Super Fantasy Big Bang

Chapter 311 - Black gear

But when everyone was fortunate to wipe out the silver locomotive team, they did not realize that this was actually just a team sent by the pigeons.

Wiped out a team of pigeons, for which it only lost a little metal resources, and could not hurt the roots.

When the bomber appeared, the pigeon gave up the monitoring of the silver locomotive. At this time, it had built more robot troops. When the silver locomotive team was destroyed, it immediately sent a more optimized one. Version of the locomotive squad.

This team eliminated more unnecessary equipment for speed, and loaded its own independent program, which became a more pure killing machine.

When the eagle sauce mobile unit encountered it, the crowd of black helicopters in the sky watched in horror as dozens of silver locomotives flew into the sky, and the bullets shot them crazy.

The result was no accident, and what they did was to delay the arrival of this result.

“Damn, there are so many black technologies from where these devils come from, I’m asking to destroy them with nuclear weapons!”

In the eagle sauce headquarters, the elders in military uniform were furious.

The mobile unit is definitely their most elite combat team, and now it has been destroyed in this way. This process is too sudden, and it is really unbearable.

The others around him were silent, only the white-haired old man was silent for a while, and said: “This kind of overbearing and simple style of conduct is exactly the same as the original book country.”

“But what do they want to do?”

“What do you want?”

Old man in military uniform sneered: “Now the world is in chaos, they just want to take the opportunity to fish in muddy water, and complete their ambitions in one fell swoop.”

The thoughts of the country of origin have never been extinguished, and now the world is in chaos like this, which is a good time for them to show their talents.

And their first goal is undoubtedly the world’s first powerful eagle sauce.

Wiped out the eagle sauce, and they will be able to sail smoothly.

“Is this the case?” The white-haired old man wondered.

The simpler the things, the more difficult it is to think deeply.

After all, it all came out too weird.

“Don’t forget the high-energy reaction some time ago, that was a demonstration against us! Tell us that they already have weapons of inferiority and nuclear bombs!” The old man in military uniform said seriously.

Nuclear weapons have always been a threat used by major powers to check and balance each other. This country dared to go to war. In some respects, they are indeed likely to have mastered super weapons similar to nuclear weapons.

Direct bombing will certainly not work, anti-aircraft missiles are not furnishings.

“Mr. President, there is signal interference in this area, we can no longer continue to monitor.”

A reporter who had been staring at the screen suddenly said.

Old men in uniform and white-haired men looked at each other.

“Can’t drag anymore.”

Obviously, the longer the time, the harder the enemy in this area will be to deal with.

Eagle’s troops immediately began to gather, marching towards the black area marked on the map.

The pigeons on the other side, after solving the mobile units, countless black armored vehicles set off from the base and headed in all directions, stopping at a distance, and a huge solar panel spread out on top to collect energy.

After the mechanical soldiers patrolling the base are sufficient, the extra soldiers will be sent to guard these energy vehicles.

Energy is the first need for the development of pigeons, and there are countless black snakes under the earth to help it collect metal resources.

From what it is doing now, it looks like an honest farmer, just collecting resources and collecting energy. There is no such thing as the artificial intelligence in science fiction. The infinite soldiers let humans see machinery. Is ruthless.

However, everyone knows that this kind of gentle invasion is the most terrifying way.

A few hours later, the pioneer of Eagle Sauce collided with the energy car of the dove. The relentless raging of bullets tore the energy car into pieces and they continued to move forward.

Has given clear instructions above, seeing all the machinery, all destroyed.

Deal with things that you don’t understand, the simpler the more effective.

But their attack also exposed their position to the detection of pigeons, and the energy car on this road began to move to both sides, trying to avoid the possibility of encountering the army of eagle sauce.

Energy vehicles were not used for combat. Soon, dozens of missiles flew in this direction.

The pigeons have always pursued the principle of simplicity and efficiency. It does not matter if it does not attack, it will not go back to do, but there should still be some temptations.

The missiles were found ten kilometers away from the Yingjiang Army and collided with the anti-aircraft bombs carried by the army. They did not cause any damage to the Yingjiang forces.

The first wave of temptations ended and ended with the failure of the pigeons.

Because it is also necessary to resist the invasion of the murlocs, this time Eagle Sauce only sent a small amount of troops. They are the first troops, and their combat power is enough to start a war.

If this army can’t eliminate the invasion of this country, then they are in greater trouble than the murloc.

In the final analysis, Eagle Sauce ranks first in the danger to the enemy.

If this country solves this unit, then Ying Ying is likely to adjust the combat plan for this.

And because of this ~ ~ In the years to come, Eagle Sauce often sighed down.

If they knew that the intrusion was artificial intelligence, which would cause such a big crisis, they should attack nuclear weapons in the first time!

Unfortunately, now,

After the attack of the pigeon was intercepted, ten underground bases were opened on the black ground, and the black unmanned fighter plane instantly rushed to the sky.

The construction technology of pigeons only requires materials and energy, and the combat power will increase geometrically.

The army of eagle sauce is near.

Ten black fighters that took off appeared above their heads in the blink of an eye.

The air-to-air missile immediately adjusted the muzzle and aimed at the target.

What puzzled them was that these ten black fighters did not launch an attack.

Until their missiles hit the target, the ten black fighters disintegrated instantly, and countless huge black gears fell from the sky.

“Boom … !!!”

The huge five-meter-high gear landed on the ground, which caused the ground to vibrate violently.

Only then did they see,

These black gears are densely covered with countless sharp blades. The moment they land, they stand up, and the sharp blades rotate rapidly, cutting the ground, and the soil splashes.

Innumerable gears are frantically galloping on the ground. The huge volume is faster than the sports car. They are shuttled on the ground in an orderly manner.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!”

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