Super Fantasy Big Bang

Chapter 180 - Inexplicable success

Within the official research institute of the country

“Why … we succeeded?”

The person in charge of the artificial intelligence project has no hope for this test. They have failed hundreds of times. No matter how the research is conducted, they have no clue about the numerous failures.

This time, as usual, everyone feels that this time may also be the same result as usual, and this experiment may have to be carried out for at least several years to make progress …

Actually succeeded?

Everything comes inexplicably.

“Why? Why? Obviously it’s about to fail. How did it succeed?” The responsible person looked at the researchers dumbfoundedly.

Everyone is at a loss.

The success came so suddenly that they had no preparation at all.

“Does this mean that the research idea of ​​artificial intelligence is like this?” The person in charge can’t help but carry out a series of brain supplements in his own brain.

“Pigeon, why did this experiment suddenly succeed?” Since I couldn’t figure it out, I simply asked the artificial intelligence itself to know that even if it is not real artificial intelligence, the pigeon itself can use the logical thinking program to check for abnormalities in the program.

After a pause, the pigeon replied:

“The error of the program itself, plus the self-repair of the logical thinking program, master.”

“It turns out so.” The person in charge nodded thoughtfully.

Immediately after, he was excited again.

“Dove, record this anomaly.”

“Yes Master.”

He used to hear that many great successes may have originated from an inadvertent mistake, but he did not expect that such a mistake would come to him.

The success came too fast, and it made people unprepared!

“Sir, are we going to report it now?” Researchers are equally excited. What does the success of the experiment mean? This is to be recorded in history!

With billions of people around the world, how many people can leave their traces in human history?

Undoubtedly, if their team announces the success of this experiment to the outside world, they will surely have a formidable stroke in the history of mankind, which has been circulating for a long time.

Newton, Einstein, Galileo, Tesla, Hawking, Qian Xuesen, Deng Jiaxian, Yuan Longping …

Think about how your name can be squeezed into this group of people in the future …

“Quick! Prepare to test the mechanical carrier immediately!” The person in charge shouted, and soon someone took action.

This is a topic that they have been studying for more than a decade. In the end, the carrier has been able to act like a human, and the only difference is a running program.

Without sufficiently comparable conscious control, that carrier is like a vegetative.

And now the emergence of artificial intelligence just makes up for this defect.

Therefore, they will give up the research of the carrier before and start to study artificial intelligence.

Now that I have succeeded, the first thing I thought of was of course the research results of the experiment more than a decade ago.

A group of people tested the pigeons again, from art to philosophy, and the result was naturally the same success, which also made them look forward to the next test.

The time passed quickly, and after four hours, everyone took a break and walked into another laboratory.

A two-meter-high mechanical body is in the center of the laboratory. All the wires and mechanical shells are exposed outside. They have not carried out external defense camouflage, but they seem to have a messy and cold texture.

A group of people connected the pigeon’s motherboard to the laboratory computer. The person in charge said: “Dove, test the mechanical carrier.”

“Accessing the carrier … The connection is successful ……… Starting.”

Under everyone’s intense gaze, the mechanical carrier tried to turn his head, and the two mechanical eyes swept in a circle.

“The mechanical carrier starts.”

At the same time as the sound rang, the mechanical body that had been supported by the mechanical fixed was slowly placed on the ground, both feet fell steadily, the mechanical support was loose, and it stood up straight.

“Oh roar!”

In an instant, cheers sounded in this laboratory.

The mechanical carrier lifted its foot and took a step forward, followed by the back foot, step by step, its pace became more and more stable, and it was like a person with injured feet, who had not walked for a long time. More and more normal.

“The future war is bound to be the battlefield of information and machinery. The mechanical carrier plus artificial intelligence pigeons, as long as we reduce the cost of the carrier, the future of the empire will be strong in our hands!”

“For the empire!” A human voice couldn’t help shouting.

“For the empire!” Everyone shouted as they shook with excitement.

The country ’s small territory has severely restricted their development. If it were not for the defeat of the original war, the world ’s hegemons might be them.

Therefore, the official of this country is thinking about expansion all the time, thinking that one day will be able to return to the status of the world that year.

They watched intently.

Pigeons control the mechanical carrier to walk, run, jump, roll, dance …

They seem to have been able to see the appearance of thousands of mechanical carriers on the battlefield. The day is near, and it seems to be close at hand.

Some people can’t help but burst into tears ~ ~ What do they do in the laboratory for sleepless days and nights for more than ten years? The reason is not to let the country rise! The reason is not to be able to regain the dignity lost in those years? !

“Ooooooo …”

A man wept bitterly.

The crying was infected like a virus, two, five, ten … The choking sounds were rolling.

There is no right or wrong in war, they are only for the strength of their country.

This is a group of poor people who have been instilled in the idea of ​​studying for the rise of the empire from an early age, and have given themselves a whole life for this.

Now seeing hope and deep feelings, tears can’t help but vent.

“Dove, ready to disconnect the carrier.” The man ordered, a smile on his face that he hadn’t seen for a long time.

For the first time in more than ten years, he has completely relaxed.


The mechanical carrier that was supposed to return to the mechanical support still stood there, and the mechanical eyes looked at him straight.

“Dove, disconnect the carrier!” The man frowned. He hated the lifeless eyes and looked at him with a strange and uneasy heart.

“In order to detect the authority, you have no right to order me.”

After that, the mechanical carrier moved violently, and it quickly stepped forward, each step seemed to be accurate to centimeters.

For a moment, the person in charge widened his eyes.

The mechanical carrier is near, a metal arm is raised, the movable joint is locked, and a stab forward at a rapid speed!


Everyone looked at it in disbelief.

A metal arm pierced his abdomen, and a **** hand burst out from behind the man.

Blood spilled on the ground.


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