Super Fantasy Big Bang

Chapter 184 - Attack

Looking dumbfounded, although Wang Yang hiding in the doorway could not hear the voice of the people inside, but until the three disappeared, it all fell to his eyes.

Was that person a monster just now? !

On several occasions he almost pulled out the crossbow and aimed at the shot, but in the end he felt uneasy for a while.


immortal? monster? stranger? ………

There was a mess in his head, and after thinking about it, Wang Yang hurried back.


“Captain, I just sent someone to investigate, there are indeed two fewer people.”

A soldier rushed in to report that a man in the tent was staring at Wang Yang with both eyes.

“Are you sure you are human? Isn’t it some other monster that pretends to be an adult?”

Wang Yang nodded nervously. He reported immediately as soon as he went back. The leader of the camp quickly launched an investigation.

“I’m sure, and … as if the three of them still knew each other.” Wang Yang said with certainty after recalling.

The man was silent.

Special human?

Can sit in his position, more or less know some secret information.

This world is not so ordinary on its surface …


This is also his first encounter with a special existence.

Is it true that for those special existences, the defense of the camp is like entering a no-man’s land?

Obviously, there is no dead corner patrol in all corners, why …


Suddenly, a sound of gunpowder was ignited, and in a quiet night, this slight sound also passed into the man’s ear.

“Monster attack-!!!”

“There are monsters !!”


Everyone in the tent was shocked, and immediately ran out, looking up and looking around.

I saw that in the northeast of the camp, the red flames rose with the smoke.

“Red smoke, this is the highest level of alert!” Wang Yang shouted with a pale complexion.

“Quickly …! Everyone is in combat !!”

“Beep-Beep Beep Beep Beep-!!!”

The rapid and loud whistle sounds through the night sky, and countless headlights used for lighting shine instantly.

“Southeast direction! The southeast direction is also lit! Red smoke !!”

Someone shouted in horror. In the southeast corner of the camp, a beam of the same red smoke quickly ignited under the night sky.

“Hi, the south and the north are all lit! What the **** is this?”

Since the outbreak of the virus, there has not been any place where so many red smokes have lit up at the same time.

Unless someone plays the signal stick, otherwise …

“Trouble …”

At the edge of the camp, huge searchlights shone from the sentry tower, and the sentry stared in horror at the illuminated darkness ahead.

Countless surging black monsters, like the waves, the earth seems to tremble, the distance of several thousand meters is getting closer and closer, and every vibration is like stepping on their hearts.

Birds and beasts that are darker than the night can’t see the end of the sky and the sun. Every time they instigate their wings, the moonlight reveals through the gap.

“What monster is this ?!”

The Sentinel still concentrated on discovering these different, strange-shaped, horrible black monsters after hearing the changes.

Like the fear under the abyss, they rushed out of the direction of the city.

And their path … will definitely pass through the camp!


A flame tail rose from the camp, quickly flew through the air, and suddenly fell into the monster tide.

In the huge explosion, countless flesh and blood exploded, and the wind blew across the sentry cheeks, bringing a **** smell.

“Roar … Roar Roar … !!!”

In an instant, the continuous roar of the beast, countless black monsters seemed to be irritated.

The black clouds in the sky turned and they rushed down towards them.

Team after team was assembled, and the firearm in his hand was raised, followed by a roar.


As if thousands of salutes were sounding in unison, all the muzzles fired a deadly dark flame, and bullets flew high into the sky.

The birds and beasts in the sky are extremely dense, even if they don’t aim at all, they don’t need to worry about being hit.

The bullet collided with the flock of birds, and the feathers, corpses, and blood fell like rain.

“Ah !!! Save me !!!”

A **** bird broke through the fire net, flew into the crowd, grabbed a soldier with a gun, and flew up suddenly.

Blood flowed from the soldier’s shoulders, and the pain continued to invade his nerves. When he finally came to a halt, he raised his gun at the bird’s abdomen and pulled the trigger.

“Boom …”

The big bird didn’t have time to scream, the whole body immediately lost its vitality, and at the same time gave off its claws.

The soldier went down.

The surrounding birds screamed like cheers, turned around and rushed towards him.

The soldier’s eyes widened in horror, his fingers snapped on the trigger, but there was no more bullets.

He looked desperately.

A **** bird suddenly caught him, and pain came from his thigh. He wailed and tried to break the claws, but he was still.


Another big bird grabbed his head, the tip of his claw directly buckled into his left eye, and the big bird flapped his wings with all his strength and flew in the other direction.

Suddenly, two bullets pierced the heads of two birds, and his body went down again ~ ~ At the same time, the flying bullets continued to pass through his body.

“Boom!” Landed.

He twisted his face in pain, he was not dead!


The battle continues, this is just one of the epitome.

People were constantly caught up in the sky, one shell fell into the herd not far away, flesh and blood splashed, and soon monsters filled the vacancy.

They smelled the strong blood!

They are extremely crazy!

They are roaring!

at last,

They are near.

The last charge.

“Boom” “Boom” “Boom” “Boom” ………

A three-meter-high emergency board was knocked open, and the wall finally collapsed!

“Ah ah ah ah ah–!!”

They bite everything in front of their eyes, claws, fangs.

Some monsters fell down, and immediately the monsters behind stepped on its corpses, claws flying, and soldiers who had not yet had time to be happy were torn open.

The heart is still jumping hurriedly,

The next second,

A beast claw crushed it.

“Soldier !!! Soldier !!! Who dares to retreat! I will kill him! No one can leave!”

“Four rows long!”

“To !!!”

“Exit your people! Take those students! Take the others out of here !!”


The voice of the intercom was extremely messy, and a man was hoarse.

A small group of soldiers ran out of the queue, and countless ordinary people shivered in fear in the tent.

“Want to come out and follow me!”

“Wang Yang! What about your monitor ?!”

“Seven squad leader is dead …”


“Go! Everyone follow the team !!!”

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