Super Financial System

Chapter 258 The Power of the System

At this moment, Li Wei was clutching his injured arm, and then hiding behind the car, desperately suppressing himself to prevent himself from screaming.

It hurts!
This is the only thought in Li Wei's heart. The movies staged are all deceitful. Those who can run and jump after being shot a few times, and those who are missing arms and legs and can persist in fighting are all deceitful. .

Now Li Wei only felt that he was about to die of pain, his body was shaking constantly because of the pain, and he even found it very difficult to take out the first aid items from his pocket.

Li Wei could feel that the members of the Scourge were getting closer and closer to his direction, and he had no time to waste.

Forcibly holding back the pain, Li Wei took out a bottle of medicine spray from his pocket, and sprayed it on his wound.

This is a powerful painkiller that he exchanged from the points store. No matter how serious the injury is, as long as you spray this spray, you can immediately feel no pain. However, the defect of this medicine is also obvious, that is, even This bottle of medicine itself has no side effects, but when a person suffers a serious injury, if he uses this medicine, he will forget the pain and at the same time cause secondary damage to the injured place unconsciously, seriously may even result in death.

Therefore, in the introduction of the point store, the effect of this medicine is generally used by soldiers, but now Li Wei can't care so much. After spraying the medicine on his wound, he doesn't feel at all. To the pain in the arm.

Looking at the freely moving but bloody arm, Li Wei smiled wryly, and then considered how to escape.

Seeing the members of the Scourge getting closer, Li Wei could even hear the sound of bullets being loaded as they walked.

It doesn't matter... Let's fight, if we just stay here, we will definitely just sit and wait to die!
After making up his mind, Li Wei gritted his teeth, then took out a small spherical object from his pocket, and threw it outside.

There was a strong flash of light and exploded with sparks. At the same time, Li Wei also quickly ran out from the hiding place before. There is only one chance, and he must seize it!

Just now, what Li Wei threw out was actually an explosive device that could disrupt the thermal vision device, but the disturbance did not last long, so Li Wei had to hurry up and return to his car.

However, even so, Li Wei still underestimated the reaction speed of these people who condemned the gods. After they realized that the thermal vision device had failed, they immediately threw away the thermal vision device worn on their heads decisively.

For them, a thermal vision device that has lost its function is better to let them hunt and kill their prey with their eyes and their own feelings.

So, not long after Li Wei ran out, he was blocked by a shuttle of bullets, and what was even more unfortunate was that now, Li Wei was slowly surrounded by members of the Scourge.

He has nowhere to escape!

At this time, all the members of the Scourge who came to assassinate Li Wei had surrounded him, and pointed the black wound at him.

"It's over..."

At this moment, Li Wei has nothing to do. Indeed, during this period of time, because the safety of his family has been protected by the system, he has also relaxed his vigilance against the scourge. He did not expect that he would be here today... If there is no accident, he should I will die here.

Reluctantly closing his eyes, Li Wei thought of a lot at this moment, from his rebirth to the present, and finally... the picture was fixed on Feng Xiaoyi's face.

"I'm really sorry, Xiaoyi... I can't keep you by my side."

Li Wei had already seen that the surrounding members of the Scourge had already raised their guns at him, and he knew that this time, he might really be about to die.

Just when the group of Scourge members were about to shoot at Li Wei, suddenly, Li Wei's body began to emit intense light, and all the Scourge members who were irradiated by the light exploded to death without accident.

At this time, Li Wei also looked at what happened in front of him in shock. He didn't know what happened, but he could vaguely guess that this should be done by the super financial management system hidden in his body.

At the same time, Tian Lei who was not far away also saw such a scene. He was shocked at this moment. He never thought that all his subordinates would die in such a strange way.

The golden light didn't last long, only about five seconds, but it was only five seconds. All the members of the Scourge who surrounded Li Wei before were all erased without leaving any traces, as if they had never existed before. Same thing happened.

At this time, Tianlei was also a little scared. He was worried that if he walked up by himself now, he would be completely wiped out from this world like his subordinates.

After thinking about it for a while, Tianlei decided to retreat temporarily and then make plans. After all, no matter how important the task is, it is not as important as his own life.

And not long after Tianlei left, Li Wei stood up with his body supported. Although the pain in his arm was not felt, the dizziness caused by excessive bleeding was inevitable.

After using all his strength to walk to a place with a signal, and then dialed Gao Fei's phone, Li Wei passed out directly on the ground.

At this time, not only Li Wei, but even Tian Lei didn't know that from the moment he received the order to hunt and kill Li Wei, Tian Punishment had secretly installed a miniature camera on him, so, just now Everything that happened, likewise, has been seen by God's Punishment in front of the computer.

At this time, Tian Xun was sitting in front of the computer, his whole body was trembling uncontrollably. This was not trembling of fear, but excitement, a kind of excitement when he saw something he liked.

Too strong... This kind of power is really too strong!
When he saw that the power hidden in Li Wei's body could be so powerful, Heaven's Punishment was completely moved. Although he still didn't know what this power was, if it could be captured from him, when the time came , not to mention the Huaxia District, even if it is the person in charge of the entire organization, I am afraid no one will object.

"Wait...just wait for me, you don't deserve such power, only I am qualified to be someone with this power, and by then, I will be the master of the whole world!"

Tian Punishment stared at his eyes, with fanaticism in his eyes, and his voice was almost trembling and roaring!

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