Super Fantasy Big Bang

Chapter 330 - Human union

The Human Alliance was established. The current leading countries are mainly Xia Kingdom and Teddy Bear. Other countries in this alliance are more like those who are in need of help.

Of course, because of their existence and the sharing of news information, the Human Alliance has gradually mastered information from all parties on the planet.

This is a huge information network in itself, far more than the separation of countries in peaceful times, and the degree of information control in each region.

For Xia Guo, this is enough, anyway, they never expected that these small countries can come up with information on weapons that can play a key role.

Moreover, they will not worry that these countries have obtained the information technology information they provide, and they will manufacture the physical objects at once, not to mention the resources required to train cultivators, and the time each cultivator needs to consume is not just Cultivated in the short term.

There are also a variety of technological weapons. They want to digest these things. With the strength of each country, the least must be calculated in units of years.

It can be said that in this alliance, only Xia Guo and Mao Xiong can digest these technologies as quickly as possible. Their productivity and scientific research capabilities fully support them to quickly grasp this information and apply it to actual combat. .

Even after waiting, even if these countries completely digested the technological explosion caused by the information, Xia Guo has already reached a new height.

Chi Guoguo’s intrigue, but all countries in the world can not refuse this huge temptation.

Having said that, Xia Guo did not lie. The priority of the Human Alliance is to find a way to solve the crisis of pigeons, the enemy of all mankind. The rest is not important anymore.

The unification of human civilization is a trend. Even in a peaceful age, there will be a day sooner or later.

The pigeon experienced this blow and took a moment to stop.

The Human Alliance started to work at full strength. The chaos of Xia Guo and Mao Xiong has basically been dealt with. The remaining remnants can only be cleared later. Compared with the pigeons, this chaos is nothing.

In order to ensure basic survival, small countries everywhere began to ask the Human Alliance for assistance to help resolve the domestic chaos.

It is reasonable and reasonable that they can help the human alliance against pigeons only if they first solve the problems of their own family.

Compared to Xia Guo and Mao Xiong, two big countries with vast territory and huge territory, the chaos of a small country is nothing.

Most of the chaos in these small countries is caused by the variation of species caused by the energy provided by the energy column to the earth. The biochemical crisis and the invasion of the murlocs mainly occurred in Xia Guo and Eagle Sauce. To death, he secretly brought Xia Guo ’s virus back to his country for research, but he could not fully control the leakage caused.

The Human Alliance is an unprecedentedly large integrated body of power, and many small countries have disappeared from this chaos, and not many people have to help them.

Armed force assistance is definitely needed. Xia Guo is still thinking about how to enter Africa. As a result, when he comes to sleep, he has a pillow. Xia Guo immediately sends a transport plane to take troops to Africa.

All along, Xia Guo has been vigorously helping Africa’s development, and now the benefits are reflected.

A person’s actions will be seen by smart people. Their help to Africa is not like the world police of Eagle Sauce, but is actually helping them.

The people of Africa have always been grateful for this. Now Xia Guo is the first person who wants to help in this dark age, and the friendship among them is needless to say.

In the future meeting of the Human Union, the position of the African people is already very obvious.

No. 1 took a break in the base, woke up quickly, and went toward the meeting room full of energy.

This is a meeting within Xia Guo.

When No. 1 walked into the conference room, the big brothers of all parties were ready for a long time.

The second head of surnamed Li stood up with a report after he sat down, standing tall and serious.

“The plan for Africa has begun. In this plan, our army invested a total of extraordinary combat power units, with a fifth-level combat effectiveness of 1,000, four-level combat strength of 5,000, logistics treatment force of 3,000, and life-recovery magic. Recovered 50,000 pharmacy strategies, scientific and technological combat units, and 500 transport aircraft. Now all personnel have been transported. “

In the long-term battle with extraordinary powers, Xia Guo deeply understands that in the face of extraordinary powers above level 5, their technological weapons are almost useless. The large-scale coverage bombing below level 5 plus the restraint of cultivators also It is possible to kill each other, but once the enemy ’s power reaches level 6, ordinary missile bombing is useless. No matter the speed or defense, the existence of level 6 is not something they can hurt.

The technology that mankind once thought of only slaughtering ordinary humans, UU reading did not take into account the emergence of these extraordinary existences, so there are shortcomings now.

Who could have imagined that there would be a towed missile or even a bombardment range of mushroom eggs that humans can actually run?

Therefore, Xia Guo deeply understands that to deal with extraordinary power, it is necessary to respond with extraordinary power.

Now that they have basically controlled the chaos in the country, the Ministry of Agriculture has also begun to find ways to artificially cultivate magical vegetation with magical fluctuations for use in new pharmaceutical research and development departments and materials departments.

To this end, Xia Guo specially spent a lot of money to exchange the production method of Yan Shou Dan, and first provided it to Professor Yuan and other a group of older national treasure researchers who made outstanding contributions in various fields.

With the existence of this group of people, Xia Guo’s development will not stagnate, and he will be able to enter a truly high-speed development state.

No one will gossip about it or disagree.

This group of elderly people who have contributed to the Republic for a lifetime, they deserve to have used the first batch of successful research and development of panacea.

No one can match this qualification.

In the meeting room, after listening to the report, everyone began to raise their doubts one by one. In the discussion, the meeting successfully finalized the “Plan for Africa”.

No. 1 was watching from beginning to end. After everyone discussed, No. 2 was confirmed, and the plan was integrated and handed over to him.

I read it again on the 1st and approved it without any objection.

They have been planning this plan for a long time, and it has been perfected. This time, they only got it again at the meeting to confirm it again and again to ensure that there are no loopholes in the plan.

“The Plan for Africa” ​​is very important, directly related to whether Xia Guo can occupy the energy column of Africa.

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