Super Financial System

Chapter 39 Cooperative School?

But after a period of time, Li Wei felt that if the technology of "AR+VR" was only applied to entertainment games, it would be too good for its use, and it could do more.

"Boss, can this work?" Assistant Ling Yu questioned Li Wei again.Although he knows that this boss is very powerful, he can do whatever he says, and he will succeed once he does it.But he still didn't believe the boss would do this.

"Why not, this method can make the players more obsessed, and it can also make the learners more obsessed, look at it." Li Wei vowed.

Ling Yu looked at his retreating back, rolled his eyes and thought for a while, made an indifferent movement, and started busy with his work again.

In this way, Li Wei's whimsical decision began to be implemented, and this solution is "AR+VR" resource learning. As soon as the "AR+VR" resource learning was released, a large number of primary and middle school students came to try it.

After a period of experimentation, it was found that using this method can improve students' learning efficiency, and many students began to like preview and review because of this learning method.

Li Wei saw that such a method could not only improve national cultural achievements, but also bring benefits to himself, so Li Wei decided to develop learning projects such as "AR+VR" teaching classes.But before it was implemented, teachers and principals of various schools saw that this technology improved students' performance, so Li Wei began to be contacted by various schools.

"Boss, boss, someone is calling you again." Assistant Ling Yu hurried over.

"What is it for?" Li Wei was very calm.

"The school wants to cooperate with you again, saying that they all use your products, can you give them a lower price."

"I see, you tell him, I'm thinking about it, and I'll give him an answer in three days."

"Yes, I understand."

Li Wei felt that doing this would be beneficial to the future of the country, but it would indeed harm the interests of some companies. He could not make decisions about this kind of thing, so he started calling Liu Zhiming: "Hey, Liu Boss, are you busy now?"

"It's okay, not too busy, what's the matter?" Although Liu Zhiming said this, but he was rushing to a meeting at this time, but he really attached great importance to Li Wei, because he is a brain-type talent , and all his thoughts can be moved on the blade, so calling him must be something.At this moment, he was trying his best to breathe steadily.

"It's like this. Some schools want to cooperate with us. Their students use all our things. We give them the lowest price."

"What do you think?" Liu Zhiming didn't think this was a good idea, he wanted to hear what Li Wei had to say.

"I think if we really sell them at a low price, then there may be many people in the society who will buy from us in the name of their students, and our benefits may be small. After all, production also costs. I now have a way to make our profit loss lower."

"What method?" He knew that Li Wei would have a good way.

"We can promise their cooperation, but we have to create "AR+VR" classrooms ourselves."

"what is that?"

"It is a way of renting a classroom, renting equipment at a low price for students, discounts for the poor, and free for the excellent."

Needless to say, Li Wei was more detailed, he believed that Liu Zhiming could understand.

Liu Zhiming thought for a while, and agreed with Li Wei's idea. He felt that Li Wei would not make a loss-making business.

After getting approval from Mr. Liu, Li Wei started to act. He started to cooperate with some schools and opened "AR+VR" classrooms in Beijing.

The price of entering this classroom is very low, and as long as the poor students show their certificates, Weishen Computer Company will give them preferential treatment, and if they are poor and outstanding students, the company will give them free treatment or even subsidies.

Because Li Wei vigorously promotes this "VR+AR" technology, and it has been proved by practice that this technology is indeed useful to people at all levels of society, and the effect is obvious after use, so this "AR+VR" technology has once again become the hot spot of the year. Become synonymous with fashion and advanced.

"Boss, you are very powerful. You have developed all the fashionable things. How can you tell others to live? Don't you give others a chance?" Although Ling Yu is capable in his work, he always points out that it is useless. joke.

"Giving others a chance is cruel to yourself, Ling'er." Li Wei joked seriously.

"Call me Ling Yu, don't call me such a mother." Ling Yu rolled his eyes.

"Don't let me call you such a mother-in-law, you're disgusted." Li Wei rolled his eyes and was not to be outdone.

At this time, many companies wanted to cooperate with Levi's company, many of them including national forces and the world's top 500, for Levi's changing trends time after time and affecting the world.

"Boss, Boss, another big boss came to you. This is amazing. This is the top five hundred in the world." Everyone in the industry knows what the abbreviation of the top five hundred in the world means.

"Then what are the conditions offered by the other party?" Li Wei looked like a big boss.

"The company pays two-thirds of the product production funds, and sells [-]-[-]% of the profit."

"If they agree, when do they want to sign the contract."


Li Wei was taken aback: It's already here?
Every company, every enterprise, and almost every country has heard of him, the pioneer of trends and technologies.Therefore, the bosses asked the employees to follow Li Wei as an example, to say what they think, to do what they say, not to talk nonsense, not to talk nonsense, to have an innovative spirit, and not to always just know how to do their own things dullly. It has created a social atmosphere where the mainstream aims at innovation.

In companies and enterprises, innovation is the first priority pursued by company executives.Only when an enterprise innovates can it have new prominence and achievements.And this is probably the main reason why the other party was able to sign the company contract readily.Li Wei thought so in his heart, and after a moment, he revealed a confident WeChat message. He wanted to face it with the best state, because, alongside opportunities, there are often challenges.

No one knows what will happen in the future, but we still have to live every day right now.Although Li Wei is the first to contact this new technology industry, it does not mean that he is a fledgling fool, hehe, this person is very shrewd and transparent!Anyone who underestimated Li Wei was finally choked up by the facts. The facts told them what strength is!
Strength, it has nothing to do with youth.

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