Super Fantasy Big Bang

Chapter 332 - Array suppression

The battle is on the verge.

This strange monster with purple and black skin was terrible. Sun Wei flew straight down a few hundred meters with a punch before stopping. On the contrary, after he attacked Sun Wei, his target turned to the surrounding soldiers.

None of the people present are ordinary people.

At the same time when Sun Wei was attacked, everyone began to disperse to the surroundings, looming, surrounded by weirdos, and they put up a huge formation.

The weirdo locks the attack target on a warrior who is closest to him in the fifth stage.

The speed of the fifth stage is already difficult for ordinary people to catch with the naked eye, and it is needless to say that the seventh stage of the sixth stage is almost when the roar of Sun Wei came. Hand punched down.

The fragile air thundered, and the soldiers in the fifth stage barely could see the speed of the weirdo. When the weirdo looked at him, the soldier raised his rune sword to resist.


The material of the Rune Broadsword is a special alloy, and the rune above mainly acts on sharpness, so as to achieve the aggressiveness of nothing and nothing.

The weirdo hit the sword with a fist. Under the force of this horror, the blade made a whine, and it instantly cracked and shattered. The fist trend of the weirdo was not reduced, and it hit the soldier’s chest straight.

In an instant, the soldiers flew out as quickly as missiles were launched, bringing smoke and dust all the way.

At this time, the formation of thousands was completed.

Strength, speed, defense, spirit.

At the moment when the large formation was completed, the energy flowed, and the weirdo suddenly felt that the overall physical fitness of his whole body had dropped by 50%!

All of a sudden, even with no expression, he couldn’t help but frown.

At this time, Sun Wei also rushed back.

All of them carry magic weapons that can avoid the suppression of the formation, and they will not involve this suppression at the same time.

“Monster! I am your opponent!” Sun Wei shouted.

The Rune Broadsword shined brightly in his hand, and all the Runes radiated a strong light.

Driven by the rune, Sun Wei’s body rose up one by one, struggling to leap to the sky, and immediately crossed the 100 meters.

Although his physical fitness was suppressed, it did not mean that he dealt so well. The weirdo looked up and saw the sword coming towards him, and he calmly took a step to the left.

In one step, the weirdo passed by Sun Wei’s attack perfectly.

But Sun Wei didn’t stop attacking at this point. When he fell down, he stood firm. When the knife turned, he immediately killed the weird people aside.


It’s as if the blade metal is connected, the weirdo uses his claws to block Sun Wei’s big knife, and the other hand instantly transforms into a black big knife, just like a guillotine. Cut off the neck.

At this time, the fourth stage soldiers at the end of the team finally reacted. The scene of electro-optic flint, everything just happened within a second, and their eyes were too late to catch the afterimage.

Violent metal collisions kept coming from the front, but they could not see anything.

The soldiers of the fourth stage immediately began to act according to the combat plan.

In this level of battle, even a cultivator who is stronger than the fourth stage cannot participate at all, but this does not mean that they can do nothing.

The warriors of the fifth stage have already set up a formation, and the maximum output of energy increases the power of the formation, and all they have to do is to enchant the soldiers of the fifth stage.

In order to maintain the formation for a long time, each fighter in the formation must ensure that his recovery can keep up with the energy consumption at the same time as the energy output. Operation.

In this way, their output energy is actually limited a lot.

The fourth stage of the warrior is to help them provide energy, while protecting all the important nodes in the formation, as long as these nodes are not destroyed, the formation will not be interrupted.

Soon they started to act, carrying rucksacks filled with medicaments, and according to the grouping, all groups ran to a node of a formation, and a small defensive formation appeared around the node.

At the fifth stage of the node position, the soldiers have time to open the black sac, take out the magic recovery potion to replenish the magic, and at the same time, increase the energy output.

This time, the suppression of the weirdo deepened.

He directly suppressed his 70% strength.

Sun Wei, who was still being beaten, suddenly felt the pressure was light, and the speed of the weirdo was obviously weakened!

It is just a little stronger than him!

Through the battle, Sun Wei also discovered that this weirdo is probably not wise!

Or, there is only a strong fighting instinct in his consciousness!

Otherwise, if a person with a little intelligence should discover the anomalies of the surrounding soldiers, plus his own anomalies, this time, the most weird people should do is to destroy this formation!

But he didn’t do it, but stared at her fiercely, a look that must be defeated before he would attack the surrounding soldiers ~ ~ Sun Wei is very pleasantly surprised, this guardian is obviously better than Meng The few on the mountain are too weak!

However, he did not relax.

Even if the weirdo is suppressed by the formation, his strength is stronger than him, and in essence, weirdo is still a supernatural existence in the seventh stage!

In essence, no one knows whether there will be any weird power in the seventh stage that they do not know, so they must be careful.

The two men fought each other for half an hour. During this time, no one knew how many times they collided and attacked.

Gradually, Sun Wei became weak.

This state of full-power output, even the sixth-stage cultivator, is not infinite in physical strength!

After a pause, Sun Weichong held a special gesture with a gesture that only they understood.

“Boom !!!”

This seems to be a flaw in the weirdo. In an instant, Sun Wei was hit and flew out towards the ground. In the huge explosion, a spider-web-like crack suddenly burst open. cut.

However, the fifth-stage fighters who understood the gestures immediately understood, and notified the surrounding fourth-stage fighters.

In the next second, countless huge and incomparable therapeutic light **** flew in the direction of Sun Wei, and instantly integrated into his body.

Opening his eyes again, Sun Wei suddenly returned to his full state, full of energy, full of energy, and his injuries were all healed, leaving no scars.

“Come! Let’s continue!”

The intention of war rose from Sun Wei’s body, and with a loud roar, he rushed out suddenly, slamming his fist towards the weirdo who was also rushing towards him.


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