Super Fantasy Big Bang

Chapter 385 - "Relieving the Fake and Saving the True Skill" and No.1

The world of heaven.

The seven mountains surround a valley, and above the valley, a huge island like a mountain is suspended in midair.

Countless palaces and houses are dotted on the island. From time to time, some people fly over the island and fall down.

Immortal immortality, a scene of the fairy family.

In the heavenly world, such schools of cultivating immortals are like cow hairs, and the schools of various places are mostly hidden in the deep mountains, occupying the natural rich aura of heaven in this world.

Every ten years later, the major cultivators will stretch out olive branches to the mortal mortals, and include those who have the qualifications of cultivating cents to enter the mountain gate to practice.

But do n’t look at these mortal creatures that look exactly like human beings. In fact, they are all made of hundreds of people, and they have fixed their genes and their offspring ’s genes into the shape of human beings.

The real humans are high above the heavens, enjoying the richest blessed land in the world. They call these humans who look like themselves to mortals.

Because there is only one immortal-level strong man in human beings, they call themselves immortals.

Fairies view mortals just as humans on the earth view beasts, treat mortals as inferior creatures, and shamelessly transform themselves into human beings.

This is simply an insult.

The experiment body stopped at a high altitude, looking down at this magnificent island suspended in midair with aura.

The powerful spiritual power stretched out instantly, and the large mountain surrounding the island was shattered at once, causing the whole island to shake hard.

An old man with blue hair awakened from the practice, the energy in the body was running, and flew out of the palace instantly.

“I don’t know which senior came ?! I am the Sect Master of the Baishu Sect!”

Hundreds does not mean that there are only one hundred races in this world, but represents the one hundred strongest races.

The Huaishu tribe is among the hundred tribes. This name is still the name taken by the reincarnation.

The test body paused for a moment, and then the huge spiritual force wrapped towards the old man with blue hair.

This old man is the strongest on the island, but under the pressure of the experimental body’s mental strength, he was still connected by the spiritual line.

At the next moment, countless messy memories rushed into the old man’s mind, and immediately, his eyes became dull.

After solving this person, the subject continued to envelop the spiritual power towards the practitioners on the island.

The stronger the connected person, the more energy the experimental subject’s spiritual line needs to provide to control it.


“Someone is in the sky !!”

The cry of countless people from the island came.

At the same time, a gust of wind inexplicably rolled up the fallen leaves, a harsh noise in the air, countless fallen leaves flew to the small black spots in the sky.

The test subject did not hide his figure, and his mental power could not perceive him, but he could see it with his naked eyes.

Seven giant trees grew from the tops of the seven large mountains surrounding the Huaishu clan, and the huge figure covering the sky and sun, countless thick vines stretched out into the sky like tentacles.

A dark cloud suddenly appeared around the experiment body, and thunder flew through the clouds like a dragon snake, from time to time blooming brilliant light.

The world still follows the theory of five elements in mutual restraint. Suddenly, just as the vines are about to wrap around the experimental body, thunder falls like a punishment.

Rumble! !

Thunderous noise!

The vines intersect with the thunder and collide, and the vines fall toward the ground as if losing their spirituality.

The faces of the seven old men sitting in the middle of the palace became decayed with naked eyes, a spit of bright red blood spurted out, and their eyes were shrouded in death air, and there was no more movement.

The disciples guarding the seven old men were stunned by this scene instantly, but before they even thought about it, a magnificent mental force swept their minds.

The spiritual line completes the connection.

The test subject was carrying a thunderstorm, and his eyes looked down coldly.

Everyone on the island is controlled by his mental power, and none can escape.

Every long time, the thunder dispersed, and the island became quiet again.

The old blue-haired man stood respectfully on the island and waited for the subject to slowly drop.

The experimenter paid attention to the spiritual line in the old man with blue hair, and passed on the spiritual practice of the spiritual line.

Meng Ke called this practice “De-False and True-preservation”

“Thank you Master for your gratitude!” The old man with blue hair cast his five bodies on the ground and kowtowed on the dirt.

After doing this, the experimental body waited until the old man with blue hair completely converted his own practice into “De-False” and transferred all the connected persons on the island to him.

And the subject only connected him.

Under the order of the old man, everyone on the island sat cross-legged and began to practice.

The subject immediately felt that a very large amount of energy was transferred to the young man through the spiritual thread of the old man.

Determined that it was useful, and the experimental body also handed over the spiritual line of the tens of thousands of people who had been connected to the town to the blue-haired old man.

Heard the experimenter ordering him to bring the tens of thousands of people and began to practice. The old man with blue hair immediately showed bitterness on his face.

“Master, even if we teach these people to practice, but many people in the God-killing continent are waste bodies that cannot be practiced. All those who can practice, as long as they have a little qualification, will be brought into the mountain gate by various major schools to practice, leaving these There are very few people who can still practice! “

After reading the memory of the blue-haired old man, the experimenter quickly learned that because the hundreds of people had evolved into human beings, many fragments of incomplete evolution appeared in their genes, so that even though they created a group of amazing and colorful people, But it also made more people unable to practice, without the qualifications to practice.

After understanding, the experimenter put a piece of exercises into the memory of the old man with blue hair.

“This skill, as long as intelligent creatures can practice, and there is no bottleneck, you can pass it on and give it to all those who cannot practice, let them hurry up and practice for me!”

The old man with blue hair looked at the exercises in his memory, and was fascinated by the strange ideas in the exercises.

The basic theory of this world’s cultivation practice was put forward by the reincarnation ~ ~ and the practice suitable for him is actually tailor-made for him by the main god, and most of them are suitable for human beings.

If it is a creature other than humans to practice, although it will be effective, but some will produce some abnormalities.

And this person is a big guy who is mainly engaged in technology testing. He doesn’t know much about the cultivation of immortal exercises, so he hasn’t solved this matter until now.

The exercises provided by the experiment body are different from those provided by the samsara. It can be said that they are two kinds of exercises. As he said, this kind of exercises can be practiced as long as there are intelligent creatures.

And this exercise fell in the eyes of the old blue-haired elders, it just existed specifically for their mortals!

Not much to say.

Has acquired the memory of the old blue-haired old man, the experiment body has determined the direction, and the running spell will leave.

Qingfa old man hurriedly asked:

“Can the master leave a track number? I can wait and see who I have followed.”

“Road number? Name?”

Meng Ke looked at this scene and sent a string of information into the brain of the experiment subject.

The test subject rose to the ground instantly, and the figure rushed to the sky.

“My first name !!!”

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