Super Fantasy Big Bang

Chapter 353 - 10 hammer will kill!

Meng He, the **** of peace, Meng Xuan, the **** of contract, stands on both sides of Meng Ke.

Three people stood between the sea and the sky.

Under the clear sky, small waves continue to roll up on the calm sea. The appearance of the three people makes the fish people in this sea area flee, and the sea surface rarely appears calm. Only some small fish swim in it.

The sea breeze is blowing, quiet and peaceful.

Meng Ke’s spiritual power enveloped this area of ​​sea, and the three people carefully searched for each piece of sea water.

As we all know, the ocean occupies a much larger area on the earth than the land. Gods appear in this world, so it is not only on land.

Soon, Meng Ke’s mental power discovered a trace of abnormal sea water.

With a unique charm, this is the breath of the gods.

Following this breath, the spiritual force continued to extend downward, and a magnificent building complex like the Roman period appeared in Meng Ke’s perception.

The rolling palaces spread all over the sea floor, hidden in a deep trench.

The golden energy ball condensed on Meng Ke’s surface, and with a bang, the three of them rushed directly into the sea water.

The water flows through the sides of the three people. The pressure from the deep sea does not seem to exist. The three people are all above the **** level, and they can fly across the planet in the void. This seawater is not taken by them at all.

The closer, Meng Ke felt the richness of the spirit breath. This is a unique energy fluctuation. It is known that human machines cannot capture this energy fluctuation, but it does exist.

In the middle of countless palaces, Meng Ke can clearly feel his goal in a large hall.

The opponent did not move from beginning to end, just like the general who sat firmly in the chess camp, regardless of who came, he was fearless.

The three men Meng Ke did not hide their breath, this **** must have sensed, but he did not escape, but instead sat in his palace, seems to be waiting for the arrival of the three.

Landed in front of the main hall, and the three slowly walked into the crystal palace.

In the middle of the hall, a black octopus sat on a golden throne twenty meters above the ground, his round glaring eyes calmed like sea water, but Meng Ke found that on one of its tentacles, a handle was like The hammer with the wooden handle of the ordinary hammer on the construction site was firmly held by it.

Under the discovery technique, countless information rushed into Meng Ke’s mind.

With the angel, the tenth stage of Poseidon. During his appearance, he continued to fight, killing the entire ocean, all Poseidon with the Poseidon priesthood, this crystal palace is also one of the Poseidons he killed. Robbed.

“Mortal Hammer, anyone who has been hit by this hammer ten times will die … is this your reliance?” Meng Ke glanced lightly at the iron hammer on Poseidon’s hand and calmly stated its characteristics .

In the eyes of Poseidon, a wave finally appeared, and an inexplicable voice sounded in the crystal hall.

“Are you the God-killer?”

Under the deep sea, this voice was clearly introduced into Meng Ke’s mind.

“Do you know not to run yet?”

The battle with the angel was on the sea. God was the sea god, and he knew it was not strange.

“Ha ha ha ha ha …”

Poseidon stared at Meng Ke fiercely and asked provocatively, “Mortal, you are very strong, but dare to take me ten hammers?”

Meng Ke shook his head, he knew the characteristics of the containment, he could not resist.

“If this is where your confidence lies, then you can die.”

Is just a big octopus of the tenth stage strength. Even if the ocean is his home field, even if he has the containment, Meng Ke will not be afraid of him.

Between the two speaking, the God of Peace had stood up and calmly announced:

“I declare that in this war Poseidon is evil, Meng Ke is justice, justice will defeat evil and usher in peace.”

Seems to be a meaningless sentence, and it seems to point directly at fate.

Before the war, Poseidon felt a deep maliciousness, and even the ocean with the highest affinity to him was disgusting him as Poseidon.

Suddenly, Poseidon swept away the sea with an angry hammer.

“Why do you say that I am evil! I am the Poseidon! Nourish everything!”

After doing this, the **** of peace receded, Poseidon rushed down to the throne, and the iron hammer pointed at the **** of peace to kill. The speed was almost extreme. The huge waves directly impacted the crystal palace into powder, and the seabed was like a sea of ​​stars Dazzling.

In an instant, Meng Ke resolutely pulled the two people back, watching the hammer with vigilance.

But for Poseidon, the distance that Meng Kela opened will be the other shore he will never reach

The sea water seemed to blur the sight of the three people at this moment. In an extremely brief moment, Poseidon’s body quickly expanded and enlarged, and countless huge tentacles grew out of him, madly disturbing the sea water.

Meng Ke continued to retreat. Although this hammer was bound to die ten times, he did not want to be hit at all.

This kind of containment seems to be strong, but in fact, as long as the strength is stronger than him, Poseidon will not even want to touch him.

Countless electromagnetic cannons condensed behind Meng Ke, and the terrible prestige immediately made this huge tentacle monster feel chilled.

But he was still fearless, put the hammer in front of him, and twisted it quickly.

Massive energy was released from the electromagnetic gun at once, and numerous bubbles evaporated from the sea water, but this attack enough to annihilate the angels stopped in front of Poseidon.

All the attacks were resisted by a common, ordinary iron hammer.

Even Meng Ke ’s attack failed to leave a trace on this hammer as if he could break it with a light effort ~ ~ I admit that you are strong! But can you break my defense? ! Eat me a hammer! “

Shouted, Poseidon chased up again, the hammer continued to rotate, and the seawater was disturbed, and countless vortexes struck away.

“No, this is just a try.” Meng Ke said.

Took the two of them back again, and the electromagnetic cannons spreading out of the sea once again emitted a beam of terrifying energy, and shot at the sea gods together.

The characteristics of the Hammer of Mortality are clear, and its indestructibility is even clearer than Ms. Keppelin, but he still wants to try and try to see if the upper limit of the containment is there. Is it really like the feedback in the information? Without damage.

Immediately afterwards, the high-energy response under the sea continued, and Meng Ke launched a total of forty attacks, but the results were all perfectly blocked by Poseidon’s rotating hammer.

Poseidon became more and more courageous. He seemed to believe that Meng Ke could not break his defense. Even such a powerful person could not interrupt this strange and ordinary hammer, causing a trace of damage.

And he was relying on this hammer to become the only sea **** of the earth and ocean!

Thinking like this, Poseidon is more confident, and has increased his speed to the extreme, crazy to Meng Ke.

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