

It took me a while to gather up the intact porcelain scattered outside, and then Yu Xiaohu took off the rope and pressed a button on the top of the rope.


After the button was pressed, it was like an umbrella was opened, and a net popped up at the top of the rope.

Yu Xiaohu used the net to catch the two big boxes, and then used the helmet’s communication function to send a message to the uncle in the suit.

He immediately saw that the rope began to be slowly straightened, contracted, and dragged two large boxes away from the shipwreck.

Yu Yuhu followed, using biological tentacles against two large boxes to make it rise smoothly, fearing that the box would shake violently and break the porcelain inside during the ascent.

After the two large boxes were pulled to the belly of the yacht, the rope did not shrink again.

大 The uncle in the suit came to help, and Yu Xiaohu dragged the two big boxes onto the deck smoothly.

After Yu Xiaohu got on the ship, he felt that the box was not safe to put on the open deck, so he moved into the small living room inside the cabin.

However, Yu Xiaohu is not waiting to clean up those shipwreck antiques. At this time, Uncle Suit suddenly sent a message: “Sir, I found a patrol boat is approaching here. The other party has found us through GPS positioning …”

I heard that the patrol boat of the Marine Police came over ~ ~ Yu Xiaohu was surprised.

Grandma, he just got the most valuable thing from the shipwreck on the ship, and the patrol boat of the maritime police came here. Are these guys busy in the middle of the night?

“How long will the other party be here?”

“About ten minutes!”

However, there is no way. Since it has been discovered by the other party ’s GPS, the yacht cannot temporarily dive or escape, otherwise the suspicion is even greater, and countermeasures must be taken.

So I first asked the uncle in the suit to put the two boxes of antiques into a refrigerator, and then sunk the movable refrigerator as a whole under the seawater at the bottom of the ship so that no clue would be found.

After Yu Yuhu put two fishing racks on the deck, he quickly drilled into the sea and grabbed a few bigger fishes with biological tentacles.

After waiting for Yu Xiaohu to finish the concealing work almost on the deck, a strong light stabbed at this time, making it almost impossible to open his eyes.

After all, this time Yu Xiaohu came to salvage the sunken ship. The yacht did not sail into the high seas. To the extent that the territorial sea allows parking of sea fishing, Yu Xiaohu is not worried.

And the more confident he is, the less doubt he will have.

The maritime police patrol boat came to a halt when it came to the vicinity. Among them, a young man in uniform stood on the deck and looked at the yacht with a scrutiny. Then he took out a small trumpet and said: ” Listening to the yacht in front, here Marine Police XX, routine patrol at sea, please be prepared to show relevant documents for inspection! “

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