Super Evolution Base Island

Chapter 89 - Villagers trouble

For the factory that Yuyu Xiaohu invested in, all the design drawings have been completed and passed the review, and the factory construction contract has not yet been formally signed with the factory construction company to start the construction of the production line workshop.

At present, the industrial land has only contacted a civil construction company to do some basic earthmoving works, as well as the construction of some additional facilities for factories.

But even the factory building hasn’t started yet. Only earthmoving works have started. Some villagers came to block the road to prevent equipment from entering, which really made people feel uncomfortable.

And when the contract was signed with the government at that time, the government made a written guarantee on that industrial land, and some disputes would not arise.

现在 But now, this happened!

Yu Xiaohu frowned, and said, “The villagers came to make trouble. Have you contacted the local government, what is the government’s attitude?”

Yu Dacheng said: “The government learned of this, and promised us that it would be patted on the chest, saying that the compensation was paid to the villagers two years ago. At that time, they dealt with the matter and sent police to mediate. Those villagers were scattered.

But as soon as the police left, they came to trouble again, saying that the government had not given them all the money, and that the land price was now rising, and they had lost the money they had made up. After settling in, they will compensate in other ways.

As a result, the villagers used this as an excuse to block the road blatantly. As soon as the people from the government came, they ran. Once the people from the government left, they blocked up again, saying that they did not believe that the government would solve it. Way to solve, if we don’t give money, they will make trouble every day! “

At this point, Yu Dacheng patted his forehead and said, “Now the villagers and the government hold their own words. We looked for someone to investigate. The government did give the villagers a compensation fee. The amount is not clear, but The one that promised compensation after the company settled in did not have any written materials to prove it … “


At this time, Yu Xiaohu’s phone rang and it was Sun Li’s call. Sun Li’s tone was agitated and he said, “Xiao Hu, I’m sorry, I’ve smashed the work this time!”

Yu Xiaohu said, “Ali, don’t blame yourself. My dad and I are talking about industrial land now. Let the villagers come to make trouble, not to mention, have you inquired from the people in the food factory next to us? Did this happen when they moved in? “

Sun Li said: “I asked someone for a talk, but the people in the food factory all said different things. Some people said that when the factory was built, the villagers also came to trouble. They spent tens of thousands of dollars and settled. Some people It is said that no villagers have ever made trouble, and when they recruited, the villagers were still actively applying.

But some people said that at that time the food factory originally chose ours, but later the older generation said that the place was once half of the forest land developed by the villagers and half of the graveyard. The factory marked the piece out, and asked the government to re-scratch them to fill in … “

Hearing that part of the industrial land was formerly a graveyard. This is no matter to any investment company, not to mention whether such things are taboo, but to build a factory on a graveyard with problems in Fengshui, no matter which investor After learning about it, it will make people feel as if they have eaten flies.

Yu Yuhu frowned deeply and asked Sun Li: “Ali, have you investigated it carefully? The land was really a graveyard a long time ago. Is there a problem with Feng Shui?”

Sun Li said: “I asked a few local friends to visit several nearby villages. Some old people said that there was a cemetery there before, but it was only a lone grave. Southwest corner, where we were going to build the warehouse … “

Yu Xiaohu thought for a while and said, “Ali, if there is any problem with Feng Shui, let’s just mention the villagers’ trouble. I always feel that this incident is a bit strange. If there is a dispute, the government will not be involved. Assurance in writing, wouldn’t it strike the face of the new leadership team? “

Sun Li said: “I think so too, but after thinking about it, we haven’t offended anyone. We also visited factories in the industrial park in secret, and we haven’t heard of any rivers or lakes in the vicinity. It ’s just that someone wants to stop us, that ’s not the moment. At least they will wait until the factory goes into production. Now the timing is not right! ”

Xu comforted Sun Li and asked him to continue investigating. Yu Xiaohu hung up the phone and planned to call Xiang Shaoyu to hear his opinion.

