Super Fantasy Big Bang

Chapter 444 - Lost world

If this continues, the blue-and-white society that was born after brainwashing will soon be able to fight against the Foundation Chamber.

But at this moment, a person suddenly continued to shuttle through mortal towns.

This person, like the socialist, began to brainwash the mortals in the town on a large scale without any scruples.

But it didn’t take long for the investigator to stand in front of this person.

The blue referee smiled at the investigator.

He knew that the investigator would not allow chaos in the spirit world, so it must appear.

“I can let you go, as long as you stop all the activities after the blue and white club and hand over all the containment.” The investigator said, as usual, the expression was as dull as a poker face, lifeless.

“If you say stop, then don’t I have no face?” The blue arbitrator’s face with a strange smile made the investigator frown.

What the blue and white society is doing now has affected the foundation’s control of the spirit world. The blue and white society around the world has its strengths and weaknesses, which makes the investigators feel trouble.

“What is your purpose?” The investigator asked bluntly.

If it is the order of the Celestial Realm, the Celestial Realm controlled by the Foundation must be the most stable time in the Celestial Realm in history.

“You know? What the Blue and White Society is doing is destroying the order of the spirit world. This will have serious consequences. Without Foundation control, you can’t bear it.”

“Really?” Blue Arbitration didn’t care.

“You are right, you are right. Our Celestial Realm can be ruled by the Devil and the Demon Race, but it must not be ruled by a strong presence from the outside world. This is our perseverance. Understandably, will you leave? “

It is not necessarily evil that destroys order, and justice is not necessary to protect order. The idea of ​​the Lanbai Society is very simple. Things in the spirit world must be resolved by the spirit world itself, and they do n’t need any outsiders to intervene.

In short, the spirit world wants the right to self-government.

This is not simply a contradiction between the foundation and the blue and white society, but the conflict between the entire celestial world and the foundation.

The investigator understood, but in his view, the chaos generated by the containment will be resolved by the Foundation. Therefore, the Foundation is just. The obsession of the Blue and White Society in his opinion is just a group of indigenous people. Just fall behind.

“As long as there is a possibility of containment in this world, the Foundation will not leave, and the containment must be managed and controlled by the Foundation in a unified manner.” The investigator stated his philosophy and was unwavering.

“That’s no talk?” Blue Arbitration didn’t care about spreading hands.


A thunder exploded in the sky, and the aftermath of the blue arbitration’s body exploded continuously sweeping away.

However, the investigator could still feel a blue arbiter’s breath appearing from a corner of the spirit world.

Is it just a doppelganger?

The investigator opened the space again, chasing this breath.

This is a dark cave. A large blood-red array covered the entire space. After the investigator’s figure appeared, he had been waiting here for a long time for the four major arbitrations to inject the last energy into the large array.

In an instant, the entire space turned into darkness.

The extremely unstable space trembles, and all the energy is isolated from the large array.

This was a teleportation array, and the investigator was keenly aware.

The breath of another world appeared in his perception.

“Since you are a creature of another world, then we will send you to another world!”

In the dark space, the sound of blue arbitration finally floated, such as thunder.

Standing in the large formation, the investigator observed all around without any movement.

He felt the breath of another world getting stronger and stronger, which was a familiar and unfamiliar breath.

This dark space is getting closer and closer to another world.

Suddenly, a beam of energy passed by the investigator, and countless channels of information flowed in this world, chaotic energy, feeling of weightlessness.

An old man in a robe suddenly caught him.

“Just soaring up? Why are you the Daluo Jinxian soaring? Forget it, come with me, it’s not safe here.”

The old man said that he would pull the investigator away from here, but the investigator threw it away and a space channel appeared in front of him, swallowing him in without warning, leaving the dumbfounded old man dumbfounded in place. Watch this scene.

“This, back to the lower realm?”

“Even if you send me away, my split will continue to manage the world.”

The four major arbitrations watched the investigators disappear and reappeared instantly.

“Went to the Lost World, you … how did you come back?”

The four major arbitrators know that when a cultivator reaches the extreme, he will be summoned by a lost world and enter into endless melee. No matter how strong the cultivator is, he cannot escape and cannot escape. He can only fight in that world to death.

The investigator’s cultivation behavior had surprised them without entering that world, and now he escaped from that world again ~ ~ Looking at them, the investigator did not want to use too much nonsense to turn the energy into murder The beast pounced on the four.

But at this moment, immediately after the investigator left the Ascension World, the space channel was not closed. A more powerful figure rushed out of the space channel, and a golden arm waved, gently crushing the investigator The four fierce beasts that turned out.

After the space channel was closed, this figure stood in front of the investigator.

“I knew you could leave the lost world, thank you for bringing me back!”

The endless light of the body dissipated, and Ye Tianyi’s figure appeared in front of the investigator.

At this moment, the four arbitrations were relieved.

The reason why they can locate the lost world and send the investigators over is because not long ago, Ye Tianyi’s strength reached the standard line to enter that world.

After Ye Tian entered, they knew the lost world, so they had the idea of ​​sending investigators to that world.

Although most of the foundation can be separated from the world by virtue of the foundation itself, it is better for them.

As long as Ye Tianyi seizes this opportunity and follows the investigator to leave the Lost World, his powerful strength will add a powerful boost to the Lanbai Society!

And now, Ye Tianyi’s cultivation base has surpassed the investigator when he entered the lost world. After much experience in the lost world, he is now far behind the investigator.

The majestic pressure on his body was released, increasing every moment and getting stronger.

Over time, even the investigator could not keep up with his speed of becoming stronger.

I do n’t know what kind of strange exercises Ye Tianyi is practicing …

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