Super Fantasy Big Bang

Chapter 124 - 【Extraordinary Event: Blood Race】

Meng Ke’s phantom avatar appeared in a suburban villa.

Here was a gathering place of blood races in Jiujiang, a group of men and women bowed their heads in front of him.

“A chance, choose! It’s possible to be alive or die directly.”

Lin En, the former head of the Jiujiang blood clan, smiled bitterly.

The blood elder Rod died, and the blood curse inheritance of the blood clan was broken.

In the current blood clan, the superior to the subordinate is not an absolute bloodline suppression, but strength.

Although this will make the development of the blood race more potential, but these have nothing to do with him.

Their destiny has not belonged to them since they met Meng Ke.

Meng Ke banned them in this villa,

A month of anxiety,

Just when they hope Meng Ke will forget them,

He appeared again, throwing out such a sentence.

For a few seconds, Linn really didn’t know what to answer.

“Our life is in your hands, please show us the way of life.”

Lynn tried to make herself look humble.

Meng Ke raised his hand and tapped into the air, and four different pictures appeared.

“Jingjiu Road, Renmin Road, Qizhi Road, Taoyuan Road, four places, four teams, empty the humans there, and you can leave.”

Meng Ke said lightly, Lynn had a big head.

Empty humans …

Isn’t this just to expose them to their blood and use violence?

Otherwise, by other means, Lynn did not believe that the demon would let them go so easily.

After Meng Ke finished speaking, the illusion disappeared.


Inside a base, a large piece of paper was placed on the large table, and Shi Tu held his pen in a concentrated expression.

Around him, a group of people looked at him more nervously, and every time he wrote a pen, everyone widened his eyes.

On the drawing paper is a rather precise topographic map, which records a vast forest area.

Shi Tu’s painter is not very good. Whenever he draws wrongly, someone around will open his mouth to correct the instructions.

Until he finished painting, these talents were relieved.

At this time, a voice came from the intercom on the table.

“Captain Stone, thank you all for your efforts.”

The person speaking was very solemn. Shi Tu and others nodded tiredly and left the room.

A short time later, a group of people came in and took the drawing paper.

Officials have no way to suppress the spread of this strange thing, so they can only try to keep Shi Tu and others from contacting key figures of the official, and adopt this simple physical isolation.

Chen Xiao They may not know the value of Star Realm, but the official people are deeply shocked.

They are not ordinary people like Chen Xiao. Even if they give Chen Xiao a world, they cannot do anything as ordinary people.

However, as a country official,

There is too much to do in a world before them.


After going out, I didn’t wait for Shi Tu’s nervous heart to relax,

A light curtain suddenly jumped in front of him.

【Extraordinary Event: Blood Race】

Task description: Due to unknown reasons, blood clan invasion will occur in the urban area of ​​Jiujiang, please all players to stop it.

[Task rewards will be allocated according to the task completion degree]


“Beep ~~~! Beep beep beep beep ……… !!!”

One long and one short, a piercing whistle suddenly sounded in the camp, this whistle represents an urgent gathering.

Everyone was tight and tense instantly.

The urgent collection of whistle sounds must be a big deal!

Soon, Shi Tu gathered all the infected soldiers under his control.

The whole team, report, list.

For a time, the entire camp was filled with an invisible killing atmosphere.

He is the highest in this camp because that camp is already physically isolated.

If someone is sent to manage it again, that person will definitely become an infected person. In this case, it is better to let the infected person directly manage himself.

The superior naturally picked him out and managed the camp.


At the forefront of the queue is an LCD screen, and everyone is waiting for orders from superiors outside.

Shi Tu reported the mutation as soon as he received the task.

Invasion of blood races in Jiujiang City is not easy!

Therefore, he would sound an emergency assembly whistle and gather everyone.

“Shitu! All the armed forces in Jiujiang City will cooperate with you in all your efforts! I know you are awesome! Don’t **** me at this time! Did you hear me?”

Very brief, concise.

The two have been in contact for more than ten years. In the past, Shi Tu was still a soldier in this man’s hand.

Now this man is also in a hurry. Thousands of people were injured and burned in the last incident. If he comes again, everyone will have to finish playing! !

“Yes!” Shi Tu shouted.

The entire camp immediately and orderly and quickly moved under his command.

The last incident has made him regret his life, this time, not just the superior’s order, but everyone!

No one can afford to lose!

The style of the soldiers has always been resolute, and they used to be even more elite.

One minute.

It was less than a minute after the order was given, the same people, but they were now fully armed and the vehicles were neatly lined up on the side of the road.

“According to the Ministry of Public Security news, in Jiujiang City, Jingjiu Road, Renmin Road, Qizhi Road, Taoyuan Road, four bustling main roads, a group of suspicious violent elements appeared at the same time!”

“What you will face today is not ordinary terrorists, UU reading but a group of monsters that can overturn a car with just two hands. I know that some of you must not believe it, and some may be afraid, but … … “

“We are not afraid !!!”


A loud roar interrupted Shi Tu’s speech.

The soldier wore a helmet and looked at Shi Tu with a determined look.

“Captain! No one here will be afraid!”

The team of nearly a thousand people seems to have the same face and everyone’s eyes are like a torch.

Being watched by countless people, Shi Turu met the edge.

“Okay! I’m not talking nonsense! Group now!”

“Zheng Tianhao, the captain of the 1st Squadron!”


“You are the first group! Go to Renmin Road!”


“Captain Hu Chao of the Second Squadron!”



At the beginning, they blocked the infected people together and participated in the battle together again.

In that battle, Shi Tu made an irreparable mistake.

He himself blamed himself deeply for this.

However, no one would blame him,

He did nothing wrong,

No one else can do better than him.

Even if thousands of people died because of his decision, a huge tragedy was brewed.


In the hearts of all the soldiers, Shi Tu did nothing wrong!

As a soldier, every mission inevitably faces danger,

Even death.

And death is not terrible.

What is really scary is to abandon,

The abandonment of the superior,

The abandonment of the people,

The abandonment of the country,

Only when they are abandoned by what they have been guarding firmly, is this really making them feel desperate and fearful!

In addition,


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