Super Fantasy Big Bang

Chapter 453 - Infinite breakthrough

Meng Ke calmed himself with the spell.

He knew that now he must be calm.

The first thing to do now is to collect energy, and secondly, to eradicate the Lanbai Society and the Foundation.

Since this person can make Lanbai Society his threat, the Foundation can also be his threat.

After calming down, Meng Ke’s thoughts became clearer.

Things cannot be rushed, everything has to take place slowly.

Zerg and avatars are still helping him collect energy, so the matter of collecting energy can be put aside, so the first thing he has to do now is to solve the threat of the blue and white society.

However, the settings of the Lanbai Society prevented Meng Ke from completely eradicating them.

Therefore, he wants to change the situation where the blue and white society threatens him again.

Space control!

Suddenly Meng Ke thought.

Lan Baishe’s sudden acquisition of so many containments will not pose a threat to him in an instant, so what Meng Ke has to do is to limit the continued development of this threat.

At least we can’t let these blue and white clubs gather and integrate.

Now, although all the blue and white clubs are on one planet after another, they are still very likely to come together through various technologies.

This is what Meng Ke does not want to see.

The space control ability allows Meng Ke to absolutely control all the space in the universe, so after thinking of this, Meng Ke immediately began to act.

First look at all the planets discovered by the Zerg, Meng Ke launched the ability, he divided all the planets into one independent space after another.

On these countless planets, they can still see a false starry sky, but because of the ability of Meng Ke Space to control, the planets flying on this countless planets can never fly out of their own galaxy.

The distance in space is infinite.

Moreover, the independent spaces of these planets are isolated from the outside world, just like one world after another, they can never get out of this independent space.

In this way, the probability of the blue and white society coming together is eliminated.

With Meng Ke doing this, the entire universe seems to be separated by independent spaces between these planets, forming a pseudo-multiverse universe.

Out of this independent space, they came to the main world.

The space of the main world is magnified by Meng Ke indefinitely, the distance equals to never reach.

It can be said that apart from the containment, the blue and white community will be unable to communicate on this.

As long as the energy is enough in the future, Meng Ke will erase the setting of the birth of the blue and white society, and there will be no blue and white society in this world.

Then there was the corpse.

Meng Ke noticed at the beginning that the depth of information on the corpse could not even be seen by him, so this must be an unknown threat.

Moreover, in the world where countless blue and white clubs exist, each world actually has an identical body on the moon.

His birth is just like the birth of Lan Bai Society, and it is a companion with Lan Bai Society.

In Meng Ke’s view, it is strange and strange that the characteristics of the Blue and White Society can’t be seen through. Now he can’t even see through the body.

All this reveals a strange.

No one knows what this body is for Lan Bai Society, and whether Lan Bai Society will use this body to do anything to Meng Ke.

Then, after isolating the communication between the blue-and-white society, Meng Ke began to collect the corpses of the world one by one.

In the process, Meng Ke also discovered that as soon as two bodies were put together, one of them would disappear.

As if this corpse had uniqueness, only one could exist.

Meng Ke’s corpse, which could not be deleted even if the information was deleted, actually disappeared under such circumstances.

All this reveals strangeness.

Or, this is not necessarily a body?

Unable to delete information, unable to copy, unable to perceive, these all illustrate the strength of this corpse from the side.

If this body woke up one day, would Meng Ke be his opponent?

Turning this matter over to the avatars to deal with, Meng Ke took out Xia Heng’s puppet and began to perceive the above information.

After his ability to delete existing information, the world was changed again, and Meng Ke discovered that he could perceive the probability manipulation information on this puppet.

The information depth of this ability is very deep and very powerful. It can be illustrated by the fact that Xia Heng, an ordinary person, can threaten Meng Ke.

But to match this ability, you must have matching intelligence.

This is not only Xia Heng’s weakness, but also Meng Ke’s weakness.

Having thought, he discovered his weakness, but unfortunately Meng Ke now has no energy, otherwise he must give himself an information-level thinking ability.

Now, without energy, Meng Ke can only add boff to his thinking through spells, and improve the level of intellectual thinking through spells.

Soon, Meng Ke realized the manipulation of probability on Xia Heng.

Probability manipulation has also become a powerful ability for Meng Ke, second only to the present ability and the second depth of information.


The added intelligence gave Meng Ke countless ideas.

For example, his current cultivation practice began to break through quickly.

Meng Ke ’s Xiuwei was not as good as the white-haired boy he had killed before. Even now, he can no longer perceive the entire size of the soaring continent beyond the Milky Way by many times.

Under the information, the cultivation is the strongest.

To make better use of information features, a strong practice can also be of great help.

Under the condition that the probability manipulation reaches 100%, Meng Ke ’s cultivation practice can almost make breakthroughs indefinitely, and every breakthrough is a 100% success ~ ~ If Xia Heng did this before, even Meng Ke Ke has information skills, and he would be very troublesome to solve it.

The stronger the cultivation base, the more thorough Meng Ke’s understanding of everything, and all kinds of enlightenment emerged in his mind. He did not expect that this way could actually improve his understanding of information.

Gradually, a feeling of familiarity and strangeness of space and time appeared in his perception without the help of ability.

Without using space to control his ability, Meng Ke was exposed to the existence of space and time for the first time. This is no longer a conceptual thing for him, but a real thing that can be touched to influence.

As the cultivation base becomes stronger, this feeling becomes clearer and the layers that can be affected become deeper.

Some things that practitioners call the law flowed into Meng Ke’s heart little by little, and the enlightenment of the world into his mind came into his mind.

In him, mental power and quality are undergoing qualitative changes. Various visions emerge in endlessly in this space. Even the little pressure on him begins to make the space become distorted and time accelerates … …

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