Super Fantasy Big Bang

Chapter 396 - Ruthless Meng Ke

Meng Ke has understood some truths.

Starve the cowardly and cowardly.

Zerg is indeed easy to lose control, but it is indeed the best way to invade.

This is like what must be experienced in the process of growing up. Facing the cruelty of reality, Meng Ke gradually began to give up some of the bottom line he thought.

How stupid you were before!

Obviously there is a shortcut in front of me, but I resisted because of some bottom line problems and refused to use this shortcut.

Now he has completely let go of his thoughts, in order to get energy, he does whatever he can.

Yes, I should have understood this truth long ago.

Honest man **** it.

The long-lived species of humans are blooming everywhere on countless barren planets. Meng Ke determines the distance between them through the spiritual line. After observing the universe to determine the position, a huge to extreme star chart appears in front of Meng Ke.

The solar system, the Milky Way, the Ariahya supercluster … in this star chart, these are extremely small.

However, even at such a long distance, it means that the planet after the gate of crossing still exists, and countless fantasy planets are scattered throughout the universe, and these have only been discovered by Meng Ke. Unable to calculate.

Sometimes people can only truly see this world if they let go of something and have no heart or lungs.

The universe is so big, Meng Ke’s previous work seems to be like playing with children.

He is very powerful now, but he hasn’t really come into contact with the real alien civilization in this universe.

Without knowing other civilizations, Meng Ke is really afraid that he is Yelang arrogant, what is his strength in the universe?

It’s like the question that Meng Ke once asked.

The universe is so big, can the gods see it all at once?

The tenth stage is called the god-level stage by Meng Ke. At this time, his strength has already surpassed the tenth stage. However, now he doesn’t need to look at the universe at a glance.

What does this strength compare to the entire universe?

Only when you really see the world can you know your insignificance.

Perhaps this is the side effect of the split nail gun on Meng Ke, but he doesn’t hate himself.

To become a strong man, you have to pay something.

With the help of the difference in time flow rate, long-lived humans have developed rapidly in the barren world. In only a thousand years, their footprints have spread throughout the range of their own galaxy, but the time flow rate has also become very close to the earth.

Meng Ke integrated their knowledge of all world civilizations into themselves through the spiritual line, and released them through the Xuan Nu, forming a super large cross-civilization information exchange network.

Under such open exchanges, the development speed of long-lived human civilizations has once again increased, and all civilizations are entering a long technological revolution.

This is an unprecedented fusion of civilizations, constantly absorbing the knowledge of other civilizations and expanding to complement its own deficiencies.

Meng Ke has not been in contact with alien civilizations, so it is not known whether similar civilization fusion has occurred in alien civilizations.

However, he knew he was absolutely right to do so.

This is the most effective method for the rapid development of human civilization.

“Mysterious girl, preparing for the ability to exchange, I need the ability to search the entire universe.”

With so many universes, Meng Ke has not yet discovered the trace of the **** of space, which gives him an illusion, as if the entire universe had only earth civilization and fantasy planets.

But is this possible?

The universe is so big, if there is only such a civilization as human beings, it would be too incredible.

But he just couldn’t find it, and he couldn’t find a second civilization.

“Yes, God.”

Meng Ke gave up the bottom line, so his views on using his ability to deepen the extraordinary setting of the universe have changed again.

Mysterious girl quickly edits information, edits settings, and constantly fills in and revises.

The search capability of the whole universe can make Meng Ke like Baidu, easily find what he wants in the entire universe.

Soon, a huge wave of energy rushed out of Meng Ke’s brain and quickly spread to the whole universe.

Half of this energy is condensed in Meng Ke’s body, and a strange ability is quickly condensed.

The God of Space must be solved as soon as possible, but Meng Ke does not want to waste his ability alone on him.

Therefore, he redeemed the ability to search the entire universe.

Meng Ke visualized the breath of the **** of space in his own brain and instantly activated his new ability.

The operation mode of the ability of the containment does not require a process. As long as it can be achieved, it can be done without any reason.

Soon, Meng Ke sensed a position in the vast universe.

He can clearly see all the scenes around this location.

This is a void corner in the void of the dark universe.

A European-style palace building is quietly suspended in the universe.

There is a hidden space within the palace. Under Meng Ke’s perception, countless breaths are almost exactly the same powerful humanoid life shuttle in this space.

The breath on them is exactly the same as the **** of space.

Meng Ke found them, but they didn’t find anyone spying on themselves, still busy with their affairs in the palace.

This is a group of replicas.

In other words, the ontology has been confused with the replica. There is no high or low class among them, but only the difference in positions.

In other words, this is a group of space gods.

In a small room in the palace, there is a **** of space who has been repeating an action. He squats on the ground and constantly throws a six-sided dice. Every time he drops the dice, there will be a few around him. The **** of space is at most six and at least one.

After the appearance of these space gods, very consciously someone will come out to replace the dice-thrower’s position and throw the dice ~ ~ and the other space gods quickly leave the room.

The breath of all the space gods here is exactly the same, Meng Ke can find that all the space gods are in this palace.

And around the palace, there are constantly strong signals emanating, disappearing away over countless light years.

No wonder I have searched so many worlds and have not found a **** of space. It turns out that all gods of space are here.

Meng Ke discovered that the main work of these space gods is to sit in a circular machine and send out signals.

After capturing these signals, he found that these signals were mostly commands.

It feels as if the human brain is directing the movement of limbs.

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