Super Fantasy Big Bang

Chapter 324 - Dove\\\'s Fantasy Experimental Ground

But unfortunately, there are still some gaps between budget and reality.

Dozens of robots are like doctor fish in the fish foot bath, and they are constantly pushing the Hulk into space.

But the Hulk did not suffocate and die as planned.

The pigeons looked at the Hulk that was constantly struggling in the vacuum and fell into deep doubt.

It is clear that the body structure is not much different from that of the earth ’s creatures. When you are on the earth, you still need to breathe. Why do you not need to enter space?

This gives the pigeon a strong feeling of being deceived.

Fortunately, it also has a backup plan.

Dozens of metal **** flew out of the robot, forming a circle, surrounded by the Hulk five meters, surrounded it, and then floated there quietly.

In a vacuum environment, even if the power of the Hulk is great, he can hardly move. The metal ball is disorderly suspended around him. As long as the Hulk moves in one direction, the metal ball will calculate the strength and use energy to move him Push back into place.

Vacuum is the best cage for Hulk, so that these metal **** are enough to trap Hulk for a long time.

During, the pigeons will continuously extract the body materials of Hulk for research.

Such a green monster, the pigeon is also curious, how does he use anger to increase his strength? How does it survive in a vacuum without oxygen?

Perhaps this is the desire of artificial intelligence. There is no physical desire of the body, so filling its own information database has become its biggest desire.

Except Meng Ke, no one can understand its curiosity.

Eagle sauce command center, everyone has a dreamlike illusion.

Was you just dreaming?

Apparently, the Avengers who was still crushing pigeons last second, was solved in a flash?

Has a kind of doubts that awakened in the beautiful dream, which makes them can’t help but question this reality that people are very unwilling to accept.

Old man in military uniform also sighed deeply.

He had high hopes for the Avengers. At first, he also did as he wished, but they did not expect that the artificial intelligence pigeons responded so fast, and they did not respond at all.

“Alas, inform the research staff and let them expedite the study of the method of energy conversion in the cosmic cube. This may be our only hope.”

Meng Ke didn’t take away the Universe Rubik’s Cube. Naturally, he finally fell into the hands of the official eagle sauce. SHIELD once wanted to compete with the official. They thought that they were the most suitable to take care of the Universe Rubik’s Cube.

But the result is obviously, the situation of the Aegis of this world is not as strong as the original world, and the universe cube is in the hands of the official eagle sauce.

The energy in the Cube of the Universe is extremely huge, but the hurdle of energy conversion is blocking them. If this problem is solved, their use of energy weapons can be squandered in a short time.

It’s just that this is not a problem that can be solved in a short time. They haven’t got a clue yet.

In the war against pigeons, in addition to using nuclear weapons, only the Universe Cube can help them change the status quo.

After sending the ferrous metal space into space, the original base went underground.

The American team and others were brought here, and their mouths were also blocked from speaking, and they could only widen their eyes, constantly turning their eyes to observe the surroundings.

Everything here is very sci-fi, just because the main body of the base is not human, so everything inside is laid out and constructed to achieve maximum benefit.

There is no corridor, no lounge, and several of them entered the base through the transportation pipeline.

The pigeons sent them directly to the research room through the pipeline.

During this time, dazzling lightning flashed continuously from the metal ball wrapped around Thor, but it quickly died down as if he was trying to show that he was still alive, doing a powerless struggle in the metal ball.

Several times these lightnings missed the American team on the side, making him startled with round eyes, but unable to move. He could only watch, praying that these lightnings would not hit him again.

Fortunately, the pigeons sent them into the research room soon.

In addition to Thor, everyone was kept in a metal tank independently, and Iron Man ’s armor was also stripped off.

The pigeons know their data very well. Apart from Thor, no one here can break the jar and rush out.

Moreover, in addition to Thor, the US team’s research value is not high.

In the metal canister, a recliner was squeezed and placed in the center. The ceiling on the ceiling suddenly lowered slowly. The people who pressed the canister had to sit on the recliner to stop the descent.

And when everyone sat on the recliner, a burst of gas was immediately released in the narrow space, and everyone rushed to hold their breath, but after a long time, they couldn’t help but take a sip, which made them comatose, and even the US team Just insisted more than them all at once, and finally couldn’t pass out.

After they were in a coma, a thin spider-like web protruded from the lounge chair, and the crystal-clear silk screen slowly covered their heads.

And the tank itself was moved to a closed room for storage, there are countless identical canisters in this room, neat and neatly stacked together.

Dozens of small robots shuttle back and forth in the middle of the tank. They can repair the abnormal tank and prevent people from escaping from it.

Of course, the escape may be almost impossible, and ordinary people simply cannot destroy the metal material of the jar.

This is a test site for pigeons ~ ~ It has a lot of ordinary people on the eagle sauce land, so it has this test site.

The person imprisoned in the jar will be connected to a neural response capture feedback network, which will keep the human body in deep sleep for a long time and affect the nervous system of the connected person.

Pigeons need information data very much. The neural response capture feedback network will build a very real world in the brain of the connected person, and then limit the brain’s ability to control dreams, and enter the world built by pigeons.

Their actions in this world will be captured by the pigeons, and all the information will be stored in the pigeon information database.

The improvement of the information database is conducive to the self-improvement of the pigeon system. It never denies the creative ability of human beings, and believes that human fantasy ability is their greatest talent.

Although the pigeon is the closest artificial intelligence to humans, its thinking is relatively rigid. It is as if normal people ’s thinking cannot understand mental illness. It is precisely because pigeons are extremely close to humans, so their thinking is inevitably rigid like humans. Within a range.

When it realized this, it also set up this experimental field.

The world in the dream is ever-changing. The limit of the speed of thinking determines the time flow rate of the dream world. The pigeons will build a world based on the knowledge in the information database, and then pull the connected person in.

From the illusion of human beings, it will continuously extract information to perfect itself until it dies and destroys.

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