Super Fantasy Big Bang

Chapter 119 - Earth Project Phase 2

The war between the sentry and the player has been almost two months in the past. In that war, thousands of people in the official camp really died!

There are players and soldiers.

Thousands of families are broken. When their parents know that their child is dead, and can not disclose the cause of death, the whole world is black.

Someone was sitting on the ground with a butt, and wept directly.

This is a disaster!

Other hindsight parents spontaneously gathered outside the school, demanding that the official release the survivors.

Someone has already started looking for the media to spend money on publicity and want to bring a wave of rhythm online.

In a modern city, thousands of people died inexplicably.

If this thing goes online, it will definitely be a terrorist-like terrorist influence.

Coupled with the chain reaction, many of the negative messages that were previously forced by the authorities will burst out in a flash.

The beautiful and free appearance that the official has finally created for decades will burst like a bubble because of this matter.

The terrifying reality like an abyss will be displayed mercilessly in front of everyone, giving people a deep sense of despair.


Eventually decided to compromise, anyway, those videos had exposed the battle once.

They put all players away from the school and evacuated the blockade.

In this way, the official will give all broken families a high amount of compensation, plus an honor banner.

They told the parents of these people that your children were sacrificed for the country, they are glorious, but they ca n’t expose their deeds now, otherwise, everything will be abandoned and they will die in vain.

Undoubtedly, this approach comforted many people very well.

Despite their uncomfortable feelings in their hearts, they did not act excessively in the future.

The official was relieved at the same time, but also began to try to dilute the influence of the video, and constantly create new public opinion to divert people’s attention.

The country is a country after all, and they are not wrong in doing so.

At least for now, the country is still beautiful and peaceful, and the people live and work in peace and contentment.

The country is a collection of people. Her biggest role is to ensure that most people ’s lives are comfortable and beautiful. She can resist most things that are negatively affecting the people in places where the public cannot see them. People can eat too much and do something they like to do.

Is the superb appearance necessarily good?

Not necessarily.

Extraordinary power is often controlled by a small number of individuals. If one person’s power is strong enough to face the force of all human civilization.

Then, human civilization will be swayed by this person’s personal personality preferences.

He can’t stop anyone who is not used to it.

Everyone in the world will do things according to his preferences.

When the time comes, that is the real **** on earth.

Therefore, it is undoubtedly correct for the authorities to take measures to block extraordinary powers and strictly manage them.

But the people in the demonstrations ca n’t control these, they only know that someone has died, and their children may die at any time.

For the safety of their children, they do not hesitate to do anything.

Even if the Pandora’s Box of Extraordinary Power is opened in advance.

Both sides are right.

The official has realized that they cannot suppress the spread of this virus, and also realized that these people are just a microcosm of the troubled world.

It is better to put them home instead of Chen Xiao, a group of useless military officers who are under great social pressure, to develop their supernatural powers more covertly.

Is also under the various considerations of the official, as beneficiaries, the two brothers Chen Li and Chen Xiao returned home.

Now they can no longer treat Earth Plan as a game.

They gradually realized the seriousness of Earth’s plan to the world.

This is not an online game officially authorized on the Internet, there is no anti-addiction, no legal protection, in the Earth project is really dead! No one can protect them!

Is only a teenager, they have witnessed the death of bloodshed, and no one knows how much psychological impact this will have on them.

No matter how others do, Chen Li feels good anyway.

The ordinary life now makes him feel like a big hero who has saved the world and returned to the ordinary.

If anyone is curious to ask.

Chen Li will smile and shake his head.

“Unspeakable …”

He enjoyed this feeling very much and kept Chen Xiao speechless.

There is an elder brother in the second and middle stage … It ’s so shameful!

Of course, Chen Liben does not think that he is a secondary two. Others say that saving the world is a secondary two, but he is different. He really saved the world! Can something really happen be called Secondary Two?

Just like this, a few days before ordinary days, a light blue light screen appeared.

“The second phase of the Earth Project starts …”

“Task template loading …”

“Knowledge store loading …”

Since Mu Ke shattered the angel aura, monsters everywhere disappeared. Players took their pets to fight other people’s pets. They couldn’t fight anything else.

The sudden blue light screen brought back the memories of many people ~ ~ It seemed that the war was just yesterday.

“The task template is loaded!”

“Knowledge store started!”

A base, the stone path of the running exercise slowly stopped, looking dignified in the air.


In the Internet cafe, Chen Li hesitated for a while and opened the knowledge store.

Compared with the knowledge store opened for sentinels for the first time, this time the knowledge store has much more knowledge stored in it.

The points used to exchange knowledge can only be obtained by completing the task in the task template.

Chen Li’s eyes quickly saw Wing Chun, Ba Ji Quan, modern fighting, etc., breathing some hurriedly opened the task template.

【Getting daily tasks】


Daily task: Complete a ten-kilometer run in 40 minutes.

Rewards: 10 points, one hour of star time.

The most basic Wing Chun boxing also needs 500 points. Chen Li speechless rolled his eyes and looked directly at another reward.

One hour of astral time?

The system does not have any explanation for this reward, as if telling the player that all this requires the player to explore on their own.

Since the ordinary for a long time, Chen Li was excited at once, quickly got off the plane, and ran out excitedly.

“Chen Li! You pit me again !! Ah !!! My qualifying match!”

Behind is the screams of his companions.

But Chen Li at this time will control them,

He found out when he ran out,

Like him, all players have seen the update of the Earth plan,

Other than Shi Tu reported the incident,

All players are running to the nearest stadium.

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