Super Fantasy Big Bang

Chapter 351 - The contract is sacred and cannot be breached!

After seeing Meng Ke passing by, the angel became honest and did not dare to run around and quickly returned to Europe.

But just as he was about to carry out a great judgment on the ground under his feet, a shadow opened behind him.

Meng Ke’s spiritual power has long covered here, and the angel’s every move is under his control.

Meeting, first of all, a detective was lost.

Know oneself and know the other one with a hundred battles, and the angel’s information flows in Meng Ke’s brain, which is clear and detailed.

Angel is an energetic body, mastering the power of judgment, as long as someone believes, he will not really die.

However, Meng Xuan followed and came out of the shadow.

Huanghuang Shenwei collided with the angel, but Meng Xuan was still a little weaker and was quickly suppressed.

Tianzhao is the strength of the ninth stage, but this angel is the tenth stage of the real deal, at the top of the earth gods.

After all, the world ’s first faith in the Great Church, and many people who believe in him, the stronger his strength, so he can cover the whole earth in a sea of ​​fire as soon as it appears.

And the power of judgment is also a priesthood of the **** of battle, which is different from the auxiliary priesthood of Meng Xuan, unless Meng Xuan ’s priesthood is involved, Meng Xuan is definitely not his opponent.

But this angel is still not Meng Ke’s opponent.

As soon as the angel saw Meng Ke appeared, he immediately put on a defensive posture and looked at him like an enemy.

“Are you going to explode, or am I hitting you to explode?” Meng Ke was straightforward.

The flames on the angel’s body condensed, and the air seemed to become a little heavy.

He can feel that although Meng Ke is not a god, he has much more strength than him.

The golden light ball that just flew across the sky has the same energy breath as this man.

For a long time, the angel Cailanglang said:

“I am the angel of judgment sent by God. If you stop me, you will surely fall into the flames of endless **** and suffer the burning of eternal flames!”

“God?” With a sneer, Meng Ke said: “It’s because of his power, so … now he doesn’t exist yet!”

No need to say more.

The energy condenses around the body, and the golden light ball condenses in an instant. Meng Ke holds a sword of energy and looks at the angel coldly.

“Earth only needs a god, if you don’t submit, you will die.”

Meng Ke is partial to the law system, but there are countless battle data information data in the mystery girl ’s database. Even if he does not load the battle template, does not use the moon ’s magic ball, it is not difficult to abuse an angel who is so much lower than himself !

Soon, the desperate people on the ground discovered that the devil-like angel collided with a golden ball and fell suddenly.

Under the huge shock wave, the sea water rushed into the sky, and the violent waves spread to the surroundings.

The body of the angel exuding holy light is like a small sun falling into the sea, and the light on him can still be seen through the layers of sea water.

“Tianzun, you can try the power of the contract.”

Meng Xuan’s spiritual transmission said.

The power of God is very special, because it is a priest given by the universe, so the power attached to their priest is actually stronger than themselves.

“Wait a moment, wait for me to beat him up and try again.”

Angels are ultimately stronger than Meng Xuan, so Meng Xuan ’s contractual power is difficult to act on angels.

The countless auras of Meng Ke’s body immediately radiated light, and the vast energy in the void was immediately guided down. The energy was only shells, and the specific attack method also depended on Meng Ke.

This endless energy is fixed by his scattered void, countless complicated structural components. If you have enough knowledge, you will know that these energy components are not a powerful magic, but an electromagnetic cannon!

The continuous superposition of magic attacks, but no electromagnetic cannon from the technology side, can deal with the weaker than himself. In Meng Ke’s view, it is enough to directly fill the void with electromagnetic cannons.

The technology of these electromagnetic guns comes from pigeons, and the related technology has matured. If it is the semi-finished products of various countries in the world, maybe there is no angel flying fast.

The electromagnetic guns that Meng Ke built with energy can be used in interstellar wars, that is, because of their speed and power, they will only be used by Meng Ke to use against angels.

The defense systems of all countries in the world have been activated at the moment of the appearance of the gods, but the scene was unexpectedly observed.

It’s true that the high-energy response here is too strong, and it’s hard for them not to observe it.

Xia Guo observed a golden sphere of light when Meng Ke chased Tianzhao, so this time, they were even more shocked in their hearts.

next moment,

An extremely strong shock wave came from Europe, and the entire earth seemed to be shaken, but fortunately, the impact was not great, and the earth did not deviate from its original orbit.

The pigeon hurriedly began to record the battle data this time. In its view, Meng Ke ’s use of electromagnetic guns, although composed of energy, is also of great help to his future research. Perhaps, this move will soon Fall on humans …

On the ocean, a layer of aerosol was evaporated, and the haze was like a fairyland.

The light ball representing the angel is also dimmed, but after all, he is only injured and will not die, as long as there are people who believe in him, he will not die.

Meng Xuan appeared beside Meng Ke in time, looking at the lingering spirit in the ocean indifferently.

Meng Ke still controlled the power of the electromagnetic cannon, and would not cause too much impact on the earth.


The ball of light in the sea broke through the surrounding sea ~ ~ Flying towards the sky at a very high speed.

But before he could fly far, a layer of energy shield blocked his way.

“The angel on the opposite side, give me your soul, I would like to exchange it with a healthy human body, if you agree, let your light shine to the world … This contract will Completed under the witness of the **** of contract Meng Xuan. “

I don’t know when an experimental body with ordinary people’s physical fitness appeared beside Meng Ke.

After he said this, the angel who had not yet responded was still trying to condense the attack and break through the energy shield.

Meng Xuan at this time has felt the contract in the nether world. The book of contract in her hand quickly turned over, and Meng Ke’s words appeared one by one.

“The contract is reached, I will witness the fairness and justice of this contract.” Meng Xuan said calmly.

“What ?! It’s impossible! Mortal! Don’t think about it!”

The bright light hit the energy hood, just at this moment, a powerful force had locked him.

A flash of determination flashed in the eyes of the trial angel, and the divine power in the energy body began to become chaotic and violent, seeming to want to explode, destroying his own soul.

“Because one party of the contract breached the contract, I, Meng Xuan, the **** of the contract, will forcefully complete the contract!”

(Https: //)

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