Super Fantasy Big Bang

Chapter 420 - Battle of Blood Rain

Meng Ke walked in the largest base of the Earth Human Union. The pedestrians passing by seemed to ignore him, ignoring this big living person.

Because of the rapid development of cloning technology, the number of personnel originally scarce in the Human Alliance has increased.

It’s just that these humans cloned later, their individual strength is only second order.

Compared to primitive humans with a minimum of eighth order, cloned humans are like inferior products, and the gap in strength is very obvious.

However, only second-order humans are enough to carry out various scientific research projects.

In this base, everyone is busy walking, a high tension atmosphere in the war envelopes here.

Sometimes, humans are also confused whether their current development path is correct, but they simply do n’t have so many choices in war.

What can best cope with war is the best and most needed for the current human alliance.

This is the time. Who cares if the road of development is correct!

Let’s talk about winning this war first!

Soon, the direction of the space channel came again with immense energy, and the speed of the **** was very fast.

In the Human Alliance, Fangbei et al. Wore a dark armor, holding a **** sword in their hands.

This armor is the product of the highly condensed content of the containment, which is second only to the black metal-shaped containment that surrounded the demon.

Moreover, because it is not a containment, this armor will not be controlled by powerful mental cultivators, and it also has mass production popularity.

Now, the surface of this armor is painted with countless mysterious textures. These patterns are mainly used to stabilize the sober reason of Fangbei and others.

“Remove the flawless metal.” Fang Bei said, covering the face of the armor.

The flawless metal cannot trap the devil all the time. If you let the devil discover the characteristics of the flawless metal, this thing will be changed.

If it falls into the hands of demons, it will have a great impact on the human alliance.

Everyone understands that this is not a stopgap measure, it is just delaying time.

Now Fangbei and others are ready, the controller of the flawless metal shrinks the flawless metal that covers the entire large array, and finally turns into a bracelet to wear on the user’s hand.

The Human Alliance understands that the containment is indeed very powerful, but this is not beneficial to their development.

All researchers recognize that the containment cannot be studied, and can only be used according to its characteristics.

Undoubtedly, the understanding of the containment on earth is much better than it was at the beginning.

And, they deeply understand that the reason why the earth becomes now is all because of the containment.

Moreover, they also suspect that the teleportation array that now transports monsters from another world is also an unknown containment.

However, they are still not sure whether the containment is a unique feature of the earth or a feature that is everywhere in the universe.

The earth is why weird and powerful things like containment appear.

This is really puzzling.

Fangbei set off with all sentries, they are the most powerful force in the human alliance.

The second is the player, because players have astral worlds that can be exchanged for knowledge, they have more knowledge than human alliances use stone tablets to exchange.

Moreover, they have now established a very large human gathering place in the astral world.

They found that as long as they don’t provoke that strange castle in the astral world, no matter how strong the monster is, they may be killed by them.

It can be said that after experiencing so much in the astral world, their fighting consciousness will definitely not be much less than that of the sentinels.

Now, most of the members are the original official team of players used to stay behind the base. All sentinels infected with the ghost swordsman virus took the base’s top equipment to the battlefield.

It did n’t take long for the mighty team of demons to collide with the sentries.

At this moment, the violent blood inside the sentry began to burn, and a **** breath enveloped everyone.

Compared with the prison blood demon in the game, the current sentinel seems to be more pure, the speed and power have reached the extreme, completely abandoned the defense, and the injuries on the body are all handed over to the body’s powerful healing ability.

The demon looked at them, and he was very surprised. This group of talents is a demon!

The breath of the Demon Legion is just evil, and the breath of the sentinels is like a peerless killer who crawled out of the **** sea of ​​corpses.

This is like some people grow ugly by nature, and some people kill countless people the day after tomorrow.

What looks ugly is not necessarily evil, but it must not be a good thing to kill so many people!

After seeing the demon, the sentries carried the infinite blood, and the speed of the charge reached the extreme.

The air smelled thick and bloody.

The powerful wind pressure has changed all the shouts and screams at the same time. This is like a silent color movie. Numerous figures are shuttled above the sky, and there is always black blood, and bright red blood is spilled from the sky. .

With the strengthening of strength ~ ~ The thinking speed of cultivators is also strengthening. If the day of ordinary people is 24 hours, then for powerful cultivators with faster thinking speed, there are 200 Forty hours.

Their speed, their reaction, and their speed of thinking are no longer in the same world as ordinary people.

Ordinary people seem to them in slow motion.

Once they fought with all their strength, ordinary people could not see their figure at all, and could not hear the loud and terrifying sound.

Every strong man can make his power precise to the slightest point, even if he is fighting in the downtown, unless the collision during dodge is necessary, otherwise a peerless strong man will come down from the beginning to the end, ordinary people will not find out Such a war has occurred.

This is also the case at this moment, except for the **** breath filled with every piece of air and the blood rain that pours, the sky is cloudless and the sky is blue.

Who could have thought that in this sky, the sentries were fighting with thousands of demons at this time?

And in the distance, from the direction of the space crack, there are one demon after another coming here.

Countless blood was scattered on the sentinels, some of them were the blood of companions, and some were the blood of demons, which made their breath more violent and horrible.

Being covered with blood all over the body, the combat power of the sentry has been continuously strengthened with the battle.

And the demons that came after were also stronger than one.

Slowly, the body of a demon began to appear in the sky, and after losing his soul, it fell straight down to the ground.

“Pappa …”

There was already blood flowing everywhere on the ground below. The corpses fell on the river of blood, and the splashing blood flowers were cruel and beautiful.

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