Super Fantasy Big Bang

Chapter 412 - Attack the God of Space! !

“Crazy! Crazy!”

Rulai started to feel like she was caught in a nightmare?

But should n’t my dreams be dominated by me?

How is this going? !

Rulai wanted to stop Guanyin and other Buddhas, but he was a little scared, what if a group of lunatics came to siege him? !

If it was before, you are not afraid of it.

But now this group of people has these weird weapons in their hands, so powerful that even he has to be careful.

If faced with countless weapons of this kind, you will surely die if you come here.

So he knew that at this time, he must rely on his eloquence to persuade these people to follow his thoughts again!

There must be new ideas to replace the ideas of this group of lunatics!

Next, Meng Ke saw that as if he had come crazy, he began to learn the way of speaking of this group of people and the way of thinking of this group of people to think.

He wanted to use this method to understand the Buddha’s thinking after going crazy, and then to guide and change this thinking.

Shaking his head ridiculously, Meng Ke is not looking at him. How can someone who is connected by his spiritual line to change his mind be changed like this?

If it can, then Rulai will regain the swallowed value.

Organizing his thoughts, Meng Ke searched again for the location of the **** of space.

They are still within this building, constantly copying themselves, and constantly spreading thought control information to the outside.


Meng Ke had an idea.

Would n’t it be their main base here?

After all, the God of Space knows the existence of the containment, so he will definitely do everything possible to prevent the containment.

Especially when it is most likely, Meng Ke may find his existence with the containment.

The more you think about it, the more likely Meng Ke feels, but here, it is actually just a smoke bomb? The target that attracts the target?

Meng Ke looked here for a long time.

Never mind.

In any case, let ’s talk about destroying the God of Space here.

At least, these people are all gods of space, which is an indisputable fact.

Thinking, Meng Ke opened the space channel.

Zhenyuan Daxian dragged the quaint book, and the first one rushed out of the space channel, and one hundred thousand mountains were pressed together.

However, this 100,000 mountain just hit the palace in the void, and was teleported and disappeared here.

Zhenyuan Daxian turned over the book again, summoning 100,000 mountains back again.

This time, instead of violently bombarding him, he surrounded it with a hundred thousand mountains, and a wonderful formation was launched, which completely blocked the fluctuation of information from the palace.

All information fluctuations are blocked in this large array.

Immediately afterwards, a huge and magnificent space door was opened in this large formation. Marshal Tianpeng took countless soldiers and generals, a full 100,000 days of the river army, rolled out of the gate with the water of the Milky Way.

“Devil is dying !!!”

Behind them, countless heavenly gods rushed out of the gate holding brilliant and magnificent artifacts, and endless aura condensed in this area, violently surging.

In their eyes, the **** of space is an extraterrestrial demon, against the will of Tianzun’s will, and is tolerated by heaven.

To kill them is to kill evil spirits in the world, with great merit!

Therefore, the **** of space must die!

The cultivation of the God of Space is very low, and the Westward Journey World is worthy of the strongest world.

Just pull out a righteous god, and the cultivation bases are all far above the **** of space.

At this time, Marshal Tianpeng had rushed to the front of the palace with the Tianhe army, and Meng Ke immediately placed countless space gods outside the main hall to use as a defensive space barrier.

Suddenly, the Tianhe Marines ran into it.

For the first time, they collided with a group of space gods guarding the periphery of the palace.

The collision between the two sides is like Saturn hitting the sun, and the terrifying energy is constantly coming from the center of the battle.

After that, the heavenly gods continued to kill the battlefield, and the space gods rushed out of the palace.

This seems to be an endless battle.

As long as the **** of space has dice in hand, he can copy himself infinitely, and the heavenly **** is much stronger than them. Often they need dozens of space gods to join hands to kill a powerful heavenly god.

If this continues, Meng Ke knows that Heavenly Court must lose.

Limited consumption is unlimited, they do not have so many strong people can consume.

The God of Space seems to know that he is a victorious person.

But at this time.

A crack in space opened again, and the first black warship flew out of the space channel.

Behind it, there are countless various mechanical creations.

This is the dove killing force.

In a sudden, countless energies bombarded the palace in the void.

This seemingly immense palace is surrounded by warships and looks like a whale surrounded by thousands of sharks.

The Libra in battle began to tilt.

In order to speed up this step, the endless starry sky, the powerful Zerg on countless planets have come out of the space channel.

They are definitely much weaker than the **** of space ~ ~ But the most horrible thing about the Zerg is always the number.

Except for the Xuan Nu, no one knows how many Zeng bases Meng Ke transported through the shady.

As of now, I am afraid that there are hundreds of millions of planets in the universe occupied by Zerg, and they are madly evolving.

Even without today’s battle, Meng Ke actually started to want these Zerg to contact each other.

Obtain the opponent’s evolution information, and take out the useful ones to use, so that the Zerg can evolve faster.

Today happened to be a coincidence.

Under today’s starry sky, the gods, mortals, and Zerg, they will work together for an exalted goal, unprecedented cooperation, together for the Heavenly Venerable Plan, in order to kill the **** of space.

It’s not too late to spell your life! !

Seeing this scene, the God of Space felt panic now.

Infinite bugs crawled out of the void universe, densely packed, and each one had a strong killing breath.

This may be the deterrent of Zerg!

The **** of space panicked.

“We have never harmed anyone! Why are you treating us like this ?! Damn, who will come out to me.”

In the eyes of the God of Space, so many races join hands, which in itself is a super lineup that dare not write in the novel.

did not expect.

He really did not expect that one day, so many races joined forces in order to actually kill himself!


Fortunately, I am just a copy.

Ontology has long been …

“Hey! Who the **** is it? Can you come out and talk, the body has long gone, and it doesn’t make sense for you to kill me! But if you talk, it’s interesting.”

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