Super Fantasy Big Bang

Chapter 427 - Perception information

Is the world originally a huge continent connected by all the planets, or is it a planet scattered all over the universe like now?

Meng Ke didn’t know, but he didn’t like the fact that such planets are now scattered in every corner of the universe, which made him much slower to destroy the world.

In the rules set by Meng Ke for Xuannv Heavenly Path, if the world spirits want to grasp the characteristics of the containment, they must have the power of the containment itself, and their awareness must reach a certain degree of power.

This is only a basic condition. The most important point is that this person must be on the earth of the main universe to understand the power of the containment.

The amount of comprehension is directly related to the depth of the ability information. The more comprehension, the deeper the depth of information about the characteristics of the containment obtained.

But at this time, all life on this earth was cleared by Meng Ke. No one except him should enter this range.

Sitting on the small island of the Earth scp foundation, Meng Ke can feel a vast ocean of information wrapped around him, as if the information of the entire world is displayed in front of his eyes, allowing him to browse at will.

This kind of feeling can make people indulge in it, browsing this information, will constantly produce a strong sense of pleasure in the spirit.

This is the beauty of the information itself. Everyone who can feel the information can’t help being immersed in it.

Beside each containment, the information emanating from the containment is clearer than the messy information in the universe, and it is easier to comprehend.

This is the first time Meng Ke has seen the information on the containment so directly, as if he had seen the truth of this universe.

And while he was immersed in the ocean of information, a gaseous planet hundreds of times larger than the westward journey world approached the westward journey world.

The Journey to the West has not recovered from the impact of the moon, and the gravity brought by this gaseous planet has begun to pull the broken Journey to the West.

The clouds were stirred and turned into a vortex connected to this huge gaseous planet.

But this is nothing.

Among the group of fighting strongmen, countless people began to move towards the gaseous planet. This planet is absorbing westward travel, but these strongmen regard this gaseous planet as their own energy supply station.

Each vortex appears on a gaseous planet. From the perspective of powerful cultivators, everything in the world can be transformed into energy for self-cultivation. This gaseous planet is more useful than any natural material and treasure!

If these energies are absorbed by one person, that person can absolutely rule this powerful and respectable, dark age of endless war!

And because of the appearance of this gaseous planet, everyone saw the hope of ending the war.

After all, no one wants to fight like this forever, until one day they die in the hands of others.

In this way, on the gaseous planet, one strong alliance appears, and those strong people who can be trusted by everyone are sheltered by the strong alliance and fully absorb energy.

Of course, some people hope that peace will naturally also have some sweetness from the war, and hope that the chaos will continue.

The battle continues, and it intensifies.

Countless people who have just soared up are ignorant of what is happening, and they are embroiled in war next second.

It did n’t take long for the gaseous planets to be absorbed by them. Five red-red planets fifteen times larger than the Journey to the West appeared near the Journey to the West, slowly approaching the world to be torn apart.

The five planets made of iron elements are huge in mass, completely tearing and smashing the westward journey world. However, there is still a gravitational pull on the five planets in the center of the westward journey world. Colliding on these planets.

A black hole appeared faintly in the center of the ruined Journey to the West, but, as soon as it disappeared, it was erased by Meng Ke.

Meng Ke’s ability to master space has become strong enough to transport the planet as his own strength grows stronger.

These five crimson planets were transferred from the universe of the fantasy world discovered by the Zerg.

In the future, as the westward journey of the world becomes larger and larger, more and more planets will be transferred. One day, all the floating matter in the entire universe will merge into this super continent.

And this phenomenon seems to be a natural phenomenon in the world of the strong, which is full of opportunities and dangers, which makes them excited.

And these countless strongmen also provided Meng Ke with countless connection objects, as well as the highest level of knowledge memory from the heavens and the world.

These people don’t know anything about this, and they should be like this in the upper realm.

The more chaotic, the more dangerous, and the more infinite opportunities, this is the upper bound they imagine.

Slowly, as more and more people are flying, there are also some technological worlds that have discovered this flying feature. They found that as soon as someone’s power reaches a critical point, it will be sent to an unknown place by a sudden space channel.

After discovering this ~ ~ some powerful technological world directly opened the door to space through means, and countless warships came to this world.

Such technological ascension has left countless old monsters who have been in the ascension world for a long time.

I have seen grass soaring, animals soaring, so many warships soaring together for the first time!

Such a powerful force directly affected the already chaotic pattern of the ascending world.

Moreover, when these warships appeared, it was like a gaseous planet launching a beam of energy cannons.

The earth-shattering loud noise detonated the gaseous planet.

The five crimson planets on the side were pushed away in the direction of the sun.

This time, the countless strong men who first came to the ascension world did not know how much they fell, and with the explosion of the gaseous planet, they no longer need to practice.

Looking at the metal battleship was like looking at the killing of the father and the enemy, and his anger was about to burst out of his eyes.

No communication is required, and countless powerful men rush towards the metal warship with their most powerful attacks.

Of course, there are also some sensible strongmen who rush to the five huge crimson planets that have almost merged into the sun.

This planet is the basis of their foothold in the universe. If there is no planet, even if the battle is won, they will wander the universe from now on.

Soon, they caught up with the huge red planet and started to exert their strength in the opposite direction, desperately trying to push the planet back to its original orbit.

At the original orbit, the aftermath of the explosion made the energy in the entire range extremely violent. Various kinds of radiation combined energy were distributed to the surroundings, such as a strong wind, which will not be easily dissipated in a certain time.

It is difficult for the weak to survive in this area.

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