Super Fantasy Big Bang

Chapter 327 - Total War

Looking at the earth from space is like looking at a cell.

But at this time, there were countless terrorist weapons rising on this cell.

Xia Guo was already mad inside. When the eagle sauce contacted them, they increased their attention to the eagle sauce. Now, as if nightmare, countless mushroom eggs flew out of the eagle sauce, and the celestial girl flew to the sky. Are there more terrible than this around the world in addition to the explosion of the earth?

And why is Eagle Sauce so vulnerable? !

The white-haired old man looked at this scene with a sullen face. He now hopes that the eagle sauce will be stronger, so that he can buy more time for them.

But the eagle sauce has been wiped out, and from now on, this kingdom will never appear on earth again.

Faced with the attack of mushroom eggs, the whole Xia Kingdom put all things aside and launched the missile interception system with all its strength.

This will be the most terrifying blow Xia has ever experienced.

The survivor base on the ground began to move the crowd into the underground air defense tunnel, and the air defense system deployed in strategic areas across the country was activated.

From the moment the mushroom egg becomes a human weapon, in addition to studying how to increase its power, humans are studying how to defend it and minimize the damage.

Now Xia Guo ca n’t control the humans wandering outside the base. In the face of mushroom eggs, a country with such a large land area, the missile interception system is not arranged nationwide, they can only care for those more important areas .

These places are the root of a country, and other places can be destroyed, but if these strategic areas are destroyed, it will be a huge blow to Xia.

In the Mangshan Holy Land, the practitioners also learned from the soldiers of the Extraordinary Bureau that this mushroom egg attack, everyone could not help but become surprised.

But soon, they saw Meng Ke’s figure appear on the top of the magic tower, and they didn’t know it.

If they want to escape, they may not be able to escape, but Meng Ke must be able to.

But he did not run, but stood calmly on top of the magic tower and looked up at the sky, which proved one thing.

Yeah, since he will build this camp to train cultivators, then he will definitely not sit back and watch the camp face the irresistible blow and destroy it!

Thinking like this, they suddenly felt that the camp was many times safer than the underground bomb shelter, and they looked up to the sky.

“Hurry up! Hurry up! Our people enter the bomb shelter immediately!”

All bases are now militarizing the survivors. This time the evacuation appeared chaotic and orderly. The crowd quickly assembled and entered the underground bomb shelter, and the soldiers who maintained order began to run inside.

In the air raid shelter, it was like previewing countless times. People squatted row by row on the ground. The spacious space was crowded because of people’s entry. The muddy air was full of various flavors.

Because of the inability to get close to this blow, people who only know the news panic and fear, but no one is crying. They can only imagine and pray in their minds, and they can do nothing else.

People are always like this. If they can’t experience it for themselves, they even feel that death is just one thing.

“Mom, will we die?” The little girl looked at her mother innocently.

“No, light rain, those soldier brothers will protect us.”

Although the woman was afraid, she still raised a gentle smile on her face and pointed to the soldier holding the steel gun not far away and replied.

“Oh.” The little girl nodded.

She did not know that the soldier who was not far away was also as uneasy as her in the center.

They are not a strategically important area here. If the pigeons target the mushroom eggs here and the magnitude is huge, then this bomb shelter may not necessarily save them.

No matter what the following people think, Xia Guo has now done everything he can.

The air defense missile system simulation image was projected to the central command and control center.

“Confirmed! A total of 25 mushroom eggs flying from Eagle Sauce to China!”

“A total of 17 are expected to enter the air defense missile interception area! The remaining eight will fly towards”

The old man with white hair was breathing heavily. He was the No. 1 leader of this country. No. 2 had already gone down to conduct armed defense, but at this time he could do nothing.

Ming Xia country is still in chaos, they have not gone to Africa to occupy the energy column, but the eagle sauce has been destroyed, and the pigeon’s attack is so decisive and terrifying, which directly makes him feel Suppressed.

He couldn’t help reflecting, is their response too slow, too slow?

Or when Eagle Sauce proposed a union, they made a wrong decision?

If they are united, the pigeons should not be able to master the mushroom eggs in the eagle sauce so quickly, and this scene will not happen now!

Was we too confident at the beginning?

But he did not regret it, and he never regretted it for the past.

If the eagle sauce is extinguished, then it will be extinguished. Just an artificial intelligence wants to destroy humans. This thing will definitely not be so simple!


Under everyone’s intense gaze, the mushroom egg flying from the direction of Eagle Sauce was near.

In the sea, the anti-aircraft interceptor missile suddenly rose into the sky, with a dazzling flame tail, and rushed forward to the sky.

At the moment when the two meet.

Even across the screen, people’s hearts could not help but shudder.

People had expected countless times, but they all regarded this scene as the future, and it is impossible for them to happen in their generation.

Future matters are decided by the future.

But at this time, the future is now, and it is absurd like a scene in the novel still appeared before them.

No.1, whose face was undecided, suddenly stood up.

“Notice No. 2 ~ ~ Prepare mushroom eggs and attack Eagle Sauce, the country of this country!”

At this time, he has realized that he must hold the deepest maliciousness in the face of pigeons.

Since the pigeons used mushroom eggs for the world immediately after destroying the eagle sauce, if they also deal with the pigeons like eagle sauce, they will eventually only end up like eagle sauce!

The prophecy of the traverser has been broken, and they no longer need to understand this illogical artificial intelligence through the traverser’s thinking.

It wants to destroy mankind!

For this reason, it can do everything regardless of the consequences!

Finally, no matter what everyone responded to, No. 1 calmly continued to give orders.

“Start the communication system, please contact me immediately!”


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