However, Yu Dacheng has n’t called yet. “Xiao Hu, I talked to Mr. Xiang today. Mr. Xiang asked through the relationship of his friends. He analyzed the reasons for the incident. In one aspect, I am afraid that some people are provocative behind the troubles of the villagers.

The other is that there may be problems left by the government that have not been resolved. The new leadership team has not noticed this. Therefore, it has been issued a package ticket and placed an oolong when attracting investment. Generally, this type of problem occurs. We do n’t need to manage the villagers, as long as the government will solve the remaining problems, we will make further compensation for us.

Mr. Xiang guessed that this time we might be out of luck and be involved in some storms of power struggles after the new leadership of the county. “

Yu Xiaohu said, “How is Shao Yu going to solve this problem?”

Yu Dacheng said: “General Xiang means that we postpone the construction of the earthmoving project. Since the villagers are blocking the road, then we will temporarily avoid it and not allow some people to use this matter as an essay and involve us in some power. In the fight.

We just wait for the struggle to settle before we can find the government to resolve this matter. Once we are too impatient, I am afraid that it may be used by others. I think General Xiang’s analysis is also very reasonable. I have stayed in institutional enterprises. When it comes to this kind of power struggle, it is necessary for us to avoid as much as possible to maintain neutrality! “

Yu Yuhu has little experience in this area, but after hearing this, he feels that Xiang Shaoyu should know something, and he has the ability to solve this kind of thing smoothly.

But he didn’t see his dad stop but said, “Dad, what do you want to say?”

Yu Dacheng said: “Xiao Hu, although this matter can be solved with a good idea, but when it comes to the Feng Shui issue of the land, President Xiang is also difficult to say.

Because this is a question of benevolent seeing benevolence and wise seeing wisdom. If you do n’t believe the boss, there is nothing. If you believe it, you have to solve it with President Mo. After all, there is nothing taboo about Xiang. He is Concerned about what Mr. Mo and your Deputy Shareholder Dong have in mind! “

Wu Yuhu said, “What do you think, Dad?”

Yu Dacheng enlightened: “Little tiger, if there is really a problem with Feng Shui, you will let me stay in the factory all day in the future. I am really a little panic in your heart. You know our old Yu family believes this …”

Well, in fact, since Yu Xiaohu saw the Zhou family’s affairs last time, he has some confidence in Feng Shui.

After thinking about it, Yu Xiaohu said, “Since the land is suspected of feng shui problems, is there an artificial rumor and not to say, now we have signed a contract with the government. If we abandon that land, we will compensate a large amount of breach of contract. Jin, then I will find a Feng Shui master to show it, so everyone can feel at ease! “

“But we don’t know any Feng Shui masters ~ ~ Your grandfather once mentioned that you know someone, but I haven’t known if I can contact you for so many years …”

Yu Xiaohu interrupted Dad’s words, and said, “Dad, I know a Feng Shui master, let me solve it!”

Yu Dacheng is somewhat surprised, but now it is the best way to solve it, everyone is at ease, and said: “Then you will contact tomorrow, please come to the Feng Shui master to see if there is any problem that needs to be solved by others. Construction has not officially started yet, so it’s better to temporarily make corresponding changes in the design drawings! “

Yu Xiaohu nodded and returned to the bedroom. After hesitating, he called Yang Sutu.

But no one answered the phone for a long time.

After Yu Xiaohu hung up, he couldn’t help but think of Yang Suxun’s sweet voice and smile. He hadn’t seen it for many days, but he would miss it a bit.

Although he wanted to pursue others, since last time Yu Xiaohu went to Yang Suxun’s home, Yang Suxun seemed to be avoiding him intentionally. Even Yang Sutu, the female Han Zhi, didn’t seem to be too keen to give him. Create opportunities.

He mentioned it several times on the phone, but the girl Han Han started to creak. Yu Xiaohu wanted to ask Yang Su to find a meal and have a chat. Reason.

Alas, I still do n’t have a thick skin, and I do n’t have much experience in dating girls.

I thought of this, Yu Xiaohu sighed.

This night, Yu Yu was insomnia, all echoed in her mind was Yang Suxun’s Fang Ziqian Ying.

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