Super Evolution Base Island

Chapter 66 - 0 Year Secret

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Uh …

In the hospital, the smell of disinfection water is very strong.

It was nine o’clock in the evening. Yu Dazhi and his brothers and sisters in the Yu family had been waiting outside the ward for about two hours. They couldn’t help but be anxious and anxious. They didn’t know what Grandpa had left Yu Xiaohu in the ward.

大 Yu Dacheng’s prejudice time is late, and he said, “Brother, elder sister, second elder sister, or you and your brother-in-law must go back first, second elder sister has not eaten yet, I am here to guard it!”

Uncle Wu is a little bit worried about things at home. After all, people in Xiaotang Village and Hujiazhai are in trouble today. He has to go home to see the situation.

Hearing Yu Dacheng’s words, he nodded and said to the aunt and the second aunt: “Feng Jiao, Feng Mei, you all go to my village first, Xiao Man, you can change your mother for dinner, and you will follow you at night Mom stays with your brother … “

Then, the uncle looked at the younger sister Yu Fengling and said, “Little sister, you came from a long way along the southern province, and you are tired after doing a day’s work, so I will go back to her house with you and take a good rest! “

Uncle Wu is the eldest in the family. After making arrangements, several sisters also listened to him, so they left the hospital together.

Zhang Yuelian remembered that her son had n’t eaten at home. He looked at her husband and said, “Acheng, the meal at home is still hot. I do n’t think Xiaohu will come out for a while, or else you drive Xiaohu by the way and Lingmei Send it back, and you bring the rice here again, and let Xiao Hu eat it quickly! “

“Okay, let’s go!”

Yu Dacheng thought for a while, then nodded.

Grandpa specifically instructed them not to let them in. There must be something important to explain to Yu Xiaohu. They didn’t dare to rush into the ward, but just sent a text message to Yu Xiaohu to tell the matter. Yu Xiaohu sent a text message again, saying that the car Already unlocked, the direct electronic start is to drive away, and several people leave one after the other.

Uh …

At this moment, the ward was very quiet.

Grandpa Yun is telling Yu Xiaohu an old legend that has been passed down, and Yu Xiaohu listens very carefully.

The beginning of this story happened in the late Southern Song Dynasty, when the little emperor of the Southern Song Dynasty followed the minister and fled from the sea under the Yuan army’s advance.

At that time, after they fled to the sea, they encountered spectacles on the way and saw that all the creatures in the sea floated on the sea, but they did not die. At that time, someone saw a rising curtain of water in the distance bringing colorful rays of light, It’s like a door, thinking that it’s the gate of the god’s light lowered by the heavenly protection.

It was just that when they wanted to pursue the gate of Divine Light, they encountered a sea storm. At that time, a huge vortex suddenly rolled up a few feet above the sea. Some ships were engulfed by the vortex, but the ship protecting the little emperor was lucky. The land escaped, and the story of the gate of the kingdom of God spread with the survivors.

Ten years after Song’s demise, Kublai Khan felt that his life was approaching. He accidentally heard a rumored story about the gate of the kingdom of God, thinking that it was the gate of eternal life opened by Changshengtian, which would make him immortal and grow. The emperor immediately ordered the loyal subordinates to seek out the sea.

However, these subordinates never found the so-called longevity door for a few years. Some died or escaped, and some were afraid of being killed. So many parties sought materials to make a pair of bowls for Kublai Khan. It was said that it was a gift from the kingdom of longevity, and Kublai Khan liked the pair of bowls at that time, thinking that it was the bowl of longevity.

After Kublai Kye ’s death, his children and grandchildren scrambled for the position of sweat. The pair of bowls of longevity disappeared in the ongoing struggle. After Wen Zong who had been exiled along the coast, he was rumored to have received the pair and went to The kingdom of longevity is the true destiny’s son, and his sons specially sent people to seek out in order to fight for the throne.

At that time, some people did see the strange scene that happened on the sea. The Mongols thought that it was the gate of eternal life opened by Changshengtian. Entering the country of eternal life would immortalize, but the Han people at that time still hated Yashan’s death. Forget it, but think that it is the gate of God’s punishment opened by heaven, which is used to punish those kings who have hurt the lives. At that time, someone wanted to go out to find the gate of the so-called kingdom of God, but all disappeared.

Until the Yongle years after the establishment of the Ming Dynasty, Ming Chengzu Zhu Xi heard the legend that the gate of the kingdom of God appeared in the folk, because Jing ’s difficulty in taking the throne has always left him with a psychological shadow, Zhu Xi secretly ordered the court spies to hunt and kill the rumor spreaders, making this rumor Banned.

Although Zhu Xi banned this secret, there are still very few people who know the secret. At that time, the ancestors of the Yu family were one of them.

It was only after Zhu Xi knew this secret that he could not be moved as an emperor. Naturally, he hoped to be immortal and become the emperor of life. So he ordered a guard to secretly visit and know who knew the secret and beheaded him. Zheng He went to sea, one of the main purposes was to find the gate of the kingdom of God in that sea.

At that time, the ancestors of the Yu family were afraid that Jin Yiwei would secretly observe that he knew the secrets of those secrets, so they followed Zheng He’s fleet to go to the sea several times. Later in his later years, he recorded some of what he saw and heard at sea, and became a fish. Long Zhi, and the secret was also passed down by the ancestors of the Yu family in oral form.

However, the ancestors of the Yu family died earlier than Zheng He at that time. During the Xuanzong period, the second generation returned to the country carrying the deceased Zheng He’s body. After private enquiries, he collected information and added some information to the fish. Long Chi.

