Super Fantasy Big Bang

Chapter 101 - demon

“Worgen … Werewolf … Why … these monsters are still here …”

On the Internet, the term “London Monster” spread all over the world overnight.

Someone ’s videos or pictures taken with a mobile phone may not be clear enough, making it hard to believe.

However, if you continue to search, a lot of videos that appear with ultra-clear cameras can be easily found.

This day, the whole world is in an uproar.

Rodben didn’t pay attention until one of the men handed him the phone.

The phone is playing a video,

In the video,

A wolf-headed monster is running, he is chasing a woman, and that woman runs faster than the monster.

Finally, the video ends.

Rod’s complexion,

He is the first blood race in this world, but he is not a person in this world.

In his memory, he is the elder of the blood clan of another world. He is asleep, and when he opens his eyes, he comes to this clean world without blood clan and werewolf.

There are only ordinary people in this world!

Rod was excited.

In a world where there are only ordinary people, the appearance of blood clan is no different from that of wolves entering the flock!

Of course, he was still used to being alert and did not expose himself easily,

Know that ordinary people’s weapons are not ordinary!

In addition to firearms, various aircraft tanks and artillery, grenade hydrogen bomb nuclear bombs, just get one, he must die!

Therefore, he began to quietly accumulate his power in the dark, constantly carrying out his first embrace, transforming the blood, and understanding the world.

By the time the number of blood clan reached thousands, Rod had been able to determine that the world was as ordinary as he seemed.

At this time, in order to quickly achieve his purpose, he began to send blood to the world.

And he himself came to Washington himself.


“Why are the werewolves still appearing …”

Although the monster in the video is slightly different from the werewolf he remembers, the appearance of the wolfhead is not fake.

Once, in another world, as a blood elder, Rhodes also participated in the war against werewolves.

For the werewolf, that is the eternal enemy of the blood race!

He thought he had come to a world of ordinary people, who knew that the werewolf actually appeared.

Suddenly, a sense of urgency flooded Rhodes.

Looking at the content of the video, most of the blood races in London are fierce.

Although he is in Washington at this time, far away from London, but the werewolves are also wise. If they know the blood plan, they will definitely come to Washington.

Rhod picked up the phone and dialed a call.

“Talk about cooperation, your people should stare at me for a long time.”


at the same time.

“No no no !!”

“This is not true! How could there really be an angel in this world !!”

Makcang’s continual retreat in confusion, remorse, unwillingness, incredible, all kinds of emotions at a time are extremely complicated.

“This must be a projector! Someone is making fun!”

Mike picked up the glass on the table and threw it toward the angel in exasperation.

The glass water cup quickly flew out in the air, and the water in the glass sprinkled out.

The angel held out his hand, his movements were very slow, but when the glass flew to him, he was impartial and fell into his hand.

The water that flew out also flowed back into the cup in shock, without a drop.

“Mike, you are not dead.”

The angel said slowly, still maintaining a gentle smile.

“No no no!”

“You are not an angel! Angels are fake!”

“That’s all lies of liars !!!”

Mike’s three views are almost broken.

Why? !

Why are there angels in this world? !

Why didn’t this angel appear earlier? !

Why! ! !

He was very unwilling and even cried out in anger.

When he believed in God the most, the real world told him relentlessly time and time again that even the most devout believer in the world was actually just a greedy treasurer.

It was the man who shattered his faith, and he slowly began to pay attention to the dark corners of the world.

At that time, he gradually understood, what **** is there in this world?

The so-called God is actually a lie that some people have woven out for their own interests and for various desires.

If there is a God in this world, it is money.

After the despair, Mike understood the truth.

He is also more religious to God in his heart.

For this God, he abandoned a lot, and did many things against his heart.

In contrast, his life is getting better and better.

He believes that these are the rewards that God has given him, and he is still a devout believer. Because of his devotion, his days will get better and better.

Moreover, the people around him did so, and he did it right. Everything was for God.

If the angel did not appear, he would continue to do so.

“Why are you showing up!”

Mike was desperate.

The beliefs over the years collapsed instantly, as if he saw that ignorant and pious self.

Those clear eyes.

He feels that he is extremely dirty and dirty, just like the maggots in the sewer.

Now people have nausea and nausea.

“You will ruin me, you are also guilty!”

“You are not holy!”

“Ha ha ha ha ha ha …… !!!”

“Angel is also guilty!”

Mike cried out ~ ~ It was like a few seconds in the air when a person jumped the building. The things he had done in his life were constantly recalled by him.

“I am going to kill you!”

Mike roared, wondering where he pulled out a pistol.

“Bang”, he pulled the trigger without hesitation.

The angel still looked at him with a smile, but suddenly his brow furrowed.

“It turns out … it’s a hypocrite …!”

The angel chuckled softly.

A black rash suddenly rose under the horrid gaze of Mike, and the flames were immortal. In an instant, the black blaze burned to the angel bathed in the holy light like wildfire.

In a blink of an eye, black inflammation spread all over the angel’s body, as if a huge campfire was burning.

Next second

A pair of dark red flesh with strange patterns stretched out from the black inflammation.

“I already knew you were a hypocrite, and I don’t have to pretend to be an angel.”

The dull voice, a tall burly figure came out of the black inflammation.

He grinned grimly, and appeared in front of Mike instantly.

Just lifted his hand and pinched Mike’s neck to lift him up, as if lifting a little chicken.

He jokingly watched Mike struggling in his hands, blushing.

“Everything that is good will only be suspected.”

“Everything evil is bound to be fearful.”

“Mike, you are the second one, and the second one forced me to become a demon.”

“Perhaps, only demons are best suited to drive humans?”

“So, I am the devil.”

The scarlet eyes seemed to be looking directly at Mike’s soul.

“Do you want to ……… Isn’t you immortal?”

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