Super Fantasy Big Bang

Chapter 403 - When will you wait longer? !

Dongsheng Shenzhou is a cultivator’s paradise and a holy place for mortal cultivators.

On the contrary, Beiju Luzhou is a wild place, where monsters and monsters are rampant.

Just as the ascending people wandered the Wuzhuang Temple, the eggs dropped by Meng Ke had hatched on Luzhou, Beiju.

It stands to reason that such an immature egg, even if it has terrible future potential, is also extremely fragile at this time, and any monster can kill it in the cradle.

However, there was a big demon who fell in love with this egg.

Perhaps it was the reason I had never seen it before, or perhaps the big demon could not use the repair method to calculate the cause of the bug eggs and feet. Curious, he brought the bug eggs back to his cave.

Soon he discovered that some strange plants grew around the worm eggs, and these plants would devour everything around them, gradually ate up, and turned them into nutrients into the worm eggs.

This made the big demon interested, he hadn’t seen this kind of insect egg again.

Then he directly let the demon catch many beasts and throw them near the eggs.

It didn’t take long for the first purple insect soldier to hatch from the eggs.

The light of wisdom flashed in the eyes of this insect soldier.

The big demon looked at it, it looked at the big demon.

Worship it!

The demon rejoiced, laughed, and thought he had picked up the baby.

Start to let more beasts, even humans and monsters, continue to help the eggs to develop and grow.

With enough nutritious eggs to enter the rapid hatching mode, almost thousands of insect soldiers are hatched every day, and this number is increasing rapidly.

Most of the strength of the insect soldiers is now in the sixth stage. Although it is not a big threat to the powerful monks, the Zerg victory is strong and the endless sixth stage insect soldiers are still a share in the world. Not to be underestimated.

Moreover, the big demon also found that as long as the creature engulfed by the eggs is stronger, the hatched insect soldiers are also stronger.

and so,

He killed all his monsters and used them to hatch more and stronger bug soldiers.

As the number of insect soldiers increased, the big demon began to lead countless insect soldiers to attack other monster caves.

In every battle, countless insect soldiers fall, but after each battle, the re-incubated insect soldiers will also become stronger and more numerous.

It’s like snowballing, this force is getting bigger and bigger.

Throughout Luju, Beiju, the war started.

At this time, the ascender who attacked Wuzhuangguan was still entangled with Zhenyuan Daxian. The Dragon King was hiding on the seabed, and countless aquatic creatures were trying to stay away from that area.

If it was n’t for the God ’s hand, it could only change the size of the object, and it had no effect on other data.

In this battle, some gods have begun to pay attention.

The identity of Zhenyuan Daxian also brought some special meaning to the battle caused by the ascendants.

Especially the technological weapons constructed by ascendants in outer space, these have made many fairies look bright.

They have never seen such a battle mode.

Also because this battle caught the attention of the fairy, the hand of God was sent back to the headquarters of the earth scp foundation.

They still do not want to expose the existence of the containment in front of the fairy.

If the heavenly court organization has control of the containment, this is definitely a disaster.

This also made Zhenyuan Daxian feel less pressure.

Immediately afterwards, there were more ascending ascendants from the sky.

This is all the case, Zhenyuan Daxian has long been no matter what the cause and effect.

The law has a legitimate defense that the ascendant will fight him first! Why is he guilty of murder? !

The ocean was suddenly dyed red.

Without the fear of containment, the attack from outer space could not hurt him.

The ascension of the ascendant is not as good as him, no matter how leapfrog challenge, in front of Zhenyuan Daxian is like a joke.

You know, Yuan Daxian in my town was also a legend when he was young!

“Emperor Tiantian! When can’t stay longer at this time ?!”

Suddenly, a loud shout rang through the world.

A piece of green leaves, unremarkable, hit the top of Zhenyuan Daxian’s head with extraordinary speed.

what? !

Zhenyuan Daxian was frightened, he had discovered that the more the attack of this group of people was ordinary, the more strange and horrible.

The body moves quickly, he knows that as long as he is not hit by this leaf, it will be fine.

And this leaf flew over him unexpectedly and rushed directly to the sea …. The wind that he brought up was wrecked.

“Just an ordinary leaf ?!” Zhenyuan Daxian was surprised, and then furious.

“You guys play me !!”

The mediocre leaves are really just ordinary leaves!

“Hahahaha, Yuan Daxian in Tangtang Town, was scared away by a leaf?”

“Hahahaha …”

Between heaven and earth, all ascendants are laughing wildly.

The old face of Zhenyuan Daxian blushed and became angry.

Under his control, the seawater directly rolled up into the sky, and countless ascendants were strangled into the sea, and the body and soul were directly destroyed.

But just when he was about to attack again,

“Yan Emperor! When can’t wait longer?”

After another loud shout, Zhen Yuanzi was still nervous.

Between heaven and earth ~ ~ Another strange white flame appeared, which was constantly shaken by the wind and pointed at Zhenyuan Daxian.

He still didn’t dare to neglect, although he doubted the truth in his heart, but he didn’t dare to care about it, Zhenyuan Daxian’s crazy displacement avoided.

The flame fell in the sea water … extinguished!

“…” Zhenyuan Daxian’s expression was distorted, uncomfortably uncomfortable.

“Hahahaha, Yuan Daxian in Tangtang Town, was scared away by an ordinary flame?”

“Hahahaha …”

Between heaven and earth, all the ascendants laughed wildly again.

The laughter was shaking.

“You … really my Yuan Yuanxian is a soft persimmon!”

Tricked twice!

Twice! !

But this time, the ascendant did not wait for him to attack,

There was another roar.

“Ruthless Emperor! When can’t you stay longer?”

At the same time as the roar sounded, a forgiving hat suddenly flew from the sky, looking plain, pointing directly at the top of Zhenyuan Daxian’s head.

What is it? !

He just wanted to dodge in a hurry, and suddenly thought of the result of the previous two slaps, he stopped his displacement of his teeth, waved his hands, and the majestic energy turned into an attack, slamming into the green hat flying in the sky.

The moment the two collided together, it was as if nothing had happened.

It seems that this is another joke? !

Zhenyuan Daxian was very angry and smiled, his body energy surging.

“Did you finally have no means ?! Hahahaha …”

But in the next second, in the endless energy attack, the forgiving color hat suddenly rushed out.

Suddenly worn on the head of Zhenyuan Daxian.


The audience was quiet for an instant.

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