At the same time, I also learned that when Zheng He went to the sea to find the gate of the kingdom of God, after he escaped in a shipwreck accident, he really learned the approximate location of the gate of the kingdom of God, and recorded that information on a piece of jade to his close friends. Turn Emperor.

As for whether the close friend of Zheng He at that time gave the emperor that recorded the secret of the gate of the kingdom of God to the emperor, no one knew, and the second generation of the ancestors of the Yu family could not find out any news.

Since then, successive emperors imposed sea bans, and several generations of ancestors of the Yu family also dormant, and passed on Yulongzhi and that secret.

From the time of the emperor to the emperor Jiajing of the Ming Dynasty, the officials ruled corruption, pirated pirates, and slackened the side. The emperor liked the technique of Huang Lao and wanted to cultivate longevity and ignore the politics of the court.

To meet the preference of the emperor, someone offered the piece of jade information that Zheng He had left. The emperor was pleased when he heard the news of the gate of the kingdom of the kingdom, and ordered the sailor to go to the sea in the name of cracking down on pirates.

At that time, the ninth generation of ancestors of the Yu family was in the naval division, very brave, and good at maritime affairs. After the pirates invaded after going to sea, the emperor guarded himself, and left the ancestors of the Yu family. As a escort, he saw the jade that the emperor guarded beside him, and learned step by step from the emperor guard that the gate of the kingdom of God was located.

However, when they repelled the pirates and came to the sea, they did find strange light and shadow during the exploration. They were identified as the gate of the kingdom of God, but there was a mysterious sea float in front of the light and shadow. guard.

The floating object is like a rocky island, but there are hard tentacles like stones. It is very weird. Any ships or creatures that touch it will die. They will soon be swallowed up by the huge waves caused by it. At that time, everyone saw it with their own eyes. After all the pirate fleet that was about to sneak in on them was devoured, they were horrified and thought that the sea monster guard who was guarding the gate of the kingdom of God was working.

However, in the process of escape, many ships were swallowed up by the huge waves rolled up by the sea monster. In the process of defending the emperor by the ancestors of the Yu family, they had stabbed the sea monster’s tentacles with swords, but they were countered by the sea monsters. Shock injuries almost broke his arm.

Later, after the ancestors of the Yu family fled back, according to the secret ancestors of the ancestors, he guessed that the emperor’s knowledge would surely kill the witnesses at that time, and he immediately fled to hide in the mountain to hide.

Sure enough, after the sailor returned, he was secretly placed under house arrest by the emperor Jinyiwei and questioned the sea successively. Then these witnesses were all executed in secret, and the emperor’s guard was not spared.

But since then, the nine ancestors of the Yu family have discovered that their bodies have changed and they have lost their fertility. At that time, the Yu family was a single pass and had only one male. So the nine family ancestors of the Yu family took their families away from their homes. At the age of ninety, he passed this secret and Yulongzhi to a descendant of the thirteenth generation of the Yu family at the end of his life, and left the ancestral training of those who did not have male offspring. .

Later, the descendants of the Yu family went through the era of the Ming Dynasty and the establishment of the Qing Dynasty. At that time, maritime trade was frequent. Among the descendants of the Yu family, there was a jinshi, who had secretly instructed the children in the family. Form a fleet again to explore the so-called gate of the kingdom of God.

However, the exploration of this fleet failed. At the time, only one person in the entire army was returned alive. The survivor also described the scene at the time, saying that the fleet that had encountered the Pirate State was also exploring there. .

Subsequently, the survivor died before living for a month.

However, the survivor’s tomb was stolen less than three months after his death. When the government chased the tomb thief, he had obtained a piece stolen from the survivor’s private possession and used as a funeral. jade.

After the Jinshi ancestors knew the news, he suspected that the piece left by Zheng He of the Ming Dynasty was hidden by the survivor and used as a funeral.

But the jade is so valuable that the ancestors of the Yu family had been swallowed up by his boss before he could make a shot, and paid homage to the governors of the three provinces at that time, www.uukanshu. In the end, the jade with Zheng He’s information disappeared.

Since then, the Yu family has been defeated and persecuted in politics, and it has also declined.

Until the Jiawu naval battle, the seventeenth generation of the Yu family became the helmsman of the naval fleet, and had privately explored that area. There was no such thing as the gate of the kingdom of God and the sea monster guard at that location. The next few fragments of ships bombarded by artillery.

After that, in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China, after several generations of Yujia were completely reduced to fishermen, due to the difficulty of survival, the secret news did not have much exploration significance in those generations, but it still persisted with Yulongzhi stubbornly. Come down until Grandpa Yu Xiaohu is here.

Uh …

Grandpa Xun had surgery before, and recalling those secrets and telling was very slow and laborious.

But it took more than three hours. Grandpa told the whole story to Yu Xiaohu through recollection, because some places were not easy to remember, so I told them briefly, but some important points were not forgotten.

After listening to this complete story, although Yu Xiaohu despised the emperor for killing innocent people for the so-called nihilistic gate of the kingdom of God, and even wanted to enjoy this secret alone, they ended up annihilating in the long river of history, but the secret was passed down. It is a great irony.

But he also had to lament the deep persistence of the ancestors of the Yu family. After several generations of exploration and practice, even the grandfather did not solve the mystery of the millennium.

However, Yu Xiaohu has a vague sense of intuition. He feels that this secret will be unlocked with him, and thus officially comes to an end!

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