Super Fantasy Big Bang

Chapter 338 - Dr. Chen

Pigeons are better than cats.

In the bombardment of Mao Xiong and Xia Guo, the pigeon has already been prepared. It has been planning how to save the decaying earth civilization from its birth.

Mushroom eggs only destroyed its ground infrastructure measures, but it also helped it clean up the useless buildings of human beings, leaving more land for construction.

Most of the people killed in the bombing were ordinary humans controlled by it, saving a lot of pigeon trouble, without using it to separate operations to think about how to deal with these humans.

When attacking Eagle Sauce, it has already begun to transfer the core of the base. Now if humans want to actually kill the pigeons, they must first destroy the metal ground outside the earth.

Instead, humans helped it to complete an experiment, and determined that among its countless experimental robots, there are still many machines that can operate normally in strong radiation.

This bombing of human beings has lost much more than pigeons themselves. Global climate change caused by mushroom eggs is very likely to cause nuclear winter.

Of course, now that the earth has become an extraordinary world, that is, a high-energy world, magic energy will strengthen species and plants, and accelerate the rate of radiation dissipation. If nuclear winter really occurs, this will only bring the earth into the survival of the fittest. In another world, species still flourish, but the weak must die.

Before the bombing, Xia Guo had carefully thought about a series of problems that would be caused later. They had already begun to study and cultivate their extraordinary powers. They were not afraid of the arrival of this nuclear winter.

After the country occupied the pillar of energy in Africa, it transferred most of its extraordinary strength laboratories to Africa.

The speed of extraordinary power is fast, far faster than the development of technology. If they want to defeat the pigeons, it is obvious that they can only work on the extraordinary power.

Take the troops going to Africa this time as an example. The fighting power of such a team is far greater than the deterrent power of mushroom eggs. The destructive power it produces can only be used by all the robots that the pigeons used in the war with Eagle Sauce. Was crushed and destroyed.

Regardless of the size of the machine, they may not keep up with the reaction speed of the fifth-stage cultivator. Even if it is as small as a mosquito, it is clear in the eyes of the cultivator.

Moreover, this is still the case that they have not equipped the cultivator with the corresponding weapons and equipment, and are still fighting with the original large sword armor.

Xia Guo responded to the pigeons. Xia Guo think tank gave up the rapid development of science and technology, and then exceeded this artificial intelligence combat thinking, and in turn supported the development of extraordinary power.

This change in thinking is very similar to that of the past. Xia Guo had already suffered a loss here, and when they did not react for a while, they were transformed from heaven to the kingdom.

Therefore, in the past 100 years of development, Xia Guo is actually only from salvation to revival, which can be summarized as a sentence from 100 years of salvation to 100 years of revival.

History is the best teacher of mankind, but it is often difficult for human beings to learn a lesson from history. Apart from Xia Guo, it is not known whether other countries have reversed from this kind of ideological dead end.

Xia Guo has sent his research materials to all countries in the world. If they can understand it, they should understand that the extraordinary way is the best way for humans to deal with pigeons.

Science and technology supplemented by extraordinary, this must be the tone of future development.

Soon, in this country, the pigeons were not completely destroyed in the base, and countless black machines like spiders crawled out.

The mechanical eye scanned the barren ground. Countless black snakes drilled from under the abdomen of the spider and entered the ground, searching for the metal materials on the waste soil.

Compared with the development of extraordinary power, the technology of pigeons is very limited. Materials and energy are the lifeblood of pigeon development.

However, it cannot occupy Meng Ke’s energy column like Xia Guo, even if Meng Ke did not personally explain it, it will never do so.

Xia Guo’s domestic research room.

Chen Zhou didn’t know when he had become the core staff of this base. The system of learning hegemony given to him by Meng Ke was not ridiculous. Xia Guo now has reached the shortage of talents, so he has this impossible The talent was released and entered the research room.

Everyone in the research room knows that he has a learning hegemony system, and Xia Guo is also cooperating with him to develop this system and acquire the knowledge inside.

At the beginning, Chen Zhou was stunned.

This is completely different from the routine in the novel

How inexplicable is the end of the world

Say good looks make you face, why everyone knows he has a learning system now

Want to cry without tears, now the danger outside is extremely high, Chen Zhou can only honestly cooperate with Xia Guo research technology.

At the same time, as time passed, he also gradually recognized.

His learning system is not so magical, but it is a little special in extraordinary power.

Has seen the magical powers of the extraordinary power cultivator, and his world view is constantly being refreshed.

Slowly constitutes an overall view of the extraordinary world.

Four consciousnesses have penetrated into his heart, and Xia Guo is even more self-evident for his future meaning.

Now the chaos of the outside world, just go out with his small body, absolutely can not live for two days.

In the research room, Xia Guo specially prepared a dormitory for him, which is a treatment that many researchers do not have, Chen Zhou understands.

This dormitory is very large, full of all kinds of important research materials that can’t be seen outside, research notes, and someone will supervise and study him every day.

Now Chen Zhou has developed a good study habit, as long as he is not in the study time, he will return to the dormitory to study.

Even though the knowledge in his brain is quite abundant ~ ~ is more than many people in the research room, but this kind of review general learning is also very important.

Xia Guo attaches great importance to him, and Chen Zhou certainly cannot live up to Xia Guo’s expectations of him.

The Xueba system is a complete set of research materials, that is, the spaceship in the interstellar era, and the alien colony technology is complete.

It can be said that because of his existence, Xia Guo has always had an expectation for the power of science and technology.

Of course, regarding the origin of the Xueba system, Xia Guo also has a cautious attitude. Who knows that pigeons are so powerful, will this Xueba system be like a traverser, a means for future pigeons to transfer back

Think about it, in case of a battle with pigeons, all their technological weapons will be rebellious

“Dr. Chen, the director is looking for you.”

Suddenly, knocks came from outside the door, Chen Zhou put down the book in his hand, sorted out his clothes and walked outside.

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