Super Fantasy Big Bang

Chapter 356 - Earth consciousness

It seems that all the containment is more or less accompanied by some side effects, and it is not known whether the balance of the universe’s ability to metamorphosis is the same.

Meng Ke is still not very clear about the origin of the containment. However, the ability of the containment is the most perverted he has ever seen.

The gods all over the earth discovered that the containment was also his expectation.

Just didn’t expect that Bleach would get three pieces of containment at once.

“The third containment is an individual?”

“Okay, I know.”

Meng Ke sent the three SCP Foundation personnel back to their place, and mentally began to search for the ground under their feet.

It seems that this grim reaper has to be resolved quickly, so as not to be given time by other gods to collect more containment.

A shadow unfolded at the foot of Meng Ke, and led three people to a high-energy reaction hole.

Was originally a dark and wet cave, but it was illuminated like a day by a huge light source in the center.

Meng Ke saw that the space of the cave is very large. On the top of the 30-meter-high cave, a light sphere that emits sunlight is firmly fixed by the black chain.

There is a **** in the light sphere.

Its breath is sacred and heavy, like the sun in the desert.

“Who are you? Save me!”

There was a message in the sphere of light, Meng Ke looked up at the sun, and he used heuristics.

“Apollo?” Slightly stunned.

“Save me out quickly!”

The sound inside the light sphere is extremely majestic, as if in command.

“What about death?” Meng Ke asked with a frown.

He felt the breath of death here, but saw a sun **** imprisoned.

“It was the dog who trapped me here, mortal, let me out soon! I let you be the sun priest!”

“Tianzun, the sun seems to be unclear.” The **** of peace looked at the sun on the top of the cave in disgust.

“It doesn’t seem that his brain was burnt out.” Meng Ke looked at the sun **** indifferently, and the pressure on his body was released.

“Weak God, I will ask you again, the dog that trapped you ?!”

The constant sound from the sun stopped for a moment, suffocating with Meng Ke’s strength, the sun **** was speechless for a moment.

“That dog will come back soon …. Please, let me go! As long as you let me go, I am willing to help you deal with Grim Reaper.”

“no need.”

Finally, Meng Ke hit a spell on the ball of light, and countless black chains shattered.

Then, the **** of peace pointed at the sun and drank:

“You are guilty!”

Outside the cave, thousands of electromagnetic cannons instantly shrouded the sun god, giving him the most dazzling light of his life.

The huge explosion cut off the entire mountain range, and the dust that rushed into the high altitude. The deafening sound could be clearly heard hundreds of kilometers away, and the earth was shaking.

Take out the spirits in the ruins and erase their consciousness. Meng Ke glanced at the succubus with a chin out of his side and sent a conscious body of mysterious girl into it.

“I am the **** of luck, and I will be the luck of all things in the world!”

The clear female voice resounded in all directions during the earth shaking. A loomingly dressed goddess walked out of the radiance. Her divine power and the **** of peace were as powerful as her indifferent face.

“Tianzun, I bless you. From now on, you will surely escape from the desperate situation and rise from the chaotic world. Your luck will be your best help in this universe.

Finally, in the causal line perception, Meng Ke found that his cause and effect had some subtle changes, and everything would not be a dead end.

After doing this, the **** of luck slowly disappeared.

Since the spirit is the agent of the universe, the blessing of the lucky **** represents the blessing of the universe, no matter how much this universe hates Meng Ke, from now on, it can no longer kill ten dead. The desperation fell on Meng Ke.

I don’t know how powerful these gods are, and Meng Ke doesn’t care.

Mental force swept through the land and no trace of death was found, Meng Ke suddenly thought of the SCP Foundation.

If he remembers correctly, the headquarters of the SCP Foundation is built on a small island beside Australia.

“Tianzun, the **** of death probably went there.” Xuan Nu repeated Meng Ke’s guess.

Think empathically. When the gods realize the importance of the contents, they are afraid that the first thing is to collect as many contents as possible for themselves.

Can be seen from his entry into Cairo.

Since the three investigators of SCP became the priest of death, then the death must have known that SCP is an organization to collect containment, and at the same time, also knew the location of SCP’s headquarters.

No matter who is the grim reaper, the first thing to do next is definitely to find the SCP and have more containment in your hands.

Can’t waste time anymore.

Meng Ke passed through the shadows and instantly appeared the coastal border of Australia.

This continent is like a secluded paradise. The dragons around the energy column do not kill humans at will. After local authorities discovered this, they began to intentionally bribe the dragons and continue to offer large amounts of food.

Dragons are wise and lazy. They really eat this set, and they really start to shelter these weak humans who provide food for them.

Therefore, this human in Australia is the best in the world.

Meng Ke extended his spiritual power to the sea and soon found a small island shrouded in mist.

Brought the two to the island, Meng Ke found his goal.

A **** with a kobold and a long-haired woman stood in a distance, because Meng Ke’s appearance ~ ~ seemed to break this deadlock.

“Mortal? Gaia, is this the helper you found?” The dog-headed **** glanced at Meng Ke disdainfully and mocked.

The **** named Gaia also looked at Meng Ke suddenly, and said a word that made Meng Ke stunned.

“God of peace? Meng Ke? Yu Shang?”

Two exploration techniques were lost, and Meng Ke immediately knew the information of the two. The dog-headed spirit was indeed the death he was looking for, and the long-haired woman opposite him was slightly beyond Meng Ke’s expectations.

“The will of the earth?”

It is also a kind of god, but its priesthood is bound to the earth, the earth is destroyed, Gaia is dead, Gaia is dead, but the earth will not be destroyed. This is a passive symbiotic relationship. Gaia will become stronger as the creatures of the earth become stronger Keep getting stronger.

Unless you give up your priesthood, otherwise the enemy will destroy the earth, no matter how strong Gaia is, hiding there will immediately die.

At this time, Gaia showed the strength of the twelfth stage under Meng Ke’s exploration technique, but on the earth, her strength will be strengthened, and she can completely fight against the enemies of the thirteenth stage, or even kill it. .

Gaia knows all the information of the earth since its birth, so it is not surprising that she knows that Meng Ke exists.

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